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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    WWE RAW & Weekend Ratings

    My local affiliate showed Jakked on Sat nights. They showed the 'Main Event' of the show first and progressed to the total jobber matches to the end, while Metal (which I saw on one of the Spanish cable channels) would start with jobber matches and work its way to a Val Venis vs. Rikishi main event. Weird.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumble Neat Facts

    Doink no selling fear as he gets into the ring and attacks all the heels with his clownish acts is fucking GOLD! Then the look on his face when he realizes he's SOL. Evil Doink would have surivived that though.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    Heenan/Orndorff revisited

    Thanks for the answer. Ironically, I won CV's Most Embarassing Moments on ebay which has the segment with Orndorff firing Heenan. Maybe a more complete answer will be on the video . . . errrr, I doubt it . . . but the preview shows Linda McMahon bark like a dog, so I'm fired up about getting the tape.
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Your Favorite Royal Rumble eliminations

    After Hogan illegally eliminates the Bossman in 1989, Gorilla and Jesse get into a pretty funny exchange: Jesse: So, this is what Hulkaminia is all about? Gorilla: You got it. Jesse: . . . Flagrantally cheating, not leaving when you're supposed to, causing others to be eliminated when you got no business out there! Gorilla: Are you condoning what the Bossman did? (on Saturday Night's Main Event) Jesse: That was weeks ago, I'm talking about the here and now. Gorilla: Oh, so I take it you can only remember what happened 5 minutes ago.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    Your Favorite Royal Rumble eliminations

    Some not mentioned: 1992 --- Repo is sneaking in the ring when the Bossman sneaks up on him and propels him out. Repo is left looking around trying to figure out what just happened. Any time Hogan gets eliminated. Always a treat. 2001 --- Drew Carey voluntarily leaving the Rumble and knowing enough to go over the top rope. 1997 --- Owen cheaply eliminating the Bulldog and saying he was trying to get Austin out. Whoops.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    WWF 1989 Scenario

    Can't wait to see how Iron Mike Sharpe fares on ppv.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    WWE RAW Off-Camera, Dark Match, Heat Taping Result

    We want what's best for the fans. And ECW isn't best for you fans. We encourage you after a superior Big Show chokeslam, to chant "WWE WWE WWE!!!" /WWE Newsletter
  8. MillenniumMan831

    More fun loving Eagle fan stories.

    Who would guess any team would give up a 4th and 26 in a playoff game?
  9. MillenniumMan831

    Has there ever been a less-convincing title threat

    I can't believe they haven't mentioned once that his debut came 10 years ago at the Royal Rumble and actually lasted approx. 30 minutes in the match. You'd think they could drop that tidbit in. Well, maybe they did and I didn't see it . . . I dunno.
  10. MillenniumMan831

    Has there ever been a less-convincing title threat

    As much as people hate on Jeff Hardy, I still believe they should have given Hardy the belt and have him drop it that SD to Kurt Angle. Then, Rock could still win it at Vengeance. It could have kept the illusion alive that ANYBODY can be WWE Champion on any given night . . . which would put more interest on matchups like Brock/Rey, HHH/Spike, ect. because 'you never know.'
  11. MillenniumMan831

    WWE RAW Off-Camera, Dark Match, Heat Taping Result

    Oh no . . . judging by the wwe.com Heat preview, looks like someone's NOT going to be in the Royal Rumble.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    WWE Wrestling Euphemisms

    Well, that's Stone Cold for ya. Do I really need to explain this one? Boy I tell'ya this Lance Cade is gonna be the future uhba WWE He's young, he's green . . . but he can throw a mean dropkick, I tell'ya what.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    The Old School questions thread

    I think it was the Betty Boop theme song.
  14. MillenniumMan831

    WWE catchphrases and sayings that need to die

    I HATE it when wrestlers repeat the question given by the interviewer. Jericho is guilty of this all the time. Terri: Chris, tonight you face Shawn Michaels one on one. How do you feel about that? Jericho: How do I feel? How do I feel? I'll tell ya how I feel . . . Ughhh.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    WWF PPV's

    Virgil vs Dibiase,Big Bossman vs Mountie and the 6 man tag are all good,the Legion of Doom match is good for historical reasons and the Jailhouse angle rules.It's one of the best wwf ppvs ever in my opinion. It's definitely a feel good ppv as almost all the faces went over . . . even Virgil!
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumble Neat Facts

    That look sorta preceeded his demented old man look that would come into play a year and a half later. It was sad to see him get casually brushed away by Yokozuna reminding everyone that Bob was still nothin' but a JTTS at this point. Man, I hated Yokozuna.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumble Neat Facts

    I would have sworn there was a Bushwhacker in there just to mess things up. I just remember one being in, the other enters, and the first one gets dumped.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Favourite gimmick spot

    I love the Frenchie Shuffle. Shades of The Model Rick Martel. I HATE the stinkface as well. It was funny until about June-ish of 2000.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    Greatest auctions ever!

    Ha, no one bid on any of those. That's ashame. /Seinfeld
  20. MillenniumMan831

    A few WWF 1993 questions

    Yoko's Title run was one of the reasons I stopped watching in 1993-94. But Bret's reign sucked me right back in.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak (1/15/04)

    Another terrific recap . . . although I really appreciated the Cena/Rhyno match for what is was . . . a warmup for Cena. It had a real mid 1980s feel to it along with the postmatch antics. Yes, I know that the kendo stick and table weren't very prominent in the 1980s. But it reminded me of a matchup you'd see on Superstars. It seemed to be exactly the kind of match Daddy would want. Slow paced, not too many dangerous bumps, a good buildup throughout the match although I hated Cena using fists w/ the stips. Heyman was gold. Plus, I'm a Rhyno mark. Pretty weak for a Smackdown Main Event, but they probably want to see if Cena can carry the show.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Matt Young's Pro Wrestling Training Diary

    Interesting stuff, sorry I can't add anything more insightful but I'll be reading.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Mene Gene Okerlund and his lapses

    God bless him!
  24. MillenniumMan831

    Top 10! All time! Best Entrance Music!

    For now, my Top 10 List: - Vader (WCW) - Doink (Heel Theme) - Demolition - Ricky Steamboat (WCW 92ish-94) - Chris Jericho (Heel WCW) - Slick - Narcississt Lex Luger - Nation (Spring-Summer 1998 Theme) - Midnight Express - PSYCHOSIS (WCW) . . . My most wanted theme to have in complte cd quality.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumble Neat Facts

    I thought it was Mo in 95... In ring . . . Warlord. From buzzard to elimination . . . Mo.