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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    That chinese dude (Charlie Minn) is now a sportscaster on our local Action News . . . yes, it's actually called Action News . . . and no, April O'Neil is not the lead news anchor.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    The WWF did a marketing survey in late 1995, asking fans which person in the WWF would you most like to get powerbombed, and Didinsky came first. Shortly after, he was fired. Too bad they didn't have Diesel powerbomb him on his way out. Could have only helped Nash's popularity at the time.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    I hated Barry Didinsky . . . or however you spell that douchebag's name
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Impact Timeslot "Upgrade"

    Uh oh, guess that means the Midnight Wars in Cleveland will be starting up . . . WWE's Bottom Line vs. TNA's Impact
  5. MillenniumMan831

    Wrestling autographs

    Jacob Blu? Personally, I would prefer Eli's autograph. I'll take Uncle Zebechiah for $200 Alex.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    Molly is still negotiating?
  7. MillenniumMan831

    Wrestling autographs

    If he wasn't such a flake then Randy Savage. As it is, Ric Flair.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    The Premier of Assault on Devil's Island wasn't much better either, I feel sorry for the people who watched that just to see a quick Sting/Hogan contract signing. On the bright side, Shannon Tweed was in it.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    The Premiere of Adventures of Robin Hood
  10. MillenniumMan831

    WCW: The Essential "Must Have" List

    That's a nice list. I think Steamboat vs. Austin from Clash of Champions 8/94 should be added as Steaboat FINALLY triumphed over Austin in an awesome match which would unfortunately be his last in a brilliant career. With all those CW matches you have at the end, I think the 10-Man Cruiserweight Countdown Match has to be added that took place on Thunder leading up to SuperBrawl Revenge. It was Shane Helms vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kourageous vs. Jamie Knoble vs. Billy Kidman vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Yang (Akio) vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Lash Leroux vs. Elix Skipper The rules were just like the match at WMXX except the wrestlers came from the back and not from just outside the ring. The CW Countdown ran a lot longer and was much finer than the WMXX match. It was a 20ish minute breath of fresh air and would be one of the last of its kind as WCW was bought out soon after as the Cruiserweight Division as we know it died. Quite honestly, I'm not sure why Mortis & Wrath Vs. Ernest Miller & Glacier is on it. Must be better than I originally remembered.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    Selling some tapes

    I know one can hear crickets in this forum but I went ahead and edited the list to reflect tapes that are gone and tapes that are added in. The most notable addition is probably - UFC 1: The Beginning (Commercial Master w/ original box)
  12. MillenniumMan831

    Must See Matches

    I have 2 Shawn Michaels CVs and that match is on neither. It is on Slamfest 95 (Other matches are Luger/Diesel, Kid/Yoko, and a couple others, just a 60min quickie).
  13. MillenniumMan831

    Buff Bagwell

    But Kurt Angle was. Wrap your mind around that one and your head will explode.
  14. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Except then they'd be spitting in the faces of the fans who are still willing to buy tickets to house shows. Not that WWE wouldn't do it anyway, but it's a bad idea to begin with. Wouldn't that make house show attendance go up a bit in the hopes of actually seeing a title change? When I say spin it, I meant in reality you have Cena get bopped in the head w/ the belt but the announcers can scream Bloody Murder and how Heel X stopped at NOTHING to win the championship . . . not necessarily lying but a grose exaggeration.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    If they really want to protect Cena, they can have him drop the belt at a house show to whomever. That way, WWE can spin it (not the belt) any way they want and the fans would have to accept it since 99% never saw the change.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    You may be right but you may be mixing in the tournament for a #1 Contender leading to Backlash 2003 which Cena won.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Ex NWA Wildside Talent SHOOTS!

    We'll discuss here.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Heyman will be lucky to be on the writing committee for the show . . . he'll probably be out of a job by then.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    ^^^ He'll squash RhYno in a ECW/World Title Unification Match after a 2 week mini feud on Raw on the level of Undertaker/Tommy Dreamer '02. And the sad thing about Steph being threatened by Heyman is that it's strictly an ego/power thing. Mostly in the real world, when someone feels that their job is threatened, it's due to the potential of having to take a position w/ less money. Obviously, that's not the case w/ Steffy at all. Makes me sick.
  20. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    That's sadder than the reason I thought it was . . . they didn't feel like it.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Totally agreed S_D. Just leave ECW alone unless Heyman gets 100% control of the content of the show even if he has to use WWE contracted guys that were in ECW at some point and maybe a few other guys like London, Akio, ect. Sometimes I think Vince does indeed 'get' what the fans really want but he is polluted by what his family thinks is best. And deep down, he would really rather please them than the fans.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Who the fuck is Steph to say who will be on the ECW ppv?
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Old school shows of the week #8

    Eh, I'll always have a soft spot for WM2 since it was the only wrestling tape our video store had to rent for years. It was an interesting concept but only gave the fans a 1hr live show before having to watch the rest on a big screen . . . of course most of the fans that go to a Raw show nowadays have to endure the same thing. The Tag Title match was excellent. The Funks/JYD/Tito tag match was quality. I enjoyed the battle royal as it used the NFL players about as well as you can w/o the wrestlers looking incompetent . . . aside from the Fridge/Studd scenario, but that doesn't bother me in the slightest since it wasn't as if it made Studd look weak or anything. The boxing match was entertaining and I would say the same for the I-C Title match if not for the fact that they did the same match for almost 2 years. The cage match was about as good as it could be considering the participants.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    Recognized WWE Matches

    I don't see the "Over the Top--Off w/ the Top Match" (aka Holiday Topless Over the Top Match).
  25. MillenniumMan831

    WON January 14th 1991

    I'd love to read them.