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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. I think it's a possibility. While I have no proof that any player took steroids, I think it's far more likely Giambi did than Bonds. Giambi got quite large in the span of just a few seasons in Oakland -- look at him on his rookie card compared to his A's heyday. Bonds' bulking up was over the span of a decade or more. Like I said, I have no proof any player was using steroids, but Giambi strikes me as a likely candidate.
  2. Dr. Tom

    New Pic of Batman

    No, you're not alone. It looks too modern to have the "Year One" feel. If this were the suit in the third movie, OK, but not for the first. I never cared for any of the suits in the original movies (the first was probably the least offensive), and this reminds me of those.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    Yeah, and that kind of puzzles me. Online, you get very few reads and tells. When you play in person, you have to watch people and know what to look for, and what those things mean. A lot of it is common sense, and I guess an online-only guy can go out and get Caro's Book of Tells and have a good idea what to look for. I wouldn't have been surprised to see an online-only guy do well in a smaller tourney, but to see someone like Moneymaker win the WSOP main event in his first live tourney... well, that was surprising. I like the "anyone can win" feel that the WSOP has (it encourages me to try it for myself one of these years), but there's also a part of me that finds it silly that a fellow who had only played tournies online can sit down and win The Big One like that. Of course, this year, he busted out on the first day...
  4. Dr. Tom

    Brock Lesnar signs with the Vikings.

    I'm not. I think with some technique and such, that he can be pretty damn dominant. I concur. The guy has the size needed, and he's scary strong. He also has good speed and quickness for someone as big as he is. All he needs is football knowledge and technique. Brock picked up pro wrestling pretty quick, though, so I doubt he's an idiot when it comes to new athletic pursuits.
  5. Not really. I had a crew cut when I was younger, but that's about it. If I look like any sports person, it would probably be John Daly, though my hair is a little darker and I'm less pudgy. They all like me way too much to yell at me. This is certainly true, especially of my mother. Not since I quit the retail world years ago. We have lackeys who do that sort of thing. Not anymore, though I do own a pair. I had eye surgery a few years ago, and should probably go back and have it touched up. Indeed. I can point to a lot of things I see and think, "I was raised better than that." This is absolutely 100% true.
  6. Dr. Tom

    The Convention

    Didn't Mrs. Ketchup say something about "un-American" in her speech? How was the reporter putting words in her mouth in that case? (I don't know if she did or not... I actually haven't seen much of the news in the past day or two, but the blurb I caught seemed to indicate that she did.) I didn't watch the convention, and I won't watch the GOP's dog-and-pony show, either. I don't expect the tone to be any different than what I've read of the Dems' so far, though I expect the same amount of bitching in the media, this time from the left.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Lessons Not Learned

    Hah! That's a good one, Vyce. They'd have to get his balls out of their collective mouth first, and I doubt that will be happening. The Coulter fiasco has been interesting. It's clear their editors had NO IDEA what they were getting when they brought her onboard. It's also clear their grasp of the English language is quite flawed.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Interesting picture....

  9. Dr. Tom

    The paul-london.com Fiasco

    What started out as something funny has turned into something else again. Dames has been catching heat for a lot of you using images from paul-london.com, especially after it became "cool" to leech their images and "invade" their board. It needs to stop, and it needs to stop now. So, this is what needs to happen. 1. If you are using an image from paul-london.com in your avatar or sig, either upload it to another web page or stop using it. 2. Stop harassing the staff of paul-london.com and stop trying to crash and invade their boards. Things could have been handled differently on both sides, but just because someone isn't nice-nice when they make their initial request does not give someone else carte blanche to screw them over. We're trying to have a reputable site here, and the conduct of people on the forums is part of that. To get past this, we need you to act like responsible people, not hooligans. The two steps above are not hard to do. I encourage anyone to whom they apply to start making good on them. This will be cross-posted in the Site Feedback folder.
  10. Dr. Tom

    The paul-london.com Fiasco

    What started out as something funny has turned into something else again. Dames has been catching heat for a lot of you using images from paul-london.com, especially after it became "cool" to leech their images and "invade" their board. It needs to stop, and it needs to stop now. So, this is what needs to happen. 1. If you are using an image from paul-london.com in your avatar or sig, either upload it to another web page or stop using it. 2. Stop harassing the staff of paul-london.com and stop trying to crash and invade their boards. Things could have been handled differently on both sides, but just because someone isn't nice-nice when they make their initial request does not give someone else carte blanche to screw them over. We're trying to have a reputable site here, and the conduct of people on the forums is part of that. To get past this, we need you to act like responsible people, not hooligans. The two steps above are not hard to do. I encourage anyone to whom they apply to start making good on them. This will be cross-posted in the WWE folder.
  11. Dr. Tom

