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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Congratulate me.

    That wouldn't be NEARLY as much FUN without Mike's USE of CAPITAL LETTERS to emphasize his POINTS, though, Colonel. Random shouting just wouldn't be the same...
  2. Dr. Tom

    Edge's Theme Music

    1... Blastoff
  3. Dr. Tom

    Giuliani Will Decide Next Year....

    Newt Gingrich? Anyway, I don't think Rudy could get the GOP nod. He's pro-choice, favors gun control, and doesn't hate gays, so he won't appeal to the hard-line elements of the Republican party.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Bill Bennett:

    So 107% of the crime in America is committed by Whites or Blacks? Wow, the other ethnic groups actually lower the crime rate. It must be the Jews...
  5. Dr. Tom

    Things that piss me the fuck off

    In Russia, Jack in the Box comes to YOU for food!
  6. Dr. Tom

    Congratulate me.

    Belated congrats on the engagement, Tyler. Since her dad is loaded, you should invite as many of the old CE regulars as you can. I can just see it now... ::kkk, Marney, MikeSC, and Dr. Tom all walk into the reception:: Girl's Dad: Who are those people? Tyler: Oh, I used to argue with them about politics on an internet wrestling messageboard. Being called a commie every other day was so much fun! Girl's Dad: This reception is OVER!
  7. Dr. Tom

    What do you do for a living?

    IT work for the US Government, Department of the Army.
  8. Dr. Tom

    IMPORTANT: Concerning TSM's Future

  9. Dr. Tom

    kkk Bowl III is back at TSM

    Who cares, he has Seattle.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Goodbye Jingus board

    He is. But as we've now seen, such a vendetta would have been a complete waste of my time. Also, nice flame, Dave. Good times. Takes me back to the old days.
  11. Indeed. Much ado about nothing. Putting a bra on some dude's head isn't even close to tossing him in an iron maiden. Let's be realistic here.
  12. Dr. Tom

    the one who leaked CIA op's name to Novak was....

    Valerie Plame was not a covert operative when Rove supposedly leaked her name. She hadn't been one for nine years. Ergo, I don't see a crime being committed. It looks like an effort by the Democrats (and their "nonpartisan" buddy Wilson) to try and nail Rove (and, by extension, Bush) on something silly.
  13. Dr. Tom


    Because people who make introduction threads deserve to be insulted.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Problems starting up computer

    You could also run msconfig (start->run->msconfig) and uncheck a lot of unneeded crap at startup. See if that helps before you blow Windows away and start over.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Al's Minor League Baseball Thread

    The Aberdeen Ironbirds play at beautiful Ripken Stadium, which is a great place to take in a game. It's a little farther for me now since I no longer live in Aberdeen, but it's still a short drive, very close to I-95, and definitely worth it.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Supreme Court will take your land.

    BUT WAIT~! Good. Of course, whiny liberal op-ed pieces are claiming that House Republicans are doing this to "undermine the judiciary," when it says RIGHT IN THE GODDAMN CONSTITUTION that Congress can do what it's doing. I hope they're successful; this is one of the worst decisions I can remember.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Us House Passes Flag Burning Amendment

    Bah. What rubbish. Personally, I hate flag burners and would love to see them all lined up and shot in the face. That said, I think burning the flag is a protected form of speech, and needs to remain so.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Giant Popsicle Melts, Floods NYC Park

    Methinks trying a stunt like that in the spring would be infinitely better.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Favorite potato chip flavor

    Salt and vinegar all the way. I'm not a huge fan of BBQ chips, really. I like taking plain chips and using BBQ sauce as dip, but something gets lost in the translation when the chip company tries to do it for me.
  20. Dr. Tom

    parodygod and copyguy

    LOL. Fools.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you have a better suggestion?
  21. Dr. Tom

    what kind of cell do you have?

    My personal cell is a Motorola T720 on Verizon Wireless. I've had it for a little over two and a half years now. When my contract ended last November, I went looking for a new phone. The problem is, I can't have a camera phone because of where I work, and none of the non-camera phones I looked at were a real upgrade over what I have now. I think I'll get a PDA-phone at some point, maybe later this year when the price comes down a little more. My government-issued phone is a Motorola i730 on Nextel, with Direct Connect.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Anyone had their Wisdom Teeth removed?

    I had mine done 8 years ago. I needed all 4 taken out, and at least 2 had to be cut out. One of them had somehow managed to become broken and abcessed, and what sent me to the dentist (and then the oral surgeon) was the fact that I just couldn't take the constant pain after a while. They gave me valium to put me out, but I ended up waking up briefly while they were working on the last one. I was awake long enough to think, "WTF, I'm awake?" and then it was right back out. Five minutes after it was over, I got up and walked out on my own, despite the surgeon insisting I'd need a hand. Screw that hippie. They gave me painkillers, which I took for a few days. Good stuff.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Lois & Clark: TNAOS

    The first season of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman dropped on DVD a couple weeks ago. I picked it up because I remembered the first season as being good, and because I was without cable for about 10 days after moving. I'm most of the way thru the season, and it's actually aged pretty well. What I always liked about the first season is that Superman was a minor character, who only got a few minutes of screen time per episode. The first season was about the dynamic between Lois Lane and Clark Kent, and it pulls that off very well. Later seasons introduced more fantastical elements to the stories, which necessitated that Superman play a larger part. They also replaced the fellow who played Jimmy Olsen for the first season, which was a big mistake, IMO. Other perqs of the first season are the late Lane Smith's excellent portrayal of Perry White, John Shea's superb turn as Lex Luthor, and the hotness of Teri Hatcher. Anyone else pick this up or remember the show when it originally aired in the mid-1990s?
  24. Dr. Tom

    Lois & Clark: TNAOS

    I concur. Without a reliable villain and effective foil for Clark/Superman, the show spun its wheels a lot. I just watched "The House of Luthor" last night, and there were many more ways they could have gone. Simply having Luthor get arrested would have been a good option. He could be in jail and watch his financial empire crumble while he's unable to do much about it. When he gets out, he'd have to rebuild himself to where he was, and he'd still have his obsession with destroying Superman. Yeah, I'm not sure why they did that. I guess I'll have to wait for the season 2 DVD set. :-/ The fellow they got for the last three seasons (Justin Whalin?) just didn't click like the original Jimmy did. I heard that was because Tracy Scoggins abruptly left the show. I always thought the character was pretty useless anyway. Comic relief was handled well enough by Jimmy, and they dynamics between Jimmy and Perry and Lois and Clark.
  25. Dr. Tom

    Oh, those Minor League teams and their kooky ideas

    Well, yeah, that would be funny. "The Flyers take the field for real now, down 37-2..."