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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    McD's: Steak N' Cheese Flatbread

    Actually, they are ordering quite well and word is, it might actually be a keeper. Or so management tells us.
  2. Lightning Flik

    McD's: Steak N' Cheese Flatbread

    Ok. Now I know you all know I'm now working at McD's, but I'd thought since this is newly out, might as well do a thread about it. My thought on it is, not bad. Better than most crap McD's has had (Hat Trick Sub/Hero Sandwich, ugh) that is like a limited time order. While it is called a Steak N' Cheese Flatbread, it's really a Philly Cheese Steak on a Flatbread. No, I haven't had one, but even my co-workers who've tried it said the exact same thing. Good things about it: ~ Nice and spicy but fine flavouring (yet, you aren't told that) ~ Actually tastes freshly made. Instead of greased fatty crappers. ~ Very filling as by itself it does fill you up (which makes the price a little reasonable) Bad things about it: ~ Steak used in the SNCF usually tastes "inferior" to actually steak you'd cook normally (I attribute that to freezer burn, and probably greased fatty crap. ~ Pricing for it is a little insane. 3.99 for it alone, 5.99 meal (that's Canadian). ~ Usually too much sauce is added to the SNCF and thusly, you'll need to get a drink, regardless if you want one or not. Iffy things about it: ~ Spicy flavouring might not be for everyone. ~ Although it TASTES like a Philly Cheese Steak (again, I'm going with second hand sources on this), it's not even close. Second grade at best. ~ Should have the Steak replaced with the Chicken from the "Lighter Choices Menu's Fajita", as it'd taste better (in my opinion, I prefer the Fajita Chicken). What do you guys think?
  3. Lightning Flik

    MLW Hybrid Wrestling

    What do you mean by it seeming more like RoH? Sounds more like an RoH diary than a MLW diary, I think he was saying.
  4. Lightning Flik

    Madden 2004 Owner's Mode

    Meh. Sometimes you have to move money. With my Houston team, I'm thinking I'm in a rebuilding stage here soon after this recent clash with the Raiders, so I'll probably be doing exactly that.
  5. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Wouldn't be surprised. I really wouldn't.
  6. Lightning Flik

    So is Chono done?

    Ouch. Ouch is right. That sounds and kinda (only have a still picture) looks like it'd hurt. Would make a good "THAT'S IT~!" finisher. Probably end up being called "Yoshie Suplex" or something. Sorry to hear about Chono though. Injuries of that kinda suck.
  7. Lightning Flik

    Who wants to learn?

    Ah verb. Ok. I must've been wanting to us it like a verb, but made it a improper noun. Heh. Thanks though. I'll try to remember that for next time. ...and I'll NEVER get into a fight with you on the subject of English as well. Sheesh... Why don't people tell me he's got an English degree?
  8. Lightning Flik

    Week Eight Prediction Thread.

    Uh, I could see San Fran falling flat on its collective asses. I got a bye so no points from me. Carolina < New Orleans Cleveland < New England Dallas < Tampa Bay Denver > Baltimore Detroit < Chicago [LOCK] N.Y. Giants > Minnesota Seattle < Cincinnati St. Louis > Pittsburgh Tennessee > Jacksonville San Francisco < Arizona Houston > Indianapolis N.Y. Jets < Philadelphia Buffalo > Kansas City Miami < San Diego (Monday Night)
  9. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Everyone on that TEAM will take a dive. There is just too many people that want the ball.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    FUCK~! Pogo got Williams. BASTARD~!
  11. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Still... This IS assuming Vince is healthy. And assuming that Jamison doesn't take a hell of a dive in stats. It's a straight up trade really otherwise. As long as everything holds true.
  12. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Another Trade on the block. Crimson Storm is trading Jamison for Pocono's Carter. Start debate about "why the fuck he do that". ...or not. Just know that's another trade that's up.
  13. Lightning Flik

    Who wants to learn?

    *looks at my secondary post, then looks at Tom's* ...sighs... Sorry about Tom. I've gotten like no sleep lately (aside from drugging myself to it) and hence, I really, really just fucked that up. But seriously though, when I had used err was wrong? Hm.. New to me. My English teacher told me that was a proper way of using it. I'll take your word though, cause you like have a degree and that he (that teacher) probably doesn't.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Ok. RRR, I hafta to hand it to you. You got Arnie's speech down pat. Good job. And seriously, that happens, you better run as everyone will be hunting down you. 'Cept me of course. No way I'm getting my crippled ass running all that way just to see someone else snipe you off. I'll wait for the DVD.
  15. Lightning Flik

    The Matrix explained?

