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Everything posted by hhh6294

  1. hhh6294

    How much is your soul worth?

    Your soul is worth $74,598.60. For your peace of mind, 13% of people have a purer soul than you Go me.
  2. hhh6294

    How old be you?

    20. 21 on Dec. 16th. rawk on fo' me.
  3. hhh6294

    Rock on... Rock out.

    Okay... I'm not gonna shit anyone here... I've lost the touch. All week I've tried to type out my match for Crimson, but the fact is I just can't find that spark I used to have that lets me pump out matches. It's hard to say, but I think I must hang it up for good this time. No shitting. Even though all the freinds I have in this fed have reached bigger and better things while I sat down in the JL jobber's list, I can honestly say that I didn't mind it one single bit. Why? Because it was fun as hell to watch them earn their spots in the SWF and cheer on when they reached the big time. I could really care less if the fed remembers me as a full-time loser as it pertains to match writing, because the bottom line is I had tons of fun jobbing my ass of down here so the real comitted writers reach the big time and flourish. It takes real commitment to this fed to reach it big, and I know that in the comming months I just will simply not have the time needed to really get it going in this fed, what with my wife, and a future son on the way at the moment. So instead of wasting the JLCC's time with my excuses each time I no-show, I fingure that I'll just call it quits right now and get out before I piss off the much of 'yall. I would just like to say that it has been fun writing against all of you, and talking to you in the SWF chat. I wish you all good luck in the future (wherever it might take you) and god bless. Watch out for the Pipe~! ~hhh6294
  4. hhh6294

    SJL Wrath Card, 9/7/03

    ...sooo... is the match still there?
  5. hhh6294

    SJL Crimson Card

    Well what about Thugness... I'm almost positive he had a decent undefeated run in his time... I mean come on... the man beat everyone possible in the JL before finally losing to SoS... but I might be wrong.
  6. hhh6294

    8-24-03 Wrath Comments

    I no-showed as well... personally I just can't find the drive to write matches nowaways for some reason... guess I'm just going dry.
  7. hhh6294

    The *New* SJL Stats Page!

    Jacob Helmsley Height: 6’6” Weight: 227 lbs Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Age: 23 yrs old (Birthdate: 1/12/1979) Face/Heel: Psychotic Heel ( Crowds cheer for most other heels when facing him.) Stable: None Ring Escort: None Weapon(s): Steel Pipe. Nothing else feels right in his hands. Looks: Jacob is very muscular. In the ring, he wears black baggy leather pants with green stripes down the sides, no shirt, and arm-bands around his biceps. Jacob has long, dark black hair that goes down to his shoulders. He has green colored eyes with a deep gash down the middle of his left eye. Coming to the ring, Jacob wears a long black trenchcoat with the initials JH in dark green on the back, left front, and on the right bottom of the coat. At his side on his belt, he wears a holdster where his pipe goes. Ring Entrance: “Meaning of Life” by Disturbed. Jacob does not taunt the crowd at all coming to the ring. Very slow, demonic like walk style. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 5 (can lift up to 350 lbs) Speed: 4 (Quick on his feet… very few aerial attacks) Vitality: 9 (There is no such thing as putting this man down easily.) Charisma: 2 (Rarely speaks. Gets crowd reactions from his actions, not promos) Style: Technical/Submissive expert. Good hardcore skills. Signature moves: 1. Evenflow DDT - (By this one, I mean the REAL Evenflow, from Raven's old WCW days, and the one in No Mercy. That starts out with a kick to the gut, and then finishes with a DDT in one swift movement… no stalling) 2. Sambo Suplex - Used as a set-up to the "Fear Factor" 3. "Corkscrew" - 360 degree twisting Missile Dropkick - Jacob leaps off of the top rope, twists his body into a spin while keeping his legs outward, and hits the opponent around the upper neck area. 4. "Blackout" - Standing hooking heel kick into reverse Fame Asser - Jacob does the spinning heel kick, and as he kicks him, he wraps him knee around the neck of the opponent, and slams him down for a reverse Fame Asser. Jacob keeps the knee wrapped around the throat of the opponent, for a modified chokehold that frequently KOs the opponent late in the match. 5. Stalling STO (Jacob Stalls for 5-6 seconds, before hitting the STO… the move looks like a cross between the Rock Bottom from No Mercy, and the STO 2 from No Mercy) 6. Top-Rope Inverted Brainbuster 7. "Buzzkill" - Chicken Wing headlock 8. Northern Lights suplex into bridge pin 9. "Soul breaker" - Stalling Dominator - Jacob pulls the opponent into a dominator position, and keeps him there for a Canadian Back breaker for 15-20 seconds. Weather or not the opponent gives up after 20 seconds, Jacob drops the opponent down for the Dominator. 10. Chicken Wing Jawbreaker Common moves: 1. Double Arm DDT 2. Gore into the turnbuckle 3. Rolling Leg-Lock 4. Fisherman’s DDT from the Top Turnbuckle 5. Kneeling Backbreaker (Jacob kneels down, and pulls the opponent down forcefully making his back connect with Jacob’s leg) 6. Russian Leg-Sweep 7. Standing Dragon Sleeper 8. Reverse DDT 9. Top-Rope Hurricanrada 10. Backslide Pin 11. Falling Nackbreaker 12. Guillotine Leg-Drop (when opponent is on a table or flat breakable surface) 13. Belly to Belly Suplex Rare moves: 1. Stalling Hangman's DDT - Jacob sets the opponent up in a powerbomb position, picks him up onto his shoulders, but lets the opponent drape down in front of his chest, in a hanging position. After five to ten seconds, Jacob drops the opponent down on the back of his neck with considerable power. 2. “The Drop from Above” – Stalling reverse Michinoku driver 3. “Downfall” – Powerbomb through a table or the such in Hardcore style matches 4. “Revenge” – Stalling Pedigree 5. “Air Canada” – Top-Rope Phoenix Splash Finishers: Main "Black Stallion" ~ Modified standing Vertebreaker ~ Jacob wraps the opponent’s arms around his back in a standing position so he and the opponent are back to back, like a set-up to a Backslide pin. Jacob then leans forward in a Bridge type position slamming the opponent’s neck onto the mat, and Jacob holds it for a pin. Submissive Set-Up Move: Sambo Suplex "The Fear Factor" - a modified Indian Death lock from No Mercy. Instead of dropping to the floor, and getting up again, Jacob drops to his back, and stays down on the ground, gradually increasing pressure on the legs until submission or TKO. Notes: Jacob is one sick puppy. He doesn’t care about anything else except his own personal achievements. He is a total loner. He does not trust anyone, not even his own former close friends. Jacob’s only devotions in life are to his accomplishments and his pipe which is never out of his possession. He will never think twice about injuring anyone, whether in the ring or outside of the ring and has no regrets when the deed has been done. During matches, Jacob will only cheat when needed, like a nutshot to reverse a finisher or something along that lines, but doesn't do so too horribly often. Never uses the feet on the ropes or grabbing of the tights or things of that nature.
  8. hhh6294

    How I made David Blazenwing My Bitch

    Thoth. Is. God. bows humbly
  9. hhh6294

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    finally Liston sees the light. Rawk.
  10. hhh6294

    Birthday Salutations

    Congrats 'Tlas dude!