    This Week in Baseball

    For some reason, the Orioles have a tendency to hit Pedro pretty hard. I know we drubbed him badly at least once this season. Of course, the O's also used to own Randy Johnson, but that's because then-manager Davey Johnson would put 9 RH in his lineup.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Why ESPN sucks

    For some reason, I've just never liked David Aldridge. He's always been very annoying to me, and I have no idea why. So I can't really say that I'm sorry he's leaving ESPN. Bob Ryan is a great replacement host. But the next time Wilbon goes somewhere and needs a replacement, they should bring in WOODY PAIGE~!
  13. Dr. Tom

    Weekend Boxoffice Report. July 23-25

    There is a third book in the series, called The Bourne Ultimatum. Since they're keeping the titles, I'd expect the eventual movie to be called that, also. The movies, however, are almost nothing like the books. I will say that the books are definitely worth reading. I've heard there's a fourth book, not written by Ludlum, but I haven't seen it or read it.
  14. Meh, what the heck. Count me in, too.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Sperm donor ordered to pay child support

    Hell no they shouldn't. Whether the woman got the sperm from a clinic or from someone she knows who donated it, the donor should not have to pay one red cent. By going the sperm-donation route, the woman is obviously saying she doesn't want to raise the child as part of a family unit, and wants to do it herself. Let her. And let her twist in the bloody wind if she changes her mind.
  16. Dr. Tom

    So who do think will win?

    Of course. Only the best pr0n for the kids. THINK OF THE CHILDREN~! I'm all about payment for services rendered.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Relievers and the Hall of Fame

    Saves are an inherently worthless stat, though. Most relievers come into a game in the 9th inning, no one on base, and a two or three-run lead. Even a chap with a 4.50 ERA will hold that lead more often than not. There are good closers out there (like Rivera and Gagne), and there have been others in the past, but 300 saves or 400 saves can't hold a candle to 300 wins, or any of the other "magic numbers." As for DH'es, if the stats are there, they shouldn't be penalized for being a DH. The DH is part of the game now.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Bourne Supremacy

    I saw it earlier this afternoon. This one was probably even with the first one. I liked how the suspense was created early and maintained throughout the entire movie. The fight scenes were done differently, and were a little too kinetic and hard to follow as a result. But definitely good stuff. Review coming in a day or two.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Anyone wanna talk poker?

    I've pretty much always been a NL player. My old roommate says the money's easier to make in Limit, but I've only tried it a couple times. The problem I have with it is that you can't protect your good hands nearly as well. I know people who prefer it because you can't take big losses at once like you can in NL, but to me, that's part of gambling. Tonight, I won a $10 sit-and-go on UB. I had 10's under and faced an all-in with 3 low cards on the flop, and decided to call, gussing the other player had A-K. He actually had A-Q, and that gave me the early chip lead, which I'd keep until trading it back and forth with the guy I ended up heads-up against at the end. I raised with Q-9 suited, bet big when a Q flopped, and then turned a 9. I bet 1000 chips at the pot to keep him in, he went all-in, and I called. Turns out he had 2 Pair also, but his were Q-3. w00t~!
  20. Dr. Tom

    Birds in the Hotel's Blog

    Dear Diary, Some people just never learn that their presence is not wanted. It doesn't amaze me anymore (and it really never did), but I do notice how much better I am than these poor, misguided souls who can never confront reality. Awash in awesome, Dr. Tom
  21. Dr. Tom

    So who do think will win?

    Nah, I'd tell him to get the sand out of his vagina and stop being so thin-skinned. Then, when he would inevitably ask, "What's a vagina," I could enact my Pr0n In The Classrooms Plan. It would be... at least for me. Maybe I can have both Cabinet posts? I'm good at time management...
  22. Dr. Tom

    TV Shows on DVD...

    Early next month, you can pick up the first season of KNIGHT RIDER~! on DVD.
  23. Dr. Tom

    The Pictures in People's .sigs

    This thread gets a big thumbs-up. Really, some of you people suck at the internet.
  24. Your standards for heroism are appallingly low.
  25. Dr. Tom

    Hey ladies, always wanted a big bosom?

    The reality is that this happens no more often than anyone else gets a boob job, relative to the population as a whole. While breast enlargment might not be the best way for Army doctors to practice their craft, any experience they gain is important when a dozen wounded men are wheeled in needing cosmetic surgery to look normal again.