    Let's put it this way with Reloaded: I've never seen a second movie in ANY triology that doesn't play as filler or just totally BOTCH giving hints of closure. All this movie did was make more questions, more mysteries, and more crap come out of it. Shit, this movie truly does make me feel like Two Towers is a perfect example of the middle of a triology series. I mean... Geezus, I've got a serious headache from this. ...no wait, that's actually from the pain I'm feeling. Nevermind.
  16. Lightning Flik

    dell taco vs taco bell

    Homemade Tacos. ...and no, it's not an actual Taco thing, I mean homemade.
  17. Lightning Flik

    I'm hatin' "I'm lovin' it"

    Having worked fast food back in the day I can understand what you're going through (oh, the stories I have to tell). However, when I went to a McDonald's drive-thru last week, they made my double quarter pounder a single quarter pounder, despite having been charged for a double QP value meal -- they even had it in the right box, which is why I didn't check it. Basically, if my burger has a special order slip I take their word for it (I hate onions). I don't understand why McDonalds doesn't accept credit cards at their stores. Instead of making dumb marketing campaigns, this extra convenience would make me visit the golden arches more often -- the Wendy's where I live has credit card access and I go there more than I normally would, as I do Subway. BTW: Do you have to PAY for your meals? Free food was one of the reasons I stayed at McDonalds for as long as I did... I actually worked at Taco Bell before Blockbuster and McDs afterwards. With my line of luck, Roger's Video is next. As for that, it happens my friend. Thankfully, there isn't the excuse of "whoopsie, I fucked up." Solve some problems I have. Mostly likely you probably got served by some newbie in the back and s/he fucked up. Usually what happens. And yes, stupid we still charge. Actually, I once (before I worked there) had to go back to McDs 5 times in a row because the guys in the back kept fucking up my order. All I asked for was no pickle. Then again, they WERE super busy though, so I gave them some credit. The first 3 times... By the fifth, I had my money back for a $30 meal. So yah, it happens sometimes. Nothing you can really do about it. As for the credit card, I thought about this, and came to the very simple conclusion. There's about 150 (I think it's more but I'll use that number) countries that have McDs. That's about oh... Let's say about 500 stores per country (cause you know, some countries don't have a shitload of them and others do). Now lets say about 12000 transactions in a week are credit card. And then let's add the average purchase of food is $10. If you multiply that up, you get nine billion dollars that has to be made sure it's ready. Now my figures are probably a bit on the low side in terms of cash spent a WEEK and then 12000 transactions. But think aobut it. 9 billion dollars a week by credit card? Ok... Maybe the creditors can keep up, but in a year's time they've got to account for almost half a trillion dollars (468 billion for those wondering what my stats are). That's nearly the entire deficit of Canada people (or was it trillion that we Canadian's are in debt?). Do you think the creditors wish to have that on their heads? Sure it might look nice and make them richer than hell, but it's a big thing to have a fuck up happen. Hence why it probably isn't done. Oh and they actually make more than 468 billion dollars. Just so people know I'm a little less right here than I should be. At Taco Bell, half price. At McDs it's half price. Still though, I've given up on it. I bought a burger yesterday (our McDeal was BigMac) and I almost gagged as it tasted like the awful bad. The first bite almost made me chuck it out and not feel ashamed I'd do so. Now this may not seem like a big deal to you people, but when I eat, if there IS anything left that can't readily be made into leftover meals, I will eat it even if I'm full. I just do. And even if I don't like that something, I still eat it cause I either a) paid for it or b) it was made by a person I know, and therefore it should be attemtped to eaten because they made it. I did finish it, but afterwards, I won't eat at McDs again. Not for imitative crap that just tasted so freaking horrid. *shudders* I mean, I could put up with their food but not after that... YUK~! And I swear to God our new slogan is the shitiest thing out there. WTF is this? Mindbenders R' Us?
  18. Lightning Flik

    A Little More About TEW

    OH WHO DO YOU CALL WHEN YOU NEED NEW TEW INFO? ...who else? *sigh* Onto Countdown #4~! What I mostly find interesting are the last bits. Personally, I'll probably be "Talent" first and thusly be fucked out of any seriously good jobs in the States.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    We'll see.. Although, I say it'll be craptacular.
  20. Lightning Flik

    The Matrix explained?

    But what sucks more? Knowing the major plot twist is hidden there (and quite a few people I know missed it) or the fact that the plot twist basically fucks everything up till the point of no return?
  21. Lightning Flik

    Week 7 kkk/braves contest results

    Wow... Tied for 17th~! GO ME GO~! WOOO~!
  22. Lightning Flik

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Didn't mean like the "hot" stars. Meant the big named celebs whose careers are winding down and decide to make a last ditch effort to seem important.
  23. Lightning Flik

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    My sister books better than those guys at Titan, and she absolutely will have nothing to do with wrestling. ...and yes, I asked my sister to book a card. Why? ...meh, was bitching about the WWE to her, and so I asked her opinion. I wouldn't leave her alone till I did, and thusly she did it, then beat me to hell, then put my ass out of her room. Hmph... Last time I bitch at her. I tell you that. And can I say that the spoilers suck ass... I'll watch SD, but if it really is that bad, then UGH~!
  24. Lightning Flik

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Actually, it would be whatever celeb is hot at that current time, ya know.
  25. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    Um... No. I won't fear anyone at all. I'm fucking 4-3 with a team that has the 3rd lowest points totals in the ENTIRE FUCKING LEAGUE~! Who the hell do you think I fear? NO ONE~! THAT'S WHO~! I'm gonna smack you around in the same manner that Brock Lesnar did Zach Gowan..........you will indeed have a Crimsom mask of blood. Bring it... I'll be waiting till week 12 with my 7-4 (I'll get another loss, I know that much) team. Ready to make it 8-4.