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Lightning Flik

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Everything posted by Lightning Flik

  1. Lightning Flik

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 9

    That tie will likely hurt you teke. Its never been a good thing in this league yet. I remember someone in my division, back when I was the Falcons, who had a tie (think this was fazzle) and didn't make the playoffs because that tie put them below the division leader (9-5-1) and said person had the tiebraker if the two teams tied in record. Though, since you are the division leader, that might be a good thing.
  2. Lightning Flik

    Need a little help...

    Well, I'm finally fed up here. I've been trying to get these files to work the way I've heard they are supposed to but it isn't happening. ...doesn't help that they are in Japanese, but meh, I figured I could screw around and get lucky. Anyways, the point. The program(s) I'm trying to use is some mascot characters from Negima manga. These characters are supposed to interact, talk with one another and yadda, yadda, but I can't get them to do anymore than sit on my freaking bar or interact when they pop up. I was hoping someone would be able to inform me on how to get this to work so they interact, because I'm at my wits end. Mascot Files If anyone can figure this out, I'd be grateful.
  3. Lightning Flik

    AOL/Bittorrent problem...

    Sounds like my problem: I have a brand new Telus modem (Telus is Western Canada's big telecommunications provider) and they've got it set so that you can't really use torrents. Causes the exact same problems, shut down the modem and can't do anything. If you are having that problem, don't worry about it, walk away for a bit, and see if that helps. It usually takes a bit for it to "reboot" so to speak. Or at least so I'm finding. If not, not sure.
  4. Lightning Flik

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 9

    And of course, Minny does the next best thing and chokes to the 49ers who put out the worst performance and still find a way to win. *shakes head* There goes any hope of me making an outside chance at the playoffs, I'd hafta run the table and at this point that doesn't look likely.
  5. Lightning Flik

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    Well, I don't really sleep so that always helps with the gametime playing.
  6. Lightning Flik

    NHL Thread: November Edition

    CC, its also been reported that Kaigorodov is going home and forfeiting his contract apparently. Both TSN.ca and The Score were pretty liberal with their use of MacT's quote of "retarded". I can't be the only one who found that surprising. I'm more amazed MacT wasn't more pissed off. Hemsky's goal was a goal, there is and was no question and frankly the ref'ing is the absolute pits right now. But at least I can't complain too much. Its pits all across the board for everyone. Just that one stings. Is it just me or is ref'ing in all leagues becoming the absolute pits?
  7. Lightning Flik

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 9

    Thanks Dallas, I much appreciate you fucking up and causing me grief. Now I'm hoping Seattle, NE, and Minny do the jobs I need them to. Ugh...
  8. Lightning Flik

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    I'm probably guessing 70 total hours for the whole game + sidequests. If it was 70 total hours just to beat the game without sidequests, this game better be freaking awesome is all I gotta say. Because that's a long time.
  9. Lightning Flik

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 9

    (5.5) Atlanta Cincinnati (3.5) Dallas Green Bay N.Y. Giants (13.5) St. Louis (2.5) Chicago (13.5) (1.5) New Orleans Jacksonville (9.5) (5.5) Minnesota San Diego (12.5) Denver New England (3.5) Seattle (7.5) San Fran with 19. And I totally forgot my browser ate my picks a few days ago.
  10. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    "They?" - Gabe - Wed, November 01 2006 - 10:11 AM So I guess it hasn't really changed. My apologizes I should've said Tycho. My bad. I forgot Gabe said it wasn't for him. And yes, it has really been that long since we've had a "real" Final Fantasy.
  11. Lightning Flik

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    It boasts 70 hours, I'm impressed. We'll see if that is actually how long it'll take someone to beat the game. I do like that it just takes a simply flick of the wrist to do combat, because I don't think slashing like a real sword would entice people who aren't all that used to slashing things (ie: myself) for a living.
  12. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    I hate whiny characters unless they are thieves/"baddies", and only whine just because they can to be an ass. Usually though that isn't the case with the games. General Leo wouldn't've died though or would've been resurrected. Along with Gogo actually being Daryl (Setzer's love). If it was a Hollywood happy ending.
  13. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    FF6 you have to rebuild the whole freaking world. I think that counts against a typical Hollywood ending.
  14. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    By Hollywood style, no one of the main characters or sub characters gets offed and you get everyone having a happy ending. Probably the only one is really FF8. You could make a case for FF4 or FF9, but 4 has Kain leaving on his own journey and probably never finding happiness and 9 has everyone trying to rebuild the world pretty much (and Hollywood endings have little of that).
  15. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    I just can't agree calling it one of the best when you could in fact cheat the game out by using Yuna's summons to beat the hell out of the game. Maybe the other thing is that Tidus just wasn't really a very compelling character for me either. >_< Dammit, next Thursday hurry up so I can play this damn thing.
  16. Lightning Flik

    Justice League Heroes :: The Thread

    I'm kinda surprised you rated sound a 9, when you say it is average and just does the job which by all standards I know of is a 6. Also, some of those categories are needless. Gameplay and Story do not need to be seperated as the story itself is what drives you to play, therefore it is apart of gameplay. Replayability should also be mentioned but added into gameplay. Originality, Appeal Factor, Balance, Addicticeness and Misc could've all just been added together and put together as one category. However, the actual content in the review is good itself and definitely makes the game seem to be worth playing.
  17. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    Ok, FFX is not one of the best games ever. A good game, yes, best, no. I hafta wait till next week to buy my own copy and not a gift. I knew I should've moved out from my folks place because I bought it, and my parents are like "why did you buy that for yourself?" And so I had to cover that it was a gift for my sis and her fiance. Dammit. So has anyone even gotten that far in it at all?
  18. Lightning Flik

    The Official "52" Thread

    ...touche. Why can't comics keep people who die, die. And elevate someone new? I mean no one stays dead. Good reason why I started hating comics.
  19. Lightning Flik

    kkk Bowl IV: Week 8

    Wow, I'm only two games back of first place in the division. ...why does that kinda scare me?
  20. Lightning Flik

    The NHL Thread - October

    Can't believe I've gotta wait till next year to see Crosby, Malkin, and Staal against my Oilers. ...of course it'll be a slaughter of my team knowing my luck, but dammit. I'd like to see it.
  21. Lightning Flik

    The Official "52" Thread

    You know, it might've been better served to kill off Nightwing. I can't stand him character wise.
  22. Lightning Flik

    Final Fantasy XII

    The Penny Arcade Strip actually was a parody on it, and also the write up for that day that they had said the Gambit was a good thing but there were just sometimes it felt like that strip. European release date is what it is Muzz.
  23. Lightning Flik

    The NHL Thread - October

    No. The obstruction call is if the stick even attempts a minor hook, its called. So all a player needs to do is hook his stick barely onto something to get called. So if try hooking the stick and miss, expect to be called.
  24. Lightning Flik


    What if all that is true and its not the surprise? I mean, Nintendo keeps coming out with leftfield stuff, so I'm kinda suspecting it.
  25. Lightning Flik

    Legend of Spyro

    Glad to know that I won't waste any time on this Andrew. Thanks. And that's a hell of a decent review there. I'm shocked. If only you included music score and I'd say you should try going professional.