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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Only time will tell. Tune in tonight!! [/wwe shill mode] Can I just say, bullshit and be done with it. Meh... I wasn't impressed with the spoilers so I'll just glance at the show while I play Disgaea. I love that game.
  2. Lightning Flik

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Take your time Evo. I'm enjoying this a lot.
  3. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Well one problem was the card averaged out to 65. The second problem was probably I put all the titles up for grabs. Thirdly, the titles ratings were 0. I mean, it IS a new company so it has no history or linege to back them up. Fourthly, I forgot to have my advertisements up to at least standard par (65) as I had forgotten to change it to 50. Pretty much where I fucked up. Oh and I had no MEs either, so that probably didn't help in that status either... *sighs*
  4. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    Just the kinda news I wanna hear: "Oct 22 With both Marshall Faulk and Lamar Gordon nursing injuries, Harris will get the starting nod against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday. The Rams' rookie running back replaced the injured Gordon in last week's win over the Packers and had 85 yards and a touchdown on 18 carries." You better pray to God Harris does nothing for damage. *grins evilly* Cause Hell's coming to town. And he's paying Funjaculators a visit.
  5. Lightning Flik

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is doing well at #3, ever though < was expecting better of ^.
  6. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    ...ok, scariest moment I've EVER had in a EWR game. ...I had a PI drop of 31 points. That was with my new EWR fed I just created, it was really good, but ouchie... Need more good wrestlers apparently.
  7. Lightning Flik

    The Diatribe is up...

    Aw.... Dames needs his fans to bring him some more . Seriously good stuff at as always Damerooni.
  8. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Ok... Weirdest shit happened... I'm mean like SUPREMELY weird shit. So I book a heel team to face team in a survivor series match. I need a hot opener for my show, so like why not? Well, I book it totally accordingly with the final face subcoming to the final heel (as the final face was double teamed up to that point). So I go to click "done" when I get the face team's captain (basically just whoever was first picked) telling me they shouldn't lose. ...but was what was weird was I was going to override it, but then thought about the rest of my show and how I was booking it and realized they were right. They SHOULD win. ...it's just weird cause the game was right about how it should go down... Just weird...
  9. Lightning Flik

    Madden 2004 Owner's Mode

    Uh... Well, let's say I had cash to burn, so burned it. Most of them are/were up at the end of the season I was playing into anyways. So I figured what the hell? Ya know? Just cause I could. You know, pull off a New York Yanker. Sorry to Yankees fans.
  10. Lightning Flik

    The person above you thread!

    ^ has use of said arm. < doesn't.
  11. Lightning Flik

    The person above you thread!

    ^ ventures out now without fear.
  12. Lightning Flik

    I'm hatin' "I'm lovin' it"

    Working at BBV and at McD, you gain a new perspective of what sales clerks really go through. Or just people who make sales of any sort. I know. It's stupid how some idiots just don't get simple things. Coffee beans are like just little things you grind up and can make coffee with some water (more process involved, but really all you need). With OJ, it's like pulping, squeezing, de-sugaring to some degree, and all that. Geez... Hmph... I would've LOVED to have been there on that day, cause that sounded like fun. Oh and it's actually smart your manager did that. You handled the situation better than your co-workers did and thusly only fair to say that your manager would've done the same to someone else had they done it. And I must say anyone in the fast food industry, sales, or anything like that, does NOT make enough for going through the crap they do.
  13. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    No. Sadly. Basically hire guys with long running "good nature" history behind them and you should do fine. Well there ARE two ways, but usually don't do a hell of a lot. First: hire guys they have good relations with if everything sours. Second: Main Eventers must be on at LEAST one show a week. A good idea to work this is job people out of ME status if you aren't planning to use them in ME. If you've got a budding Uppercarder that'll be cracking ME and you don't want him ANYWHERE close to ME, give him a crack at the Main Event title against the Champion, but when you finalize the match, put match purpose as putting over the Champion. Hence it'll make it seem that although the new guy IS superior to the Uppercarders, he just isn't quite ready for ME yet. Can also work for Lowercarders and Midcarders. Just don't job him like EVERY time. Work ways around it. Third: Arsenic's Editor can do the job lovely. I can't wait for TEW though to make Overness split into Regional (local) overness and Global (world) overness. Make things a HELL of a lot easier on us all.
  14. Lightning Flik

    The Matrix explained?

