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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    Revolution Pro Wrestling

    Happy to help the confused. And yah, Tok, get something up here soon. I want to see what you got~!
  2. Lightning Flik

    Madden 2004 Owner's Mode

    Do you have the Salary Cap on? It seems hard to believe you would have those 4 offensive players unless you really suck elsewhere. My defense is killer but my O-line pretty much sucks mega-nuts. I also have McGahee as my RB (traded a 2nd rounder for him) so my running game isn't great although I do expect it to be better with time Um... I didn't say I didn't suck elsewhere. My defensive core IS the Texans after all. My RB and FB suck, and well... Besides my offense, I suck. Thankfully, I blitz at the right times in games and get the affordable sack that ensures me getting the ball back and going up by 14. And yes, I got rid of most of the dead weight from there (coughCarrcough) and huge contract sums. I signed most of them to small deals though to make sure they'd stay.
  3. Lightning Flik

    Madden 2004 Owner's Mode

    Um... Yah. Pretty easy I'd say. I've got Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Chad Johnson and Kelly Holcomb. ... free agency is lovely when you make a 20 million profit.
  4. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Um... Considering that it's a "game" for each category, I think you'd be better served trying to get blocks, rebounds and FTs.
  5. Lightning Flik

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    He asked it to be kept in. Or so I've heard.
  6. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Nah. I just had a piss poor one in the pick'em right kkk contest (I'm not even trying to start about bravesfan's) and then I'm doing poor in the football fantasy thread. So I'm going to do good here.
  7. Lightning Flik

    Revolution Pro Wrestling

    *cough* ...if he just got a TV deal, or gave himself one, the company (hence RPW) still needs to say "debuting" because it's a TV deal.
  8. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Looking at the list, I think many people took their second SG as a 3 pointer/go to secondary guy and as for Centers... Look around, I mean, hello. People just didn't make some good choices there. ...yes, I admit I made a poor choice for my second C. Bite me.
  9. Lightning Flik

    NFL rul opinion

    I actually believe that should be true. And not just 2 pts, but the full 6 and PAT (or a 2 pt convo if the other team is desperate), and if they don't make it, they start from whereever the ball was. It would keep the game more flowing and besides, it would add some intrigue. I also think that field goals should be returnable if they miss and are returnable as well.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Austin/Hart 2?

    And there's a correct way?
  11. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    It's funny. Punk ends up in a lot of those.
  12. Lightning Flik

    Head2Head wrestling sim demo

    If you mean as in: never going to happen, I'll concur. I just can't. It's taken them two years now. I can't see it coming out if they've only got 70% done and actually admit that they are weening away from the project (I looked at the post they made on their boards about the demo). So, I wait for TEW.
  13. Lightning Flik

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Uh, Jack. Once you change someone into a non-wrestler, often times, it's hard as hell to get him back to being a normal wrestler again.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Oh and if he's drafted, your fucked. Sorry, no fixing or that. Drafted as is. I didnt take him. I meant "your" as in whoever took him.
  15. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Oh and if he's drafted, your fucked. Sorry, no fixing or that. Drafted as is.
  16. Lightning Flik

    The I 'Just Bought' Thread

    After my CT scan of my neck, I bought Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance. Needless to say, you won't be seeing me for quite some time. LATER~! *off to play Disgaea right now*
  17. Lightning Flik

    Who wants to learn?

    No offense ELM, but your grammers a little off. It should be: "Its correctly spelt, feud." No it shouldn't. You're using "its" to stand for "it is," as in, "It is correctly spelt... " ELM was absolutely correct. ...sighs... Tom, read his sentence. Its correct spelling is feud. <---that was his sentence. I changed his sentence to "Its correctly spelt, feud." As his was a little awkward and considering this is about grammer, that sentence is technically wrong. So hence, he wasn't correct. You correcting my sentence by making it "It is correctly spelt feud." Thus fixing up the err I made. So in the end, ELM was wrong, so was I, and you corrected both of us. See?
  18. Lightning Flik

    Give me your "I was there" list...

    I really don't have a life here... Biggest thing that I can credit to my name of being there was I got to see and touch Lord Stanley (1990) as it was being shown off around my Aunt's work. Got a bunch of pictures, got Craig Simpson to sign the back of my jersey I was wearing (#20 wooo~!, no that was MY number, not his). Hell, I have the pictures still and the jersey. ...that's about it really. Not much else.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy NBA League?

    *checks* By God. You got him.
  20. Lightning Flik

    Fantasy Football

    And guess who decided to pick him up. *shakes head* It's really bad when 3 spots on your bench and my starter are all QBs. ...fucking hell... And I've got nothing to give to get a good QB. Worse, I don't want to give anything since I keep getting broken ones.
  21. Lightning Flik

    Dog Chews off Crippled Boy's Fingers

    Man that kid can't get a break... I feel sorry for him.
  22. Lightning Flik

    Week Seven Prediction Thread.

    Atlanta = 16 Baltimore < Cincinnati Dallas < Detroit Denver > Minnesota [Lock] Green Bay > St. Louis New England < Miami New Orleans < Atlanta Philadelphia < N.Y. Giants San Diego > Cleveland Tennessee > Carolina N.Y. Jets < Houston Chicago > Seattle Tampa Bay < San Francisco Washington > Buffalo Kansas City < Oakland (Monday Night)
  23. Lightning Flik

    A Little More About TEW

    You bastards better appreciate me: Oh and everything in this thread is currently correct. I haven't mistakenly posted something wrong.
  24. Lightning Flik

    Top 5 indy guys....

    My Top 11 (why 5?) *1) Hogan. Yes, it's bullshit, but I would hire him (should I have the cash) so as to definitely promote my promotion better. 2) Raven. I would hire Raven as I need someone who can play a deep contrast to Hogan. Yes, that would mean that I'd have a Raven vs. Hogan storyline. Take that as you will. 3) Christopher Daniels. Strong character, great heelish tendancies from what I've heard of, and very good worker. Definitely one of my top tier wrestlers. 4) AJ Styles. I'd need a guy that defines a true package wrestler. He'd be it. Definitely have AJ vs. Daniels right off the bat. 5) CM Punk. Definitely the "up and coming star" I'd try to promote. Probably do a Raven vs. CM Punk down the road. 6) Steve Corino. Heelist at the best. Probably would end up being my top heel every so often. 7) American Dragon. Need I'd say why? 8) Johnny Kashmere. Tag Team specialist. 9) Trent Acid. Tag Team specialist. 10) Matt Stryker. Need a team to compliment Backseat Boyz. 11) Chad Collyer. Need a team to compliment Backseat Boyz. * this is assuming of course, I can nail Hogan. If not, then it's a best of 10.
  25. Lightning Flik

    One of those Personal Questionaires

    ^ gave < props. DAMN~!