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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    Vengence 2003 DVD

    That's also following the VHS version.
  2. MillenniumMan831

    TV shows you like well enough to own on DVD

    The only one I have is Cheers Season One. I'm thinking about picking up King of the Hill Season One, but I dunno. The only other ones I'd want are: - Seinfeld - Becker
  3. MillenniumMan831

    What are you watching?

    That tournament was more disorganized than...something really disorganized. Wasn't that "double elimination"? There was no bracket. It seemed like Dean Malenko had 12 matches in the tournament while Ohtani(sp?) had one. And didn't Brad Armstrong actually eliminate Malenko from the tourney? They never announced when it would end. Malenko just seemed to show up with the belt after he beat Ohtani on Worldwide rendering the whole tournament concept pretty useless.
  4. MillenniumMan831

    Smackdown spoilers

    In actuality, wouldn't it all be luck of the draw anyways? If Smackdown guys all pulled out #1-15 out of the hat, so be it.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    Smackdown spoilers

    He's so diabolical that he'd rather place Benoit at #1 and risk not having a Smackdown guy winning it than have the WM Main Event. That atrocious human being! DAMN HIM!
  6. MillenniumMan831

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE Raw - 12/29/03

    Nick Patrick also DQed Jim Duggan for that during the Evil Nick Patrick is nWo angle in 1996. Oh yeah . . . another stellar review boss.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    Nathan Jones is a quitter

    Haha yes the only man to last less time than Luke in 91 or Warlord in 89. Why do I know this stuff? If you count buzzer to elimination, than Mo has got to be the shortest entry ever. The Warlord slowly jogged to the ring and Luke took forever to get there. What about Lawler in 1997? He was 2 feet from the ring, all he did was take off his jacket, hop in the ring, and get punched out. Tazz has got to be in the running. We need an official SmartMark Stat Checker.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    The best place for High VQ MSG shows?

    Nothing much to add here. Just looking to collect some names and sites with nice VQ MSG shows from 1984ish to 1992. Much appreciated.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    Ric Flair DVD question

    That's on the Bloodbath DVD.
  10. MillenniumMan831

    Looking for a Chris Jericho in WCW Comp

    I got a Jericho comp from ebay that has surprisingly good VQ. It was in SP and the stuff I already had in master quality, I taped over in EP so I'd have more stuff to squeeze in that I had that the comp didn't. It's about 4 hours. I clipped many of the matches, but left all promos in tact. I put Flair stuff in there from his crazy old man phase in WCW. It's mostly an entertainment tape rather than a video chock full of great matches, although it has CJ/Flair, CJ, Mysterio,and CJ/Raven left in tact. I also have a 2hr Jericho comp that covered just his CW Title reign, also in pretty good quality. Some highlights in the 2 comps are: - Jericho officially turning heel on Mysterio - Jericho at Superbrawl VIII - Jericho lists 1,004 holds - Jericho reads a letter from Ted Turner - Jericho's antics with his security team - A classic promo re: Greenberg (Explains why the TV Title is more important than the WCW Title) - Feud vs. Malenko - Jericho's BTWS segment - Jericho wins Undisputed Title (clipped) - Jericho at Slamborree 1998 - MUCH MORE! Let me know if you're interested or have any questions.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    Can I Legally Sell Homemade Videos?

    Technically, I don't think so . . . but I've seen people auction off a pen. If you win the pen, you also get 20 SNMEs for FREE!!! I don't know how that all turned out though. I highly doubt anything bad will happen to you either way.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    list your favorite royal rumbles

    I pretty much agree with that list even though I've only seen 1990 once a LONG time ago. Although, I'd bump the 1993 one up just for the trip of seeing SO MUCH WrestleCrap materail in one ring in one night. Plus, Hart/Razor was pretty good, as was HBK/Jannetty. And bump the 1994 way down for TWO really dumb scenarios and nothing really to mark out over.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Ughhh . . . doing that to Navy? That ain't cool and DAMN that ref got creamed!
  14. MillenniumMan831

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    What did TexTech do in their celebration to get penalized 30 yards? I missed it and the announcers don't seem pleased at Tech at all.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    What are you watching?

    Just finished WMIII. EVERY match is at least solid to good or at least entertaining (midgets match)
  16. MillenniumMan831

    The Old School questions thread

    He ran in at Starcade 94 and teased attacking Hogan, before shaking Hogan's hand. They did hype his debut for Starrcade. Is he for or against Hogan was the question of the day for Savage. He even cut a few short promos regarding it. I still remember one: "Hulk Hogan, forgive and forget. Forget? NEVER! Forgive? Ahhh, I wish I knew myself! Kind of a weird quote because if you truly forgive someone, you forget the action.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    Which WWF legends should

    Maybe on HEAT, we can get . . . Just one more time . . . Tito Santana vs. The Model Rick Martel!
  18. MillenniumMan831

    HUGE site update. More than 100 new tapes

    To Tito's credit, they had a few Double DQ/COs sprinkled in there. Plus, they had my two favorite entrance themes at the time.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    What happened to the Shopping/Food folder?

    Or whatever happened to Sister Judy or Aunt Rachel?
  20. MillenniumMan831

    HUGE site update. More than 100 new tapes

    Strike Force EXPLODES!!!
  21. MillenniumMan831

    The Video For all the wrestlers who died.

    Rex and King were, but when Spot entered the picture, they were just a midcard team.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    What are you watching?

    I've got Smack Em, Whack Em in the VCR. When I resume, I've got the 2nd half of Earthquake vs. Repo Man to lok forward to followed by a series of matches by some guy named Bret Clark or something. Geez Louise, I hope they're good.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    The OAO Wrestling Quotes Game

    "Back to you, McMAHON!" - Jesse Ventura . . . Any SNME.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    I can save the WWF past

    And of those ones you don't want, sell even cheaplier to me.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    I can save the WWF past

    Do you have any idea which ones they have, because if they're cheap enough, just buy them all.