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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    James Dobson makes speech, falls off stage

    Perhaps the balding Nordic faction of the board might...
  2. Dr. Tom

    James Dobson makes speech, falls off stage

    Well who in the hell would -- Dr. Tom?... Considering I'm a devout atheist, I doubt it. Actually, I remember defending Christianity here at least once. It made me feel dirty afterwards.
  3. Dr. Tom

    This is Becoming a Problem

    I never said he was a member, hippie... Good thing, Colonel. The General does not approve of people who frequently use clunky (and often quite bad) wrestling references in Current Events discussions. There is a folder for drivel like that, in the General's opinion. The Conservative Brigade is above such tactics. As you were.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Should the save be eliminated?

    Oh Rhett, what would fantasy leagues do? I don't have a problem with saves as a stat, except that they're too easy to get. Wow, a three-run lead was protected, good job. That means a pitcher could come in, give up two runs, three hits, walk a batter and hit another, and still get a save despite a horrid performance. No pitcher should be rewarded for posting an 18.00 ERA and a WHIP that would make Sidney Ponson cringe. Here's how I think saves should be earned: -- Successfully finish out a game in which the pitcher inherited a lead of no more than 2 runs and recorded at least 3 outs. -- Successfully finish out a game in which the pitcher entered the game with the tying or go-ahead run either at the plate or on-deck. That's it. Scrap the three-run lead garbage, and the three innings of quality relief. Restrict saves to the above two situations, and retrofit everyone's historical stats to match them. This way, a save will mean more than it does now. Its worth could still be debated, and its effects on bullpen management could still be for the worse, but it would be harder to get than before.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Smallville Season 4 Thread

    Sex sells, I guess? Anyway, I'm not a fan of Lois Lane going to Smallville High. I'm aware the show is retelling the Superman legend from a perspective we really haven't seen, and I'll give them some leeway to change parts of it. That one seems like too much, though. Lois showing up to investigate Chloe's supposed murder? I'll buy it. Lois suddenly missing 5 credits, after being accepted to college, then staying in Smallville and finishing high school there? Not so much. She looked good when she was in the plastic surgery apparatus, though.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Dario Argento

    This man speaks the truth.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    Yeah, Stern was OK before he started ranting about the FCC and Bush every day. It just got tiresome to hear him indulge his persecution complex for segments of the show at a time, every morning. While I think Stern is still sometimes funny, he's definitely not as funny as he used to be. It's hard to be a "shock jock" when plenty of other people have copied the act, and people get harder to shock as time goes on. Stern peaked in the late 80s to early 90s, and has been on cruise control ever since.
  8. Maybe he ate an extra turkey and got food poisoning?
  9. Dr. Tom

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    Bye again, SteveyP. Bitch.
  10. Dr. Tom

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    I think it's obvious Cheney was deliberately exaggerating to call attention to Edwards' shoddy attendance and voting records. Christ, doesn't anyone understand hyperbole anymore?
  11. It's a DOD press release. News stations should've picked up on it... unless, of course, they'd rather just run the Rumsfeld quote and say "OMG we knew he was lying all along!!!!11"
  12. Dr. Tom

    US bugs President Chirac's phone

    The Oval Office is not bugged.
  13. Dr. Tom

    A second chamber for the UN

    Fuck them. When they actually do something useful, I might listen to them.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Do birthdays even matter

