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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    HHH going over at Wrestlemania again

    But this is MANIA! The 20th Mania at that! No way does Vince allow Triple H to retain the title at Mania 20. And no way does this company hype the struggle of Benoit after having him change shows, having him go from #1 in the Rumble to winning it and then have him in Wrestlemania in the "chance he has been waiting for" and have him lose. They just CAN'T. They are not this stupid, I refuse to believe they are this stupid. Benoit has to and will get the title at Mania. It's the only way it can end. Or have him lose to HHH.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Vince as announcer

    Vince: It's Jimmy Del Ray. King: I like this guy. Vince: IS JIMMY DEL RAY GOING TO WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE?!?!? King: I don't like him that much. (2 entries later) Vince: It's Dr Tom Pritchard. King: I like this guy. Vince: IS DR TOM PRITCHARD GOING TO WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE?!?!? King: I don't like him that much either.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    HHH going over at Wrestlemania again

    Edge will not come out of this feud with his hair . . . I guarantee it!
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Ventura in Hall of Fame?

    He received a royalty check, just like WWE probably issued a royalty check to every wrestler in the 1992 Royal Rumble based on the Ric Flair DVD. That's how they operate. Wow . . . Good for the Repo Man.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    Jake Roberts has starved Damien to death

    This is the same Damien from the mid 1980s? Don't they only have to be fed like once a week?
  6. MillenniumMan831

    Ventura in Hall of Fame?

    In 1998, how could they release a Jesse The Body Ventura video right after he became Governor? Did they pay him for that? Or did they figure he'd never find out?
  7. MillenniumMan831

    My Tape List

    Currently no, but I was thinking of buying a Sima Copymaster off of ebay. Only the ones from the 14th Volume set until about early 1989 are copyguarded. Would a place like Walmart happen to sell any? As for comps, I may be able to make some depending on what you'd like.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    My Tape List

    Basically, very high quality Saturday Night's Main Events or MSG shows from the mid 1980s-early 1990s. But there could be stuff out there I've been subconciously looking for that I hadn't thought about.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    Eddie Guerrero speaks on Title Victory

    Shawn was only 5'10 and 227. An inch can make all the difference my friend. Ask your mom. Anyhow, does anybody know who the last WWE champion smaller than Eddy was? Such a man does not exist. Jericho would be the only one who's close. Ivan Koloff was probably shorter but he was around 240 pounds. Of course now we're talking 30ish years ago.
  10. MillenniumMan831

    Biggest Anti-Smark Wrestler

    I'll take HHH for $1,000
  11. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestlers Screwed By the Bussiness

    I do wish they would have let Lenny Lane run with his "Ab Solution" gimmick he used on Saturday Night.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestlers Screwed By the Bussiness

    It never seemed like Norman Smiley was given a fair shake in WCW. The crowds went nuts for him, but WCW figured he was just a comedy guy and muddled him with Jerry Flynn, Barbarian, ect.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    Best Wrestlers Screwed By the Bussiness

    Garvin got the belt because he was the only one that would take it. Flair wanted to drop the belt to somebody, so he could win it back at Starrcade that year and boost hype for the show. Everyone knew it would be a token reign and didn't want to do it. Garvin realized that this was close as he would ever get to being a main eventer and knew he could cost on the brief title reign for the rest of his career. After Garvin did win, no one would put him over and he never defended the belt until he dropped it back to Flair. It was nice of Flair over the years to include Garvin's name whenever he would cite former World Champions. Usually, it'd go something like: "Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Ron Garvin, Sting, Luger, WOOOOOOOO!!! We were all World Champions!!!"
  14. MillenniumMan831

    Why is Dusty selling all his stuff?!?

    Where are the damn yellow polka dots?
  15. MillenniumMan831

    Shoot Interview feedback

    I feel the same way.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Undertaker 90-97

    I believe it was exactly the same as the Tues in Texas match with the the urn ashes going in UT's eyes and Hogan getting a rollup. I know it ended on a rollup. The highlight though was seeing UT make his way to the ring and a fan tips UT's hat almost off his head causing him to glare at the fan who is far out of reach though.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Vince as announcer

    How about when a heel takes advantage of a face's mistake. "Clever maneuver on the part of . . ."
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    The one thing I agree with that review is that they should have name dropped Vince Russo as someone who helped them direct edgier storylines that helped them get the ratings lead. But other than that, I just skimmed through the review since it read like someone gave this guy an assignment to argue against the dvd while the rest of the IWC argues for it.
  19. MillenniumMan831


    No, back then what Jericho was saying was complete and utter bullshit. Taht was why it was funny. I'd say you were missing the point Frigid. Exactly. He was out of touch with what was going on. Raw's ratings were plenty high while Nitro's were quite on the low end of the pole. That's the genius of it.
  20. MillenniumMan831

    Ricky Steamboat

    That bothered the hell out of me too. In a tournament environment, here was the WWF's best chance at a face/face or heel/heel matchup and they passed on it. Damn shame, would've been a helluva match. I guess the WWF would tell you they avoided the match because it would've split the audience and made Savage look less MEGA-FACEish . . . I guess.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    Ricky Steamboat

    I didn't mind the whole Dragon gimmick as much as they NEVER intentionally referred to him as Ricky Steamboat former IC Champion. Even back then, it bothered me so friggin much! Did Steamboat really mind the fire breathing after he got the hang of it? Personally, I thought it was pretty cool. Plus, he continued it until the end of his career in 1994 in WCW. If he hated it so much, why didn't he just tell whoever in charge of WCW that he wouldn't breathe the fire anymore?
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Hogan's finishers

    He pinned Stan Hansen in Japan with the clothesline and Dr D David Schultz as well.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Vince as announcer

    At SummerSlam 1994, Savage comes to ringside and lets Vince know he's got to do "The Thing in the Ring!!!" Vince quips, "YES! MACHO MAN TO DO DA TING UH DUH TING!!!" My favorite one came on Best of WWF Volume 15. Bam Bam just pinned Bundy with a fairly quick count as this exchange occured: Jesse: I dispute that. That was a fast count. Vince: YES YES YES!!! Oliver Humperdink's man is victorious! Go get em Bam Bam!!! Jesse: That was a quick count! Vince: That was not a quick count! (Slo mo airs) Jesse: I told oyu that was a fast count!!! Vince: NO, That's a SLOW count! Jesse: That's slow motion, you idiot! Bruno: (laughs)
  24. MillenniumMan831

    So what WWF and WCW PPVs weren't released to the

    I don't believe Judgment Day 2002 was ever released on VHS.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    El Brocko Dance~!

    Something that's getting overlooked is that's one helluva catchy song.