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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Someone change my name

    Hmph. Sterling Wit was much better.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Someone change my name

    Hmph. You're too thick to grasp my sterling wit, obv.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Someone change my name

    Ok, you asked for it. Uh, sorta.
  4. We would. Hell, we'd help the fucking FRENCH if they suffered a big attack.
  5. Dr. Tom

    B.S. move by NFL

    You work for the Evil Empire, Rant. Tell them to bid even more next time. If your company can try to buy bloody Disney, they should be able to put up enough dead presidents to make Tagliaboob take notice.
  6. Even better addendum: make sure the cleric clutching said holy book hasn't let go yet.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Oh, this is funny

    Doesn't he? I bet he has to sleep with a nightlight on. Of course, if my rich wife were a nutcase, I'd sleep with a nightlight on, too...
  8. Dr. Tom

    B.S. move by NFL

    I don't know. It's unlike any sports league not to do things that could generate the most revenue.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Pats-Colts question

    NFL.com. I think his column falls under the "NFL Network" section when it's not linked on the main page of NFL.com itself. If you don't see it, just do a search for it.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Why ESPN sucks

    Al, if you really want to participate in them, I'll let you use my Insider account.
  11. I apparently need to educate a few people in the secret art of Updating Board Headers. Edit: Done, and we'll try and stick to a regular schedule for updates.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Paris Hiltons Phone Number...AGAIN

    You've been calling Jenny too? Bastard.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Dick Cheney brings the optimistic campaign

    At least he can use the bloody quote function.
  14. No, it's not about that. It's about having some basic human decency when people are mourning for a fallen loved one. Regardless of someone's political views or their opinion of the happenings in Iraq, taunting the mother and family of a dead soldier is beyond the pale, and well beyond tasteless and classless.
  15. Dr. Tom

    I Suppose This Warrants a Mention

    It only makes sense. Al Gore ran a dreadful campaign in 2000, turning what should have been an easy victory into the boondoggle we all remember. Kerry is apparently trying to outdo him by running an even worse campaign, and if that's his goal, he's doing a smashing job so far. "Senator Kerry, what about education?" "I was in Vietnam, dammit. VIETNAM~!" "Senator, what about the War on Terror?" "I spent four months in VIETNAM~!" "Senator, what about the economy?" "I won three Purple Hearts in VIETNAM~!" "Senator, what about health care?" "I will now yield the floor to my fucking psycho wife..." "... who did not serve, as I did, in VIETNAM~!"
  16. Dr. Tom

    Oh, this is funny

    No one does. But there are definite identifiable patterns in your handwriting, even if the two signatures are not identical. And while not identical, they'll still look quite similar. The two in question look NOTHING alike, and it's very unlikely they could have been made by the same person.
  17. Dr. Tom

    B.S. move by NFL

    Did the NFL not sign the deal that gives Fox and CBS exclusive rights? They're still to blame. Maybe they'll wise up when the regular TV rights are up for renewal.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Pats-Colts question

    Reders of TMQ will know that Easterbrook has encouraged Vanderjagt to miss an unimportant kick, lest he honk a big one. Well, he honked a big one. Maybe he should've missed a meaningless one last year...
  19. Dr. Tom

    Paris Hiltons Phone Number...AGAIN

    It was. Partly because I wanted to see if anyone would notice, and partly because even people in the public eye have an expectation of privacy. There's no need to post someone's phone number or other contact information on a public forum, regardless if it appeared in People magazine or not. If any of you are foolish/desperate enough to really want to call Paris Hilton's cell phone (presuming that's even the real #), then I hope you wrote it down when it was originally posted, because it's been edited again. Basic decency and all.
  20. Dr. Tom

    B.S. move by NFL

    Let's not forget that the biggest bullshit move with NFL SUnday Ticket is that it's only offered on DirecTV, despiite the fact that digital cable has a greater installed base. I'd order it in a heartbeat if the NFL didn't have some asinine exclusive deal with a company whose service is available to less than 15% of the country.
  21. Dr. Tom

    NFL Draft best and worst

    The Ravens always draft well. Their first draft gave them Ray Lewis and Jonathan Ogden, so I guess that one is the best, but they haven't had a bad one since moving to Charm City.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Some More Help with My

    Out of curiosity, who are your RBs?
  23. Dr. Tom

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    Napalm pits. Round up all the terrorists, terrorist sympathizers, and Saddam loyalists,. Make them dig a huge ditch. Then break their arms and legs and throw them all in, all but one. Add Napalm and light. The one who didn't get tossed into the Napalm pit gets to tell everyone else what happens when terrorists attack America, its citizens, and its soldiers. Marshmallows and hot dogs optional for US and coalition soldiers.