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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Royal Rumbel Drinking Game

    How often does that happen? This isn't really a article. It happened in 1997 when Jake threw his snake into the ring and in 1999 when Austina nd Mcmahon both left the match and brawled to the back I think it was empty in 1993.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    WWF 95

    I went to one of these the Wednesday after WM XI. They did some Action Zone matches and then about three eps of Wresting Challenge. I remember they screwed up the finish of a 123 Kid match and did the SAME match again later on. After the tapings, they went ahead with the advertised dark matches. It was pretty cool because it was in the Lowell Auditorium in Lowell, MA. This was where they had Thursday Raw Thursday. I always thought it was a great wrestling venue. I wish they'd go back to places like this and the Manhattan Center because when you hold TV at large venues, it devalues the PPVs. Ramon won the belt in some one horse town in northern Quebec. It was probably just to give them something to get excited about. I think I remember that taping on television . . . well, actually I only remember seeing Dink/Wink vs. Cheezy/Sleazy on Action Zone and JR trying to call it and sound credible at the same time. Didin't help that Petingill was yelling at him the whole time. Plus, there was Bret/Razor vs. JJ/Hakushi as a CV Exclusive (Super Slams).
  3. MillenniumMan831

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    Hey Martz, ya haven't won anything yet . . . ya Doof!
  4. MillenniumMan831

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

  5. MillenniumMan831

    The One and Only Divisional Playoffs thread

    All of the sudden, Butch Davis looks like a genius compared to this shmuck.
  6. MillenniumMan831


    I think HBK used the superkick as a finisher as early as 1994 since he kept accidentally superkicking Diesel costing him a few matches in 1994, but I don't know if he used it as a formal finish at the time.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    Got tickets

    It's a matinee show.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    WCW Classics

    They may have mised it once or twice, but Coach always made a point to say, "World Wrestling Federation".
  9. MillenniumMan831

    WWF 95

    8) Was Luger leaving the WWF after Summerslam 95 a surprise, and was it a reason behind the big push Bulldog got afterwards? I think Vince MIGHT have been showing Luger the push he would have gotten through the Bulldog. 10) What happened to Barry Horowitz after his Summerslam 95 win? Basically, he was paired with Hakushi and tried to "Americanize" him. They were both jobbed out for the most part. Kinda sad really considering the pop Horowitz was getting and the underdog story they had behind him. I mean Horowitz was jobbing for YEARS and they only give him a couple lousy wins as a payoff. He was skilled enough to hold his own in a match which made it all the more depressing. I was a huge Hakushi mark, but never understood why he was put over 1-2-3 Kid at SummerSlam 1995. He turned face later that night and proceeded to do zilch-O afterwards. Well, he did defeat Rad Radford. 11) Why was Vince pissed at Nash after the 10/95 IYH PPV? His match vs. Bulldog was BORING. 12) What was the "RAW Bowl" match, and was it any good? It was basically a 4-Way elimination match between the Gunns, Kid/Sid, Razor/Savio, and Owen/Yoko. They all dressed up in football uniforms and made the mat out to tlook like a football field. The match was pretty good IIRC. I believe the Gunns won.
  10. MillenniumMan831

    WCW Classics

    Yeah, that's why this doesn't make sense to me...Why not show old Superstar episodes or something? They'd have to clip any mention of the "WWF" . . . but they can air the phrase "World Wrestling Federation." It'd be too much of a pin in the ass to edit every "WWF" reference.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    The Old School questions thread

    Because he was "The Wizard of the Web" . . . and wasn't that in 1998 when he turned heel and went with DOA?
  12. MillenniumMan831

    DVD Releases for Jan and Feb...

    The magic of the edit button changes all! What's edit? I sure as hell don't see no edit on Jan 9th, 2004 at 52 minutes past the hour.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    Yet Benoit would still looks like a chump cause he's been gunning for Brock and all of a sudden he jumps ship to RAW? Hell in storyline terms that means Brock and Heyman win and ran Benoit out of SD. They could have Heyman fire him. It would still suck, but whatever.
  14. MillenniumMan831

    20 worst ref calls

    AMEN to that! It also cost Cleveland a shot to potentially go to the playoffs. Needless to say, the fans were not pleased.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    Brad Armstrong is Selfish

    Can anyone shed light on this? 'Brad Armstrong' and 'Selfish' doesn't seem like 2 phrases that would go together. I've seen the guy job seemingly every week on either Pro/Worldwide/Sat Night . . . and I don't think his W-L record was much better back in the late 1980s - early 1990s.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Two Women Make Claim on $162M Jackpot

    That store the ticket was bought from is about 2 minutes away from my house. (Shakes head in disgust). So close yet so FAR away! All 4 parking spots at that place have been jammed packed since that wacky day.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Celebrity Mole Yucatan

    I'll predict Keisha is The Mole. Ahmad's wife was Keisha's TV Mom for many years. It's possible.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Torrie & Sable to pose for Playboy.....

    I'll take "scratched head and leaves" for $200 Alex.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    Celebrity Mole Yucatan

    Is it just me or does it look like Rudy hasn't changed at all?
  20. MillenniumMan831

    A few questions

    5.) The Truth Commission consisted of Kurrgan, Sniper, Recon, and led by either Jackyl or the Commandant. I can't remember who came first though.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    The Chamber of Horrors

    Hearing Gary Michael Capetta explain the rules before the match was worth it.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    Brad Armstrong is Selfish

    That's World Class competition Brad defeated there. That's 2 mid-late 1990s victories we have documented. Any others? EDIT --- He beat Berlyn at HH99. That's 3.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    Brad Armstrong is Selfish

    I remember him for beating WCW Champion Ric Flair via DQ on WCW Pro in 1996. Talk about a SHOCKER!!! I think Woman interefered for the DQ, but BY GAWD we were A HALF A COUNT away from a NEW WCW CHAMPION! Armstrong was SCREWED!!!
  24. MillenniumMan831

    No Raw Diatribe...

    It's on Disc 3, just highlight the beer can and hit Enter.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    WWE News from the 1/05 Observer

    You'd think he'd be able to leverage a free shirt or two out of the scenario.