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Everything posted by MillenniumMan831

  1. MillenniumMan831

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Someone needs to upload the two classic SummerSlam themes on You Tube or something (88-89 and 90-94).
  2. MillenniumMan831

    Primetime Disscussion Thread

    I remember seeing the MSG 10/87 show where Heenan promised a big surprise . . . that being Bockwinkle who then filled in for Heenan on commentary. He and Monsoon made a good team since Bockwinkle had a knack for keeping Gorilla on his toes. He also did the 11/87 show as well. He also commentated a couple matches from tv tapings that ended up on the Best of the WWF Volume 14 CV.
  3. MillenniumMan831

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    That's it, Kofi's new role! "Jamie Noble, you come out here and you talk yourself up every week. It makes the women crazy, makes the fans crazy. Jamie, you're even Jamaican me crazy..... wait a minute... Did I just say... JAMAICAN ME CRAZY!" *Kofi runs in from the crowd and lays Noble out with a sloppy spin kick* I'm sorry, but nothing will ever top Bischoff's invasion of Billy & Chuck's wedding. Umanga dropping Steph was glorious.
  4. MillenniumMan831

    The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith

    I remember going to No Mercy 1999. And while I was excited to see the whole card, I had a little extra anticipation for the Rock/Bulldog match since DBS was one of the last links between 1980s-early 1990s and Attitude era. I didn't think the match was too bad but I'm probably looking at it through rose colored shades. It was nice to see his last hoorah as a low level-main eventer. His SurSer99 match was fun w/ the Posse all getting eliminated leaving the Bulldog to go through two members of the opposing team before getting beat.
  5. MillenniumMan831

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    I guess being there live definitely gives a different perspective to the shows. To someone that didn't have cable until well after the AWA crumbled, these shows are just dreadful. I probably sit through a combined 15 minutes per ep and FF through the rest. As for Diamond, I believe he didn't make his WWF debut until mid-1990 being a heel jobber on the weekend shows. Then in late-1990 they teamed him up w/ ol pal Tanaka and he held onto a job until the Max Moon gimmick fizzled out. Unless, he was the WWF even before that as well. Must have been a blink and you'll miss it stint. And I noticed that Marshall and Stargis can't seem to agree if the Texas Hangmen's finisher is legal or not. I banged my head on the wall when I heard Stargis say something to effect of "I've just been handed this note . . . Killer has apparently given his elbow pad to Psycho before the match so the man in the ring is actually Killer!!!" Followed by Lee Marshall reacting in total disbelief. However, I did mark out when they compared veteran jobber Tony Leone to former QB Don Strock (sp?) during his match w/ Larry Z. And I have to admit DeBeers is pretty entertaining . . . at least compared to this other crapola. I swear I've seen John Nord wrestle 18 times in the last week of shows.
  6. MillenniumMan831

    Smackdown spoilers (a little basic)

    Bam Neely has to be the most incompetent bodyguard this side of Virgil. And kudos for The Brian Kendrick getting his 2nd straight SD Main Event . . . sorta.
  7. MillenniumMan831

    ECW on Sci-Fi (8/5/2008)

    That's the point. He USED to be tough but no longer . . . quote the Knox, nevermore.
  8. MillenniumMan831

    ECW on Sci-Fi (8/5/2008)

    I'm guessing by now Vince wants Striker's mic cut.
  9. MillenniumMan831

    WWE.com Legacy

    Not bad at all . . . as long as it doesn't lead to an endless string of HHH, Cena, and Batista matches.
  10. MillenniumMan831

    Ric Flair gone from WWE?

    Too much 'Naitchin'.
  11. MillenniumMan831

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Haven't seen it in ages either but I remember the High Energy/Headshrinkers match being a helluva opener. But yeah, having a 1/2 a Survivor Series match didn't help people's perception of it.
  12. MillenniumMan831

    WWE.com Legacy

    Smells like a free month is coming for October. Well, I hope they at least throw $3.95 back to subscribers' credit cards. I prepare for the worst, so I'll tolerate anything except a Silverlight announcement.
  13. MillenniumMan831

    Ric Flair gone from WWE?

