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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Tape Trading folder

    Sounds like a Constanza rant from a certain Shrinkage episode.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Buff Bagwell

    I'll never forget that chinlock. I honestly thought an agent told them to execute a super long rest hold to make the comeback seem more exciting or something. As for when I knew the InVasion was screwed was when The Acolytes beat O'Haire/Palumbo clean and convincingly at the InVasion ppv. It left kind of a funky feeling with me seeing it live that they couldn't put a young up and coming team over an established team who will always have heat w/ the drinking gimmick . . . even if it was a totally cheap/unclean win. Plus, when I saw interpromotional matches on Heat/Jakked, I knew the InVasion was dead.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    If you were a wrestler...

    Prefer to be given only finish and call everything else in the ring ? Lay the entire match out beforehand ? Eh, lay the story of the match out beforehand but not move-for-move. Like to have your promo's scripted ? Or just be given a couple of bullet points, and wing the rest ? Better just give me a few bulletpoints cause I'll forget my lines if I have a script. Blade often ? Only on occasion ? Would you rather never blade at all ? If I were to blade, I'd have to do one backstage for practice . . . as odd as that sounds. If I did it once and it wasn't too bad . . . I wouldn't mind doing it here and there. What style would you like to wrestle ? Why would you prefer to employ that particular style over others ? I'd work WWE style since it's the easiest style to learn. Copout answer, but it's the truth. Refuse to take certain moves ? Only take them when working with certain wrestlers ? I'd take anything and everything as long as it's been done before w/ good results. No cheese graters please. Are there any match types you'd like to wrestle in a lot ? Some match types you'd rather never have to work in ? Since I'm a HUGE battle royal mark, stick me in those along w/ Royal Rumbles and Survivor Series elimination matches. War Games sounds like a lot of fun too. What style of normal match would you like to do the most ? Would you prefer to sell or to dominate ? Would you like to do long matches ? I'd love to get my ass kicked and sell in a long match to try to get the fans to get behind me for a huge or even small comeback at the end of a match. Plus, it seems like everyone wants to be a heel, may as well be a face. Would you like to have a manager or valet to work spots with, or would you rather just do it all yourself ? I wouldn't mind either way as long as the person is good. I don't need Coach or Bill Alfonso blowing a fuckin whistle every 10 seconds during my match. Are there some types of angles that you would refuse to do ? Some types of angles that you'd love to do ? I'd do any angle as long as I didn't have to kiss a dude on the mouth. What promotion would you like to work for the most ? What promotion would you hate to work for ? I'd work for anybody. It'd be awesome to have an undercard match at MSG in the 1980s. Oh, how I daydream I could be the next Jose Luis Rivera. Any wrestlers today that you'd like to work against ? Any you would avoid working against at all costs ? I'd love to work against Ric Flair or Stevie Richards. Sounds like a ball. I don't think I need to take any Benoit chops or JBL clotheslines as long as I live though. What wrestlers from the past would you like to work against ? What wrestlers from the past would you not want to work against ? I'd love to work against Hulk Hogan (if I was a heel) or Randy Savage since I'd like to think my style would be most like his where he wasn't very conventional and while he did take many top rope leaps . . . he didn't do 450s or SSPs, but he didn't have to either. From what I've heard about him, I'd have no desire to square off against Bruiser Brody.
  4. MillenniumMan831

    The dorkiest sports personalities.....

    Okay let's get one thing straight here. You don't FUCK with John Stockton. John Stockton is the coolest basketball player ever because 1) He had the balls to wear short shorts 2) He defied the aging process like some only wish they could 3) He went to Gonzaga 4) He gave short white kids hope in an era of the NBA dominated by tall black guys 5)He didn't fuck around with agents, and just directly negotiated with management instead. Now THAT's cool. I couldn't have said it better myself. So he's a cheap, white dork who looks perplexed all the time.
  5. That was the beauty of the Mega Powers spilt. Everyone has/had an opinion of who was right and who was wrong. I'm sure a storyline like this, executed the way it was, touched a nerve on more than a few people. Just an awesome storyline considering it was blantantly obvious that Hogan was walking out of WMV w/ the WWF Title.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    The dorkiest sports personalities.....

