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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    No, it was retarded. But, quite honestly, I'd have no problems with him grabbing the guy he was aiming at and just beating the living hell out of him. -=Mike Fans have a right to heckle when they buy the ticket. I have no sympathy for millionaires who can't tune out the catcalls of drunks. Players should just ignore them. Sure, the fans can get personal, too personal sometimes, but there's no way to justify a player getting physical with a fan in any way, be it fisticuffs or chair-tossing.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Another 9/11 conspiracy..

    Look at the picture again: It's obvious the point of entry was at the top, where the debris is scattered outside and the building is scorched from the fireball. The larger picture you posted (the wedge one) later confirms this very obvious fact. For that circled hole to be the point of entry, the plane (OR MISSILE OMG) would have to be able to stop and turn on a dime to get between rings like that. BTW, I've been to the Pentagon, several times. And two words for you: Occam's Razor. It's not just for shaving anymore.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Nadar might hurt your chances?

    I can't resist... I want to get on the FL ballot without following the rules. Rules are for the establishment that we should abolish. You have got to be fucking kidding me! You goddamn hippie! Put down the peace pipe and the acid cuz I'm challenging you to a DUEL~! I don't think that kind of language is necessary here. Can't a man subvert the democratic process in peace? Hell no, you pinko sissy! I even brought my posse with me, so let's throw down, ninny! Hah! I will make my getaway behind this wall of confetti! Muahahahaha! Goddamnit, he got away! I won't forget this, though, you chicken! ZELL MILLER IS ALWAYS READY TO DUEL FOR DEMOCRACY~!
  4. I found this quite amusing, as the people protesting are qite far from being hippies both socially and politically I was painting with a broad brush and admittedly using "hippie" as a synonym for "any protestor who deserves and gets a good ass-whooping from the police." At least the cops didn't just blow their whistles...
  5. Dr. Tom

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    And that gives him the right to throw A FUCKING CHAIR into the stands, Mike?
  6. Dr. Tom

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    Can I laugh on behalf of the poor judge who might actually have to listen to that shit?
  7. Dr. Tom

    ESPN.com NFL Power Rankings

    And would your opinion be the same if the Colts had lost to the Broncos, homer? I guess, if only because the Colts' playcalling was terrible when it counted. On the play when he was sacked at the end of the game, why didn't Manning simply hand the ball off to James? The Colts had 200 rushing yards at that point in the game. 200. Even if they rush for no gain, Vanderjagt is looking at a kick 10-12 yards shorter than the one he ended up missing. And if the run gets a first down, they can spike the ball and stop the clock. The Colts also failed to run when they had the ball on the 6 down 3-0, and instead, Manning got intercepted in the end zone. Why didn't they just run the ball? That's just Indy coaching poorly, not NE coaching well. They were getting killed on the run all day and failed to adjust, but the Colts refused to press their advantage at crunch time. THAT is why they lost the game more than NE won it.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Driving in the US

    If you're just learning to drive, you should learn on an automatic first. With a manual, you have a lot more to do; with the automatic, you can throw it in gear, sit back, and drive. And when you're just learning, that's all you should be doing. Once you've gotten good at driving, you can learn a manual pretty easily. I had to learn on a manual since that was the car we had at the time, and I've greatly preferred them ever since.
  9. Dr. Tom

    If you use drugs, you're with the terrorists

    The "War on Drugs" is a crock of shit, and so is this.
  10. Good. Fucking hippie. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This is the country where people kill each other over soccer games, so some nutjobs storming Parliament over a bloody hunting bill isn't out of character.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Another 9/11 conspiracy..

    2Gold and Powerplay have it spot-on. This latest conspiracy theory is a load of shit. The Pentagon is a large, very surable building. A plane crashing into it would almost certainly have its wings and outer protrusions shorn off, with the fuselage remaining reasonably intact to skid thru the wings like a missile (OMG I SAID MISSILE IT MUST HAVE BEEN A MISSILE WTF!!!!11) Also, in this picture: it's obvious where the point of impact and entry was, and it's certainly not the circled hole.
  12. Dr. Tom

    ESPN.com NFL Power Rankings

    No, practical. Take the Patriots, for example. They beat the Colts not just because of Vanderjagt's missed kick, but because of poor play-calling and decisions on the part of the Colts' coaches and players. The Colts ran the ball right down their throats all game, then foolishly abandoned it when they should have stuck to it. Then Dallas Clark got selfish and wanted to be a receiver, while if he'd stayed home, someone would've been able to put a body on Willie McGinest. The Colts lost that game more than NE won it. So where does NE sit in the power rankings? The first game of the season doesn't indicate where a team is going to end up. Are the Cowboys going to give up 500+ points this year? Is JAMAL~! going to rush for 800 yards while the Ravens lose every game? Obviously not. When the season has hit the quarter-pole, then I'll think that power rankings mean something. Until then, they're just filler on ESPN's website. BTW, 44-41. Bitch.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Another John Kruk is a moron thread

    I liked Kruk at first, but he's really been sucking the meat missile for some time as an analyst. Baseball Tonight is still good for the up-to-date scores and highlights, but the analysis is awful. I think ESPN likes Kruk because they seem him as "outspoken," but don't realize that one can be an outspoken tard very easily. Meh, I'll take Rob Dibble or even Jeff Brantley over Kruk anyday.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Batman's girlfriend breaks up with him

    Gemma Polson? I thought Vicky Vale was Batman's woman...
  15. Dr. Tom

    Driving in the US

    I think everyone should learn to drive a manual, too, but then again, everyone knows I'm old. :-/ When I learned to drive, we had chariots and dirt roads and we liked it, damnit. Well, except for all the horse shit everywhere...
  16. Dr. Tom

    The Bible is literally true.

    Yes. And the other side doesn't believe in God or the word of the Bible.
  17. Dr. Tom

    ESPN.com NFL Power Rankings

    Power ratings are worthless this early in the season. After week 4-5, they'll start to mean something.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Hilarity is ensuing in the Oklahoma race for

    "And in breaking news, we have these signed documents confirming that she's a whore... "
  19. Dr. Tom

    Yeah, Kerry do THIS!

    Uh-oh. I get the feeling it's on like neckbone now...
  20. Dr. Tom

    Mcnabb/Owens vs Culpepper/Moss

    Definitely Culpepper/Moss. I think this is the year Daunte really comes into his own and puts it all together. And Moss is the most talented WR in the league, so the Vikes pair seems a pretty easy choice.
  21. Dr. Tom

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    For general burning, DVD-R is recognized by just about every commercial DVD player. If you're burning movies and the like, -R is the way to go. I've yet to have a problem with them.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Another 9/11 conspiracy..

    ... Have you ever seen the Pentagon? Trust me, it seats more than a few hundred in a cylindrical chamber.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Blunt torches Marijuana, takes a stand on Meth

    At least I'm not the only one... And wouldn't torching all that pot give everybody a nice contact buzz?
  24. Dr. Tom

    Someone change my name

    As did I, so you're getting it back. Yay.
  25. Dr. Tom

    I Got Arrested Last Night

    ::marks for Metal Ed:: Oh, and drunk drivers should be shot.