    From wwe.com Ouch, they don't even wish him well in his future endeavors.
  14. MillenniumMan831

    Ric Flair gone from WWE?

    I thought it was Ricky Steamboat Jr training w/ George South.
  15. MillenniumMan831

    Monday Night Wars

    If old WCW banded together, it would have ended up just like the new WCW Invasion where Bradshaw gathered everyone around to cremate new WCW. It was for the better that old WCW guys were a bunch of scared, disorganized flakes when the nWo were causing chaos.
  16. MillenniumMan831

    Mike Adamle: The Thread

    Lesnar's beatdown of Gowen in front of his mother was among the best in WWF/E history.
  17. MillenniumMan831

    WWE.com Legacy

    Now, I'm reminded of a skit done when Horowitz was trying to American-ize Hakushi . . . Barry: Big Big BIG lady! Very funny. Hakushi: Big? Barry: Oh BIG! Hakushi: (a tad proud) I know. Barry: Yeah, who? Hakushi: Goshulla. Barry: Huh? Hakushi: Goshulla. Barry: GODZILLA?!? But yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head Venkman. And it better not be that the videos will now be exclusively available on that dumbass Silverlight player that the ECW reruns use.
  18. MillenniumMan831

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Eh, while I dig Morrison and his brand of humor, The Miz is just fuckin unfunny during these segments.
  19. MillenniumMan831

    WWE.com Legacy

    I would hope it would be something of substance since it's supposed to be bigger than when they started posting the Raws, which I thought was a pretty big deal at the time since I was used to 8-12 minute videos being posted. Now I'm thirsty for a Coke.
  20. MillenniumMan831

    WWE.com Legacy

    Definitely a good update. All the SummerSlam matches are a little cliche (that said, I hope they offer a ton of SurSeries tags come Nov) but if that's the route they're going, I'm at least hoping for one of the following: Harts/Busters, Warrior/Rude 89, Steiners/H Bodies, & 1-2-3 Kid/Hakushi. They confirmed they will bring back Old School month in Sept. Hopefully, they'll double up on the Challenge eps to speed things along next month. Should be nice to get a bunch of territory matches as well. And their big announcement looks to be coming "as early as" tomorrow. Hopefully, they will upgrade all their 300k videos to make them 750k. However, my guess is that they will have something akin to a gold membership where one can pay like an extra $1/mo and get double the videos as regular members.
  21. MillenniumMan831

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Ordinarily, I'd assume Dreamer could pick up the duke, but the thought of him winning two televised matches in a row is just that, a thought. It's not going to happen. Estrada 'earns' his contract when Delaney fucks Dreamer over again and Estrada/Delaney become the ultimate loser-team.
  22. MillenniumMan831

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    IIRC, it's only illegal to come off the top rope if the opponent is either prone on the mat or elevated (as is the case w/ the DD). Then again, I'm taking Ralph Stargis's (sp?) word for it, so who knows? Apparently, JR also checks in on the AWA (from his blog): Oh sure, reference THAT episode. Don't tell me you weren't marking out for the NYE ep Jimbo.
  23. MillenniumMan831

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    Watched last night's ep earlier today. I see the AWA has installed MORE rules to ensure that nothing exciting happens until their death a year or so later. The Beverly Brothers got DQed for hitting a shlub w/ the Doomsday Device. The main event was Baron and Candi Devine vs Col DeBeers and Magnificent Mimi. I didn't sit through that but I saw the promos. Mimi was smokin and looked like a sweetheart. Devine, on the other hand, looked like a cold-hearted shrew. Definite miscasting there. And yeah, the AWA's bluescreen effects are the worst I've ever seen.
  24. MillenniumMan831

    Monday Night Wars

    In a semi-unrelated note, after listening to Brandi's shoot interview, I loved his reason for quitting the WWF. They were jobbing him out under his real name . . . he wasn't having that.
  25. MillenniumMan831

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    At least wwe.com considers Mikey Whipwreck a legend of sorts.