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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Matt Young's Pro Wrestling Training Diary

    Yeah, it should be pretty interesting.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    WWF 1989 Scenario

    Fun stuff . . . keep it up!
  3. MillenniumMan831

    Favorite Rumble?

    For as much as I didn't care for the 2002 Rumble, Mr. Perfect totally saved it for me. Man, he looked like the cocky bastard we all knew and loved when he came down the aisle. Like old times again. And IMO, the best usage of a celebrity ever was at the 2001 Rumble with Drew Carey. Fun stuff and an awesome rumble indeed.
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Favorite Rumble?

    My favorite . . . the 1989 Rumble Match - Ax gets #1. Smash gets #2. Who's next . . . - The 8th Wonder of the World . . . then which superheavyweight gets to join in? - Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig? Seemed totally random that they stuck the little guy with the perfect record in there with the Tag Champs and a legend. - Then, we have Jake Roberts clear the ring with one snake. - The Rockers enter and are magic. - As are the Brain Busters. - Macho Man lights the place on fire. - As does Hogan. - The Warlord is in the ring for about 1 second. - The Mega Powers . . . almost . . . Explode . . . with some woman in the front row SCREAMING for Savage to hit Hogan. How can ya ignore that? - The Twin Towers cut a deal with the $1,000,000 Man to get back-to-back numbers and ELIMINATE Hulk Hogan?!? Can't say I, or anyone else would have seen that one coming. Of course, Hogan takes the Bossman with him as the whole Rumble becomes a tossup. - DiBiase enters at #30 and the field is fairly open. - DiBiase, Studd, and Akeem are the favorites, although it really doesn't seem to matter who wins . . .which adds to the unpredictablity. - Maybe they were going to go with Rick Martel since he just came back from a major injury. - The Red Rooster just turned face a week prior. - Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake could have been a logical winner . . . Hell, Duggan won it the year before. - After the smoke settles, Studd dumps Akeem, DiBiase, and even Virgil to win the Royal Rumble and the crowd leaves pleased. Good stuff by my scorecard.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    Drain STH . . . the cd was Freaks of Nature. I loved that song too.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    Crisis Meeting Scheduled for RAW

    I betcha he gets superkicked off the apron at the Last Man Standing Match for a quick 8 count.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    The 50 Greatest WM Moments

    Volkoff: That not Russian National Anthem. Allen: I know it's not the Russian National Anthem What was it? Boris: You play Polish National Anthem Allen: Ha ha, send your postcards directly to him folks. But, I preferred his skit with Rhythm & Blues. Valentine: Cause we're on our way to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Allen: Great, I'll call ahead and warn them you're coming. I even enjoyed his hokey commentary during Rude/Snuka. What can I say, I'm easily entertained.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    Flair brought up a good point

    That was WCW Fan Favorites. The 4 matches on it are: - Steamboat/Flair - Chi Town Rumble - Vader/Cactus - Halloween Havoc 1993 Texas Death Match - Outsiders vs. Sting/Lexy/Savage - Bash at the Beach 1996 - Sting vs. Hogan - Starrcade 1997 3 Goodies and a REALLY baddy . . . Picked it up for $5.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    The Old School questions thread

    Doink lost to Bret at Summer Slam and took crap from Lawler on a King's Court shortly following the PPV. That pretty much did it right there. Was throwing the water on Bobby Heenan the official face turn or was that just a lead in to it?
  10. MillenniumMan831

    Who wants to recap the last 5 months?

    HHH retains.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    New WWE DVD's

    I wonder why they used a 1989ish pic of Hogan for WrestleMania I.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    Mene Gene Okerlund and his lapses

    Mean Gene was great! If you want to talk about lapses of concentration, check out Lord Alfred Hayes. Ughhh.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    The Old School questions thread

    Was Repo Man's Raw match vs. Randy Savage, Repo's last WWF match (other than WMX7)? Just had the chance to watch it and it was certainly a fun brawl. Repo taking Savage's hat is so bad it's great. Although, on Rampage 1992, Repo did try to repossess the WWF Title Belt against Savage. More goodness from my early 1990s idol.
  14. MillenniumMan831

    The 50 Greatest WM Moments

    Nah, I think people would be impressed that Savage, over the hill with bad knees, can still replicate a match done approx 17 years prior with a legend who hasn't wrestled in 10 years. Sure, people would bitch about old man Steele waddling down, but the old school marks would get a kick out of it. But I'll give you that copying a match is no way to earn bonus cookie points with many smarks. Hmmm . . . I guess you're right, It'd end up ***3/4. My bad.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    The 50 Greatest WM Moments

    Personally, I'd take #12.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    Oh yeah . . . the one that sounded like Above Average Mike Sanders' original WCW theme.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    No New Registrations?

    With Dames as Al Snow.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    What were your favorite bloopers / fluck-ups

    The FINAL punch in Rocky V misses by a mile. Sad to think the last punch in one of the greatest series of all time (IMO, The Greatest) ends with a punch that clearly whiffs by 6-8 inches.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    Movies you like to quote

    Major Leagues I and II: "So the Indians lose a heartbreaker 9 to nothin'. Postgame show brought to you by . . . Ah Christ, I can't find it, the hell with it!" "And the pitch . . . (crack) . . . Aw shit." "JJJUUUUSSSSTTTTT a bit outside!" Doyle: So the Indians lose 6 to 1 to the Rangers. For the Indians, one run on one hit . . . That's all we got!?! One Goddamn hit! Monte: You can't say Goddamn on the air. Doyle: Ah, nobody's listening anyway. Doyle: (completely hammered) So, Hiroshi "Kamikaze" Tanaka, recently with the Tokyo Giants. knocks himself out cold for the third time this week. Maybe in Japan that's actually better than catching the ball. Personally, I think he's just tryin' to get out of the lineup.
  20. MillenniumMan831

    American Gladiators

    The Wall is a bitch. The rest of the game was pretty fun, IIRC. Try out the SNES version, it's a lot better. Sorry, I can't provide more insight, but this was all YEARS ago.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    I saw little of ECW, but I liked "Intergalactic" for Nova and "Stayin' Alive" for the FBI.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumbel Drinking Game

    If you're wasted enough, you won't even be able to tell the difference between Holly/Brock.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Monday Night Wars/Death of WCW DVD Specs?

    Actually, Nash won that. He was guarding the door, and when whomever from his team had the belt, I believe he handed it to Nash and he casually walked out of it. I really liked that match for whatever reason.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumbel Drinking Game

    Random Fact: Bob Holly debuted at the 1994 Royal Rumble as Thurman "Sparky" Plugg. 10 years later, he's the #1 contender.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    I thought he picked Philadelphia. Eh, I hardly remember.