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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    WWE DVDs for release next year

    For reference sake, that's on the InVasion ppv (July 2001).
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Most inaccurate statement Jim Ross??

    He used to phone it in big time when he did Action Zone w/ Todd Pettingill. JR sounded so ashamed that he was calling midget tag matches w/ a goof. He played along but w/ 1/1000 of the energy as when Austin got hot.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    Paul Heyman Bashes TNA Promotion

    In all fairness, even Vince didn't know what he was thinking when he jobbed Tazz out like a bitch to HHH. He said how he "must of thought it was a good idea at the time."
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Question about the WM 2000 bonus disc

    Eh, I picked up the book w/dvd for $5.98 at Half Price Books so I can't complain about it. Great place to find ol rasslin books for supah cheap.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    X-Pac & Chyna sex tape sold.

    The foreplay should be a hoot, but I ain't watching anything after that.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    The Old School questions thread

    Sort of. They held a Clash at the indoor portion of Ceasar's Palace, but not the outside part where WM IX was held. Those shows came in January of 1995 and 1996. As for a semi-rare outdoor show WCW had some matches one ep of WCW Saturday Night in Mayish of 1995 from "Speed Street". They held the Slim Jim Challenge there where the winner got a TV Title Shot at Bash at the Beach 1995 (another outdoor show). Orndorff won by defeating Duggan in the finals and Pillman in the semis. Duggan beat Big Bubba to advance . . . could be wrong, this is all off of memory. They also had a squash or two out there in the rain. In the arena, they had 2nd Round matches for the WCW US Title Tournament and was also Stunning Steve's last match of any impact getting beat by Macho Man Randy Savage in about three or so minutes. Kind of sad.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    Worse no sell of all time

    In GB's defense, he probably barely noticed Luger's bunt-like swing of the chair. But yeah, that looked pretty bad.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    Non-spoiler Smackdown match listings for 11/18/04

    Just a question on the ethics of posting non spoilers: If a match is made for later that night, wouldn't posting that match be considered a spoiler of sorts? Not so much as in this week's SD, but if Teddy Long booked a WWE Title Match as the ME of the night at the top of the show, would posting what the match is be considered a spoiler since it wasn't booked until after the show started? EDITED Not trying to start anything, I'm just curious.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    The Story On The Cuts

    No doubt there, much appreciation!
  10. MillenniumMan831

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    Just came back from Gund Arena . . . nothing happened after the show went off the air. Orton just hi fived some ringsiders and left. As for the show, well, my buddy and I were talking about the Snitsky/Heidenreich confrontation most of the way home which says something about the rest of the show. While it did not aspire to suck, it's safe to say that for a "Big 4" ppv, it was lackluster.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    The 40 LEAST Metal moments

    Well, James didn't look too impressed after Avril's perfomance.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    Question about the WM 2000 bonus disc

    Vince Sr. passed away in around the summer time of 1984, I want to say May or June of that year.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    Well, I'll be going to SurSer tonight and after the shitty Raws that have invaded Cleveland lately, it will be the last event I'll attend for a LONG LONG time. Unless, the ppv is surpisingly good, all I'm looking for out of the night is a Booker T championship win. If that happens, they can have a sequel of the Tottie Wilson Sex Test for all I care and I'll still be happy. And I guess I'm mildly interested in Snitsky's involvement but I got a feeling he'll be DQed 5 minutes into the match. Eh, how bad could it be (Rhetorical Question)?
  14. MillenniumMan831

    Big Show Injured

    Oh Geezus, I'm going to SurSer tomorrow and I'm not even pumped to go. I was looking forward to a WWE Title change but that doesn't look like that'll happen. Instead, I get one SS match where it's almost a sure bet HHH will prevail and the other will only have 6 healthy wrestlers. Oy! Well, I got Heidenreich to look forward to.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    RVD DVD??

    I think he pinned The Rock in a tag match on Raw.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    In Bobby Heenan's shoot he also wonders aloud how Madden has that MTV look. He goes right up to the camera and asks, "Is that the kind of LOOK you want?!?"
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Hogan used to do that in the WWF ALL the time. When I first started watching wrestling I didn't think he could walk off from an interview normally. He did the same thing at Summerslam 90 talking about a water ski, and I think at Rumble 90 as well. I really need to see these...especially the motorcycle one. Don't forget about him backstroking off screen at WMIV.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Yeah, Kim was hooked up w/ Johnny B Badd. Her most notable moment in the role was probably at Starrcade 1995 when she called Sonny Onoo 'Hop Sing' . . . I think she called him Hop Sing at least.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Vince and JR were welcoming everyone to Survivor Series 1996 (may have been the Free for All though). This was during JR's first bitter ol man phase. Vince quips something about JR making sure his ego is kept in check which prompts JR to say something to effect of, "Oh you're one to talk about egos!" Then Vince turns to the camera w/ a classic, "AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!"
  20. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    The poor guy jobbed to Jericho the night that CJ listed his 1,004 holds to the live crowd. ARMBAR!!!
  21. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    He actually had at least two Thunder matches. One billed as AJ Styles and Air Paris while the second they were billed as Air Raid. During the 1st match, Styles did the Shooting Styles Press to the outside which in effect cost his team the match when most of the brunt was felt by Paris. The second match Styles/Paris went over the Boogie Knights. They may have had other matches.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    You will NOT use bad words in SC schools!

    Great guggly moly!
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "I'm gonna unmask you and show how UUHHHGGGLLLYY you really are . . . cause you ain't no matinee idol, if ya know what I'm sayin. Thank you!" - Chris Jericho on Nitro before his title vs. mask match against Juventud Guerrera.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    This is definitely the best thread on the board in a LONG LONG time. Thanks everyone for the input. As for my inquiries, my favorite WCW character is Chris Jericho's heel shtick from 1998-99. Did Jericho really book the way he turned heel, all his feuds, ect? I ask because how did Jericho get Malenko, Juvy, Iaukea, and the rest of the CW division to job to him every week w/o the political support of guys like Bischoff, Nash, Hogan, ect. Plus, he had to convince someone to get them to send a camera crew to Washington DC in Jericho's search for justice after losing the CW belt. Did Jericho clear the stuff he did w/ anybody? Or did he just conceal his props until showtime? I'm sure the 1,004 holds had to have been given the ok by someone . . . and I get the feeling the only reason CJ was allowed to do it was since it was at Malenko's expense. Did Jericho call Goldberg out from the blue? Or did Bischoff give him the ok to do it until Nash spoiled everyone's fun? ------------------------------------------------------------ As for Kevin Nash and Jimmy Hart, were they cool w/ each other? I ask since I'd figure that there would be a little tension there since Hart is Hogan's best friend. But, in Hart's shoot interview, I guess he begged Nash to not release Moore, Helms, & Kourageous so he could do the 3 Count gimmick and film them a music video. Nash wholeheartedly agreed. I would have guessed Nash would have cut the 3 Count gimmick before it started. ------------------------------------------------------------- Was there ever any tentative plan to give either Mike Awesome or Lance Storm a brief run w/ the WCW Championship in 2000? -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks again!