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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    So help me out with...

    World Series Baseball for X-Box. I thought last year's version played a little better (and a little more like a sim), but this year's is still solid. All-Star Baseball is ass. I've heard good things about MVP Baseball, but I've never played it apart from a few minutes in Best Buy one day.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Which is harder part of A+ exam.....

    It's been a few years since I did the A+ test, but I thought the software portion was harder. Not difficult, really, but harder than the hardware portion. I've always been a hardware guy, so that stuff has always come easily for me. Back then, the software part consisted of DOS (which I'd used for years, but not to the degree A+ makes you use it), and Windows 9X (which I'd just started using, after avoiding the plague that was 3.1). I don't know if they still include DOS these days, but they should, since a lot of those old commands are still quite useful today.
  3. Dr. Tom

    A Moment To Bitch

    I'm just surprised Dids knows someone named "Scooter."
  4. Dr. Tom

    "The Political Machine"

    Slapnuts, I'm slightly more accommodating than my esteemed Colonel. I think it's fair that you join the Conservative BRIDAGE~! at the rank of Staff Sergeant. If you do well, you can go to Officers' School soon enough.
  5. It is. And maybe we'll get an official answer someday. Either way, it doesn't deserve your ridiculous response. No one here has said anything of the sort.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Happy Birthday, Papa.

    What ^ said.
  7. Dr. Tom

    That "Free TV" thread

    Kotz also had his one in 10,000+ posts. This guy had 2 in about 200.
  8. Hey now... a broken bottle of Jack is more dangerous than a box cutter.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Who likes Kerry?

    Will you people STOP QUOTING THE ENTIRE GODDAMN THREAD IN YOUR REPLIES? Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo stick, we can follow the bloody conversation without having to scroll two pages down to read a three-line reply. For fuck's sake.
  10. Maybe he's on the no-fly list because he costs the airlines too much in free booze?
  11. Dr. Tom

    Frre Flatscreen Tvs

    You didn't win a "frre" flatscreen TV for posting this spam, but you did win a free, no expenses paid, two-week vacation from TSM. Congratulations, tool. Closed.
  12. Dr. Tom

    I turned 30 today.

    Mind your elders, youngin'. I've got Chris beat by six months and a few days. ( )
  13. Three years removed from my last French class, but I believe it should be: n'est-ce pas It's been longer than that since I've taken French. I'm pretty sure "n'est pas?" translates exactly to "is it not?" (or "it is not?" with the implied intonation) My French is quite rusty, though, so you could be right and "n'est pas" could just be a colloquial form. I heard it a lot when I was in France.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    I agree completely, considering the ridiculous size of this year's field. It's a tremendous achievement, and a testament to the man's mad SKILLZ~! in tournament poker. My roommate is a big fan of his. I wonder if they'll crack 5000 players next year? The WSOP isn't starting at Binion's, so they might be anticipating more record numbers. The final two days are still at Binion's, though.
  15. Dr. Tom

    I turned 30 today.

    Chris is so old, he has Moses' cell phone number.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Deion to return to the NFL?

    WTF? Deion might have lost a step and all, but I'm pretty sure he can still cover the shit out of somebody's third receiver. He wouldn't have to be a shutdown corner like he was in his prime. I think he'd be great in the nickel DB role. Besides, this keeps him off of CBS' pregame show.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Rolling Stone obtains copies of report on abuses..

    Sigh. We've acknowledged and admitted what was done. Steps have been taken (and are being taken) to correct the problem and make sure it doesn't happen again. That's all we can do, and I think it's more than a lot of other countries would've done. No one in power in the "right-wing circlejerk" has ignored what happened, so kindly keep your liberal needledick in your pants.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Oh yeah, he went there

    So, was Kerry WRONG to sit in his office in a daze? Nope. Most people were in a daze --- I know I was. But, Jesus Christ, saying he would've acted when he clearly didn't not only politicizes the tragedy, it makes him look like a fucking idiot. -=Mike Kerry wasn't president on September the 11th 2001 , Bush was. And I suppose no CE topic is complete without you to fling shit at the walls... Christ, do you even pay attention to threads in here? Do you read ANYTHING that's in them at all, except a post by Mike that gets your liberal panties in such a twist that you HAVE to reply at once? That issue was talked about, extensively. Get with the times, for fuck's sake.
  19. Dr. Tom

    The Baseball Strike

    I gave up my Orioles season tickets (I had a 29-game plan) because of the strike. Those were the tickets that got me two seats to the 1993 All-Star Game, and almost certainly would've gotten me playoff seats a couple years later. My feeling at the time was that, if the owners and the players wanted to bicker over money, I was not going to add my money to the mix. I still watch baseball, still follow it, and started playing fantasy baseball in the years after the strike. However, I don't go to games nearly as often as I used to.
  20. Dr. Tom

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    Nope, suburbs. I've done my share of stop-and-go driving over the years, and while it's annoying no matter what you drive, it doesn't annoy me that much more with a manual. Certainly not enough to get me to even consider being enough of an automotive philistine to get an automatic...
  21. Dr. Tom

    The Ultimate Couch Potato

    Does anyone else see the irony in a group called the "League of Human Dignity" hauling some fatty to a LIVESTOCK scale to weigh him?
  22. Dr. Tom

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    Definitely learn to drive a stick. I actually learned to drive on a car that had a stick, so I've always preferred them, to the point where I refuse to drive anything with an automatic in it.
  23. Dr. Tom


    How the heck is a Maxima a "girl car?" The old 2-door Stanzas, sure, but my car is the own.
  24. Dr. Tom


    2002 Nissan Maxima SE, that color. The SE has the spoiler which this model seems to lack.