    They're all downhill after 21. Saving a little on car insurance is small consolation for hitting the quarter-century mark. Thankfully, I didn't make a big to-do over it when I turned 30 back in February, and neither did my friends. I went out and all that, but I think they knew I'd kill them if they did anything elaborate. Anyway, yes, birthdays after 21 suck a savage sausage.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    90% of the American public? 70% how you look 20% how you sound 10% what you say That's what most people respond to. So I guess it's reasonably accurate to say that 90% of the American public is shallow and easily awayed. More definition won't help. This is a rehash of Clinton's brilliant plan to give nuclear fuel to North Korea, since there was No Possible Way a fucking lunatic would ever use nuclear fuel to make bombs. Just like there's No Possible Way a fucking radical terrorist regime would every use nuclear fuel to make bombs, right? No, there were a bunch more problems, but I've already pointed them out. For what little it's worth, yes.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    To those who didn't watch it, or who watched it with the sound turned down, I suppose it is. Denial is more than a river in Egypt. Then deny some of this, brighteyes: -Kerry wants to give nuclear fuel to one of the largest terrorist nations on earth. -Clinton's plan to do the same with North Korea has turned out SMASHINGLY so far. -Kerry is beholden to the opinions of cowards in Europe. -Kerry has spent time insulting our allies and calling the PM of Iraq a "puppet," yet claims to be able to build alliances. -Kerry claimed that nuclear proliferation is his biggest concern. He then talked about giving the technology to make nuclear weapons to Iran, and talked about taking away our biggest deterrent: the "bunker-buster." -"Passing the global test" is Kerry's plan to act in the interest of keeping the American people safe. Content-wise, the debate was a DISASTER for Kerry, and a goldmine for the GOP to use in future commercials. If Kerry did so well, why was the DNC's video a collection of Bush's facial expressions that included *not one word said by Candidate Kerry*? Kerry might have spoken better and looked better, but that's only going to impress shallow people who are easily swayed. He dug his own grave just about every time he opened his mouth, with preposterous positions on national security and foreign policy that will make us a less secure nation. Go ahead, deny any of that.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Israel strikes again!

    Why are we calling for Israel to show restraint? Let them wipe out every no-good piece of shit terrorist in Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The world would be a much better place.
  18. Who cares? People should be free to marry whoever they want. If they're both consenting adults, what business is it of anyone else's? If you take religion out of the equation, marriage, as a social institution, will be subject to the whims and changes of society. I have no problems with this, nor with gay marriage, polygamy, etc. As long as it's all between consenting adults, I can't be bothered to care.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Fox News apologises for lying about Kerry

    Wow, a quote that's about a different war a dozen years ago. Newsflash: This is a post-9/11 world. A lot of things that used to be true are true no longer. A change of opinion over the span of 12 years, considering the intervening circumstances, is understandable (and often necessary). Changing opinions in the span of 12 weeks is a different matter.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Supporting Kerry = weakening the War on Terror

    Considering Kerry wants to give nuclear fuel to IRAN, I think anyone who supports him and his preposterous ideas is weakening the war on terror.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Possibly Interesting Story...

    CBS has verified that these documents are authentic.
  22. Marriage has had a ~50% failure rate for some time now. The sanctity is long over.
  23. The article touches on the problem here: religion. Because the popular religions in this country rigidly define marriage , marriage has a rigid definition. Personally, I don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. As long as all parties involved consent, I don't see the need for polygamy to be illegal.
  24. Dr. Tom

    The real cheater - Bush had an earpiece!

    We could start with a picture of an actual earpiece, not some vague shape on his back that might be a receiver. BTW, I work for a pretty high-tech government agency, and we don't have any small comm rigs shaped like that. Besides, wouldn't it make more sense to put the receiver in a jacket pocket, where it has the double benefit of not being seen, and is not susceptible to body movements? Really, across the middle of the back is about the most inconvenient place for something like that. Use a little common sense before rushing to condemn the president for nothing. I know that's asking a lot, but be a good egg and at least try, mmkay? Bush always talks like that in interviews and debates. While he's more smooth when reading a speech, his extemporaneous speaking is not very fluid. Part of me thinks he does it deliberately, to lull his opponents into a false sense of security about his skill in debating, but regardless, that's how the man talks. Kerry wanted some one-minute extensions, too, IIRC. Was he cheating?
  25. Dr. Tom

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    To those who didn't watch it, or who watched it with the sound turned down, I suppose it is.