    *sighs* My definition of movie filler for a series = while it does not bring any closure, it manages to keep the suspense and drama together, it keeps the story on pace, brings somethings to a close and tries not to back itself into any corners at all. Star Wars: Episode 5 was a good example of doing a lot of stuff right. On the flip side, Reloaded did a lot of stuff wrong. Sorry, I have my own little short cuts in real life that I use normally and forget I don't online. Please forgive me. And yes Two Towers didn't go anywhere in actually people moving, but the plot did. You knew the sides were being finalized for the great confrontation in the ending and it was all set up with some variables left to be decided. Sure, not AS greatly done as Episode 5, but still much better than Reloaded.
  15. Lightning Flik

    I'm hatin' "I'm lovin' it"

    Hehe... I know what you mean, God do I know. And um, I would've if they were still there, but when I mean they fucked up my order, they really fucked up my order. ...let's leave it at that. I just had my own nicely homemade hamburgers and I'd like to keep them in the stomach. Oh, it's so easy. Considering they just get livid, yell, scream and hollar at you, yet you've got no idea what the problem is. I loved this one guy, he got all mad and puffy over the fact that a large OJ (not pop, OJ) costed more than coffee and was the same size as a coffee supersize (instead of, pop). He tried picking a fight with me (I just dodged it as best as one can), my manager (who HAD explained it to her) and accused her of telling him (the guy) off over the phone yet that wasn't the case (people where right there), then tells a tale to my commanding offices that not only had my manager been telling him off and that I had also not only picked a fight with him, but also attempted to physically do him harm. ...sighs... All in a days work I guess.
  16. Lightning Flik

    Now it IS official...

    But... you signed up a week ago. What kind of loser hangs around a message board for a year without even POSTING? Uh... I lurked all of 98-99 till December of 99 when I made my first post as Dagual. I then lurked some more till Feb 28, 2002 when I came back. So it CAN happen. However, the point still remains and I must ask... ...are you, in fact a loser? If so, then it's understandable. *shrugs* Guess so. Considering that's classified as a loser, I guess I am. Meh... Wouldn't be the first time I've been called a loser in my life, and this probably won't be the last.
  17. Lightning Flik

    Now it IS official...

    I've got a Japanese anime character in my avatar and I used to have a fanfic of another one. So would you be speaking of me?
  18. Lightning Flik

    Now it IS official...

    But... you signed up a week ago. What kind of loser hangs around a message board for a year without even POSTING? Uh... I lurked all of 98-99 till December of 99 when I made my first post as Dagual. I then lurked some more till Feb 28, 2002 when I came back. So it CAN happen.
  19. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I hate you... Good job Barron.
  20. Lightning Flik

    MLW Hybrid Wrestling

    *shrugs* Well as I said, I just was stabbing in the dark.
  21. Lightning Flik

    Stop! Look! Book!

    That was just fabulous covering. I didn't even know it was old stuff till somethings just seemed a little ... "off".
  22. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Uh, I got Jamison and you better believe I'm pissed. And what's the point of the trade? Seriously, it's just AWFUL. I don't care about either team, but it's still not that great of a trade.
  23. Lightning Flik

    Seau is a RACIST~!

    Uh... I don't get how this is racist. Seriously, I had this said something similar said to me once (ie: "All we have to do to stop him from catching the football is make sure there's food around. As long as there is food, we don't have to worry about him (me)."). Then again, I'm a toothpick and eat a ton, but geez? That's racist? Whatever, that's weak.
  24. Lightning Flik

    Wrestling: 2K4

    Curious, but how you manage to get those top wrestlers away? If you do stuff like that, you should give background. Hence, I will definitely anticipate your first diary entry for all the answers.
  25. Lightning Flik

    MLW Hybrid Wrestling

    It's not the sound, but more of the practices. Your storylines are more talent/match based, you hold a "who stands where on the title listing", and you also do tournaments with big emphaze to put over talent. ...basically, you do a lot of things right. And you book accordingly as well. I'm not sure personally, as I've never seen MLW or RoH. So I'm just stabbing at the dark here.