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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Surreal Royal Rumble moment

    According to a Douglas interview on one of the last eps of Thunder, he said that he came to Flair to watch his matches and critique them. Flair said sure. Douglas would have his matches and Flair would tell him he did great and do the same thing the next night. After a while, Shane realized that Flair wasn't watching his matches after all . . . and Ooooo Boy he got bitter beer face ever since.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    WCW buyrates

    Starrcade 1998 had Goldberg's biggest challenge on ppv, Flair/Bischoff, and ummm . . . I can't remember anything else about it. Souled Out's 2 big marquee matches were Goldberg/Hall in a meaningless match along with the Flairs vs. Hennig/Windham. Their Nitros spoiled the viewers so there was nothing they could offer the ppv audience that they weren't seeing on Monday and Thursday every week. ECW had the same problem.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    Encore presentation of RAW

    That's a pretty good idea. That way Heat can be 45 minutes but have no recap BS and would open up a spot for another match/angle or two.
  4. "Hold on, hold on! Wait a minute now! Don't get mad at The Rock . . . because The Rock's good friend Shaquille O'Neal called y'all the Sacromento Queens now!"
  5. MillenniumMan831

    Favorite mask angle?

    As much of a HUGE mark I was for Jericho's WCW heel run, I'd have to go w/ DDP dressing up as La Parka . . . partially because for the next few weeks they acknowledged La Parka getting the victory over Savage . . . not DDP.
  6. What else did they do togther? I'm shocked that you didn't defend the Angle/Edge "comedy" as funny. Edge tricking Angle into holding those signs was funny. That's all I got. No it wasn't. Not in the least. Sorry, I forgot. We're not allowed to have opinions that conflict with yours. My bad. Perhaps you can explain what the hell is funny about WACKY SIGNS~! They said funny insulting things with arrows pointed to Angle. Duh. And IIRC, Angle had no clue derogatory things were being said about him on those cards . . . that's the humor in WACKY SIGNS~!
  7. MillenniumMan831

    How long have you watched wrestling?

    I always knew it was around but never actively tried to find wrestling on the tube. Then, one Saturday morning in January of 1989 (I was 6), I flipped to Superstars and saw Honky Tonk clobber Bret Hart with his guitar. I believe the Rockers were also wrestling on that ep. I checked the TV Guide to see when it comes on and was hooked. Plus, just a couple weeks later the famous Main Event aired on NBC one Friday night with The Mega Powers splitting up.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    No Raw tomorrow?

    It feels like Sunday now.
  9. The WWF Action dvd/vhs is GREAT for Austin/Angle skits. However, the first 'Rock Concert' is something I will never get tired of. Rock's deliveries were perfect. In many ways, he drew a lot of old school heel heat. "Now The Rock would like all of you to do the Rock a favor and . . . KEEP IT DOWN BABY, KEEP IT DOWN!!!" (Crowd boos) (Rock starts strumming the guitar just a bit) "Hey hey hey hey . . . KEEP IT DOWN!"
  10. MillenniumMan831


    It's a good one stop site for codes and reviews . . . but yeah, enter the message boards w/ extreme caution.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    Wondering how to copy a tape.

    I failed the test of copying my Coliseum Video version of Wrestlemania IV As did I when I gleefully thought copying Macho Madness would be no trouble at all. I can't even dub my George "The Animal" Steele tape, dammit! Who would want a GEORGE STEELE Coliseum Video?! (backs away slowly) I have a waiting list a mile long, I tellya.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    Wondering how to copy a tape.

    I failed the test of copying my Coliseum Video version of Wrestlemania IV As did I when I gleefully thought copying Macho Madness would be no trouble at all. I can't even dub my George "The Animal" Steele tape, dammit!
  13. MillenniumMan831

    Wondering how to copy a tape.

    If you dubbed any late 1987-all of 1988 CVs, then it beat the mighty copy protection.
  14. MillenniumMan831

    Good/bad vignettes

    That one was a Coliseum Video Exclusive from...I want to say Invasion '92, but I might be wrong. Invasion of the Bodyslammers and WrestleFest 1993.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    Good/bad vignettes

    I liked Waylon Mercy's vignettes w/ him killing bugs.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Looking for Heat episodes

    I've got a master of that 4/99 ep of SD.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Last minute booking decisions

    I'm guessing it was on their annual European Tour after WM. I know MOM had the belts for 2 days . . . and it was acknowledged by Stan Lane at least on CV.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Judgment Day has come

    Damn that Rob Van Dam! His opening match vs. Orlando Jordan didn't draw dick! Time to push him down to Velocity jobber vs. Orlando Jordan and.....Orlando Jordan. And that masked Japanese dude too! Silly goose . . . Rey Mysterio is Spanish.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    The most shocking news in the history of WWE...

    That reminds me of when Kurt won the WWF Title . . . the next Moday he was listing off his accomplishments, "I was a King of the Ring, the first ever EuroContinental Champion . . . well, actually D-Lo Brown was the first ever EuroContinental Champion, but he doesn't count!"
  20. MillenniumMan831

    WWE Title Breakdown by Year.

    I remember JR having a spasm yelling out how Big Show would enter 2000 as the WWF Champion after he beat HHH on the last Raw of 1999. Of course, we all know what happened on the first Raw of 2000.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    Last minute booking decisions

    This REALLY creeped me out as last night I decided to pop this in (WWF Invasion 92) so I could watch this match again. WEIRD....... Well, his match at Invasion 1992 didn't go as well for The Hitman as the Smack Em Whack Em match did.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Surreal WM2 moments

    Muraco/Orndorff getting 3 minutes and a DCO finish to boot. The first two Chicago matches going under a combined 3 minutes. Boy, I'd be pissed if I was in attendance. I must have missed McEntyre popping out. I may have to give it another peek. Bret Hart actually thinking going to the top rope would be beneficial to him in the battle royal w/ Andre the Giant.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    The TSM Classic Match of The Day Thread

    I've always been a big mark for this match since seeing it live on ppv (I only saw approx 2 ppvs/yr back then). I had NO idea how it would turn out and the match may have been the first match I subconciously enjoyed the WRESTLING aspect of professional wrestling. Not that I hadn't seen great matches before that, but his match sorta made me appreciate it more than ever. The commentary was great of course. And I LOVED the way the sharpshooter got applied. Not one of us marks saw it comin'. Beautiful match. And it was nice to see it reprinted on just about every Best of SummerSlam tape from that point on. When I think great SummerSlam bouts, Hart/Hennig immediately springs to mind.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    Wondering how to copy a tape.

    Are RCA cables really much better than the red, white, and yellow cords most vcrs come in? If so, about how much do they run? Thanks.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    24 hour hardcore title

    I loved Tim White's explanation of the Hardcore Battle Royal at WM2000. White: The title could change once, twice, ten times (Crash whispers something in his ear). Or maybe not at all Crash.