    Even though he retired, John Stockton seemed like a pale ass dork w/ no personality. He plays basketball, tried his damndest to look pissed, and looks like he goes home and reads the Goosebump books.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    Funaki's boyhood dream has been realized

    Those wacky Jung Dragons are causing confusion again.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Well if the Armageddon tradition carries on, then HHH will win the Main Event.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    Hart Foundation and Danny Davis vs. British Bulldogs and Tito Santana --- Wrestlemania 3 On 2/86, Danny Davis was the referee when Savage clonked Santana w/ brass knucks and won the IC Title in Boston. Later in the year, Davis was reffing in a very shady manner. Faces would walk out of Danny Davis matches to protest his horrendous officiating. The climax of this is when he blatantly cost the British Bulldogs the Tag Titles against the Hart Foundation on SuperStars on 1/87 by not even being in the ring when DBS would have his opponent pinned. Davis was in cahoots w/ the Harts and would be suspended for life from refereeing by Jack Tunney on a later ep of SuperStars. He'd later officially join the Hart Foundation as the 6-Man tag match for WMIII was all set.
  10. MillenniumMan831

    WWE News and Notes from the 12/13 WO

    He yells in meetings. He even yelled at my daughter. That may work for a bingo hall drawing 500 people per night but not here in WWE. We are a publicly owned company. Mr. Heyman's actions are inexcusable. We adhere to a higher level of moral fiber than the antics he pulled off in Philadelphia. Sure, the ECW dvd has sold some copies here and there but you and I both know it was due to WWE's superior prodiction value. That is what connects to the general public. Not guys plummeting from 1,000 feet in the air through a bunch of burning tables. This is WWE. We adhere to a higher level of moral fiber than that. Plus, the guy wears baseball caps all the time. Regards, Vincent K. McMahon --- A man of high level of moral fiber
  11. MillenniumMan831

    WWE News and Notes from 12/13 WO

    Thanks HTQ! Good stuff.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    Jake Roberts vs. Andre --- Wrestlemania 5 During the 10/88 SNME, Roberts had Rude obliterated when Heenan called for backup and it was Andre the Giant. In desperation, Roberts grabbed the snake and Andre froze like a deer in the headlights. He was screaming "I DON'T LIKE THAT BOBBY! BOBBY!!!" He eventually had some sort of "heart failure" and collapsed on the mat while Jake and the fans celebrated. The Snake would help to cost Andre the WWF Title the next month on SNME. At SurSer 88, Andre was DQed for strangling Roberts past the 5 count. Jake was then quickly pinned by Hennig. At RR89, Andre chucked Jake out a little over 2 minutes after making his entrance. Roberts returned w/ Damien and caused Andre to eliminate himself. The whole feud was based on Andre being physically superior to Roberts w/ The Snake having no prayer . . . unless he got a hold of Damien . . . much like the WMV match played out.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    Top Five Funniest Wrestlers

    (In no order) 1980s - Capt Lou Albano - Rowdy Roddy Piper - Lucious Johnny Valiant - Bobby Heenan - Iron Sheik 1990s - Bobby Heenan - Chris Jericho - Owen Hart - Evil Doink - IRS --- For as goofy as this character could have been, Rotundo did an awesome job of attempting to make it feel somewhat legit while still keeping it entertaining/light-hearted enough for it to work (Quit crying and start PAYING!). 2000s - Ric Flair - Kurt Angle - Vince McMahon - Heel Rock - Norman Smiley/Glacier tandem
  14. MillenniumMan831

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    ^^^ Well, I cheated. I got all that from the CVs I have as I didn't get into wrestling until late 1988-early 1989. Heenan was indeed perfect for Andre as he did all the talking also for the Hogan/Andre contract signing and brought forth Hogan's best acting (snicker snicker) "Sign it if you're gonna sign it! Grrrrrr!"
  15. MillenniumMan831

