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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik


    I think the suspensions on everyone are a little steep, however, the Union will probably manage to slash them. Still though, man are the Pacers seriously fucked from this for quite sometime.
  2. Lightning Flik

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 11

    No, NE shall kill KC by the necessary 6. They had better. Well, I went fuck because they probably won't. However, if I win I DEMAND my ass be in 1st fucking place in the Power Weekly Polls.
  3. Lightning Flik

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 11

    Well my matchup now depends on New England killing KC. ...fuck.
  4. Lightning Flik

    TSM H2H NBA League: Year Two (2004-2005)

    He can only keep Artest for Keeper purposes if he keeps him on the roster. Same goes with any other players. Hence, Alf must choose which he'd prefer to do.
  5. Lightning Flik

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 11

    Oh lookie. The star by the person's team is the winner of it. Geez, if GB wins now, I win! GO GREEN BAY GO!
  6. Lightning Flik

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 11

    The other way put in more thought. Honestly, if we got super-sized from now on, if they are more than 5, everyone's taking the underdog in most cases. To get people to put in different responses, you should ask that they PM their picks.
  7. Lightning Flik

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    God dammit, no. Make a choice. One or the other.
  8. Lightning Flik

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    Ok, I've been asked about this time and time again to do the "other way", so I'll just ask you. Which do you support: Keeper - 3 players Dynasty - 6 players, can trade draft picks and players during off-season. Which do you support?
  9. Lightning Flik

    NFL Week 11

    All he needs to do is get 5 next week and I'll say he breaks it. For now, I'll just say he'll get close.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Who deleted my christmas thread

    Oh shush. Enjoy the spirit of Christmas from within that song.
  11. Lightning Flik

    Huge Fight at College Football..Clemson

    Ok, someone get me gifs of that STAT! I'm missing out on all the good brawls.
  12. Lightning Flik

    Who deleted my christmas thread

    Enjoy a Christmas In A Village. It'll make you feel the joy of Christmas!
  13. Lightning Flik


    Ok... I need to see this. That must be like an awesome footage. I'm checking out my sport channels to see if anyone has this down.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Who deleted my christmas thread

    Please let's not all be Christmas hating people. Christmas is a time for joy, being with ones family, and getting a lot of presents. Feel the spirit of Christmas! Have a Christmas song!
  15. Lightning Flik

    Some games delayed into next year...

    Well, for people waiting on these games, you've gotta wait a little longer yet.
  16. Lightning Flik

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 11

    *sigh* I'm going to lose this week... Those spreads will be the death of me. I just know it.
  17. Lightning Flik

    Third Annual SmartMark's Video Game Awards!

    *cough* Shooter: 01) Halo 2 – Xbox 02) Unreal Tournament 2004 – PC 03) The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay – Xbox 04) Doom 3 – PC 05) Call of Duty: United Offensive – PC If HL2 has to replace one of those, then I suggest tossing Doom 3 or the CoD expansion pack. (hurts to say that) Geezus, I'm putting that damn thing into a Word document. Last straw. I don't even remember what I do and don't have. I'll have that fixed for Halo 2 now in shooter. BTW, someone fill some of the new categories I just added, do that, and I'm all finished.
  18. Lightning Flik

    Third Annual SmartMark's Video Game Awards!

    For Best Graphics, Sound, and Gameplay, which game would you like me to take out to replace it with Half-Life 2? There is no shooter category. There is only Action. If I haven't already put it in that category, please select which game you would like taken out of that one.
  19. Lightning Flik

    Third Annual SmartMark's Video Game Awards!

    Why so it isn't... Hm... See? What I'd tell ya. I might've missed something. Fixed, taken out Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005.
  20. Lightning Flik

    Some games delayed into next year...

    They are getting worse than Waitful Delays.
  21. Lightning Flik

    Third Annual SmartMark's Video Game Awards!

    Metal Gear Solid 3 has replaced Gradius V in Action. Also added to Best Graphics and Best PS2 Game. Ninja Gaiden has been placed into Best Graphics. Yet has no other nomination in any other category. Just point that out. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has replaced Deception for Massive Hype (category has been religated to Sub). Driving has been slashed into half due to the unreliability of us getting games. At least this way, we are assured the games are correct. Burnout 3 has been added for Best Sound. Donkey Konga was added to Best Sleeper, Best Creativity and Best GC game (replaced THUG2). Half-Life 2 replaces THUG2 for Best PC game and also replaced Dead or Alive Ultimate for Action. Halo 2 has been added to nearly any and all categories I can manage. Might've missed some other changes, you'll probably find them before I remember them. Considering we've still got some time to kill (November 29th is the cut off date since I don't have any complaints for games after this date, that and most of the good games got pushed into next year), I've added four more categories. Before people kill me, these are the final ones I'm adding in people (unless I get bitched at for more, which I doubt will happen). Best Plot, Best Villian, Best Hero, Best Originality. For those of you curious, the game that has the Best Villian and Best Hero will gain points towards its game. I've pretty much filled in the Best Hero, need four more for Best Villian, some of Best Plot, and some for Best Originality. Other than that, just fill in what is needed or ask for replacements. Thanks for the putting up with me. We almost have everything set.
  22. Lightning Flik

    Third Annual SmartMark's Video Game Awards!

    Alright people, I think I have the listings finalized. I just need two more games nominated for Best Sound, three more games for Best Graphics, 1 game for Best Soundtrack, and three games for Best Sleeper. Otherwise, that's what we are going with for the lists. If there is no objection to the listings as they are (just filling in what is left), then I will probably start voting as early as November 30th (since no games are after that date) and end on Saturday December 4th, with a very nicely done up summary/column on December 5th. That sound good for everyone?
  23. Lightning Flik

    People who hate sports...

    People who hate something, don't neccessarily hate it. Most people need some incident to happen to make them interested in whatever it is they dislike. I say interested, because you can't get rid of dislike so easily.
  24. Lightning Flik

    Spain face racism inquiry from FIFA

    Gotta say that definitely isn't something I would ever expect. Geezus, that's totally classless by Spain.
  25. Lightning Flik

    Raw Rating

    You know what? I just realized that I can see what Orton books for the final week of his SS team winning. HHH© vs. Benoit vs. vs. Maven vs. Jericho in an Elimination Match. And on top of that, the face wins and RKO then says that as long as so and so holds the title HHH can never gain a shot at the World title. Just to toss it back in HHH's face. Of course, then RKO books himself a World Title match against said face opponent. At least that's what I'm thinking RKO will do.