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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    The only time I remember anyone saying that was Dusty Rhodes when they panned the crowd at Hog Wild 1996.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Undertaker vs JBL 2

    Only if JBL gets thrown off the roof only to return unharmed later in the night.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    Best song opening

    Guns n Roses --- "Welcome to the Jungle" Metallica --- "Sanatarium (Welcome Home)"
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    (From the Angle/Benoit cage match. Austin is doing guest commentary.) JR: Boy I can recall one time when Benoit hit 10 German suplexes on someone I know. Austin: That someone was Stone Cold Steve Austin. JR: Oh? Austin: You think that's funny? You know how that felt . . . . . it hurt like a BASTARD! Just a perfect delivery by Austin.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    New/Reissued DVD's

    The match that aired was this one, unless they cut it from IYH and spliced it in with the rest of the Raw episode. WWF @ Struthers, OH - High School - June 5, 1995 Monday Night Raw taping: 6/5/95: KOTR Qualifying Match: Davey Boy Smith fought WWF Tag Team Champion Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette) to a 15-minute time limit draw as Owen had Smith down in a backslide Well, I do remember that match not taking place from the same arena as the others that night. IIRC, Vince and Lawler kicked it over to JR and Monsoon to call the match.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    Who's Looks Have Deteriorated The Most?

    Sorry for going off topic but after seeing WMXX, I'm convinced that Tito Santana could make a comeback if he wanted to.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    The Nightclub Shotgun Episodes

    IIRC, they even would dedicate one segment on Sunday Morning Superstars to showing highlights of Shotgun Saturday Night. Looked really interesting since it looked like chaos/anarchy every week in comparison to Raw or Superstars.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    The Nightclub Shotgun Episodes

    Thanks! Good read indeed.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    Top five matches of your favorite wrestler?

    Macho Man Randy Savage - His IC Title rematches vs. Tito Santana at MSG in 1986 (Sorry, counting them as one . . . seen on CV's Macho Man Randy Savage & Elizabeth) - vs. Ted DiBiase in a Steel Cage at MSG 6/88 (seen on CV's Macho Madness and Best of WWF Volume 18) - vs. Hulk Hogan at WMV - vs. Jim Duggan at MSG in late 1989 (seen on CV's Mega Matches) - vs. Ric Flair at WMVIII
  10. MillenniumMan831

    Who's Looks Have Deteriorated The Most?

    I would throw Sensational Sherri on that list.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    Stupid Gimmicks wrestlers could have.

    Or he could work for IBM (wouldn't even have to change his ring attire) and 5 minutes into the match, leave the ring and say "I BM!!!" Yeah, it's as bad as it sounded in my head when I typed it.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    Best NA Tag Match

    29. Team USA vs Hart Foundation - Canadian Stampede (17-6) 11. Steiners vs Bret/Owen Hart - Wrestlefest 94 (17-6)
  13. MillenniumMan831

    I turned 30 today.

    He's so old, he has an autographed copy of the Bible. He's so old, Mary and Joseph were voted cutest couple at his high school. --- God Bless Jerry Lawler's Hart family jokes from 1993 (I wish I could remember more)--- And Happy Birthday kind sir!
  14. Gotta love the honesty there!
  15. MillenniumMan831

    Earthquake told he has less than 2 yrs

    Hope the big guy makes it through. Saying a prayer for you Quake.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Stupid Gimmicks wrestlers could have.

    Rhyno as a zookeeper. Eugene as an accountant. Jericho as a roadie. Edge as a sunglasses model. Smash as a Repo Man . . . oh yeah . . . well, they should bring that one back. LOD as yoga instructors. Jim Cornette as a mime. Bobby Heenan as a coin collector. Iron Sheik as a Presidential Candidate following in Bob Backlund's footsteps.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    This commentary thing has been bugging me

    That's why I also loved Gorilla Monsoon. Much of the time when he siad it was all over . . . it was all over . . . but not ALL of the time.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Texas Tornado

    Actually, that was not Von Erich's first match. He at least had an SNME match vs. Playboy Buddy Rose in July 1990 . . . so he did get an introduction to WWF fans before SS90. In all fairness, he was recognized as The Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich so they didn't totally abondon the past. Although him getting the belt probably did have to do w/ making the fans happy more than anything else.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    There was one during JR's initial heel turn in 1996 on Raw where they showed a clip from Superstars the previous wekend as JR was really into it since that was "his" show. He hammed it up to show the impact of "his" show Superstars. After the clip, Vince McMahon just followed it up w/ a sedated "There ya go"
  20. MillenniumMan831

    Biggest styles clash match ever

    Hey, who are you to doubt El Dandy? That guy's a serious professional. Flair's a lucky man it wasn't Senor Dandy. That's for sure.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    Official Taboo Tuesday Poster

    It also looks a little Kane-ish as well.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Three clips - Iron Sheik in a car ad, Slick is a

    Awesome vids! Gene calling Herc/Blassie/Slick a bunch of jabronies was great. Gene: I got powdered sugar all over me (Looking down) Heenan: (Also looking down) Heh. Classic!
  23. MillenniumMan831

    HHH Appreciation Thread

    And thinner than Yokozuna.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "If you're watching TV right now, I am your champion. If you like to sit at home and stuff potato chips down your mouth while watching the boob tube, I am your champion. If you're married to the remote control, you're married to Chris Jericho And if you like to channel surf, you're surfing w/ me. Hang Ten Daddio!!!" --- TV Champion Chris Jericho explaining why the TV Title is more valuable than the WCW Championship.
  25. MillenniumMan831


    You do realize Joey wasn't an uncle right?