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    No feud for Jake/Hercules SS88 other than Herc being a Heenan family member since Jake was having his heated feud w/ Rick Rude at the time that was going around the horn. As for Funks vs. Santana/JYD at Wrestlemania 2, JYD had a match w/ Terry Funk. When Funk was in trouble, Hoss debuted (actually acknowledged as Dory by Vince) and double teamed JYD. During the SNME rematch, Jimmy Hart interfered and Funk picked up a pinfall victory. Hart was then branded by JYD. Both of these matches are on CV's Grudge Matches. I believe at this time, JYD/Santana were on-and-off tag partners so they teamed up at WM2 to even the odds against the dastardly Funks . . . JYD was pinned again. As for Hogan vs. Bundy at Wrestlemania 2, Bundy challenged Hogan to a title match on the 3/1986 SNME and then squashed Steve Gatorwolf. Fuji came down w/ "Asian Flu" and could not accomany Muraco for his title match w/ Hogan so Heenan was allowed to take his place. W/ Muraco in trouble, Bundy ran in and proceeded to give Hogan several Avalances and big splashes. This sent Hogan to the hospital in kayfabe terms but obviously recovered in plenty of time to beat Bundy at WM2.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    What was the feud going into these matches?

    To elaborate on the Hogan/Andre feud . . . Hogan gets a big ol trophy for his 3rd Anniversary as WWF Champion on Piper's Pit. Andre comes out as gives him a firm handshake and says "3 Years to be a champion is a long time" and walks off. Piper sells it like a shoot but plays it off and asks to be cut off the air while murmuring w/ Hogan about what happened. Next week on PP, Andre gets a smaller trophy and Hogan barges in just as Andre is about to speak and starts rambling about Andre's virtues. Andre walks off much to the confusement of Piper/Hogan. Next week, Ventura compares the size of the 2 trophies and challenges Piper to bring Hogan the next week if Ventura can bring Andre. Challenge accepted. Next week, Andre comes out w/ Heenan, challenges him to a WM3 title match, and rips off Hogan's shirt/cross. Andre leaves and Hogan accepts. On the 3/1987 SNME, they are in a battle royal together when w/ the help of the distraction of Paul Orndorff, Andre sneaks up behind Hogan, headbutts him, and chucks him out. Moments later, everyone in the ring roll Andre over the top rope and Hercules would eventually win the BR. If you find it on ebay for a reasonable price, Coliseum's Brains Behind the Brawn has an excellent 15 minute-ish synposis on the Hogan/Andre feud as does Hulkamania 3.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Favourite Coliseum Video

    ^^^ IIRC, Owen was cracking me up during that tape w/ his mocking of MOM.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Favourite Coliseum Video

    Mine would have to be Rowdy Roddy Piper's Greatest Hits. Just 90 minutes of primo Piper footage including Piper's Pit w/ himself. More SNME was another good one. Rockers/Busters, Blazer/DiBiase, Hogan/Bossman in the cage match, Rooster's face turn, ect.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    ^^^ I will say I cracked up on Heat a while back when Maven was getting the better of Garrison Cade early in the match. In frusturation, Cade marched over to the ref and frantically pulled his hair then his tights in rapid fire motion to show the ref he was being cheated.
  20. MillenniumMan831

    Don't ask Meltzer too many questions

    Dude, just bother Dave and leave the board alone.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    WON January 14th 1991

    Ah, looks like Dusty will be named WCW booker in the near future. That can't miss. Thanks HTQ!
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Favorite Positvely Kanyon Moment

    I loved it when he channeled his Men at Work days and drove the forklift that supported Judy Bagwell.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Boston Garden

    I THINK it was 5/85.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Put that down to Eric. He made the call to take Jericho off TV in the last months of his stay. Quite why they didn't bury him on the way out, I don't know. FWIW, he was jobbed out for the most part from January until April. He would pick up a win here and there against the likes of Saturn and Lizmark Jr but was mostly fodder for guys like Booker T and Scott Steiner. And I believe his last ever loophole was weasling his way back into the US Title Tournament after Steiner eliminated him. There was an injury and Jericho kissed up to President Flair and w/ him was . . . JoJo Dillion himself. Sadly, he lost again to Booker T in the tourney. . . and then lost again in a non-tourney match to Booker T.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    The Mole

    ^^^ Great stuff! Thanks.