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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    So misreads and/or attempts at lame jokes are trolling? Christ, I'd have to ban about 600 people if that were the case.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Why ESPN sucks

    I like what they've done so far, actually. The shows are still an hour, BTW, at least when they originally air. It's good to see games other than No Limit Hold'Em get some love. I've heard that the final table of every World Series event will be covered by ESPN this year, with the rest of the coverage going to the main event itself. I guess this means we'll see Limit, more 7-stud, Razz, 5-card Draw, Omaha, etc. Personally, I hate Razz, but it might make for OK TV.
  3. Dr. Tom

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    Dee Snider is the fucking man. His comments about the "Enter Sandman" video were great. "It made you want to get up, run around the room, and worship Satan." GOLD.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Regarding Name Changes

    It will. Just tack a character onto the end of the original name, then change it to the capitalized version of said original name.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Bush promotes measure against gay marriage

    Eric, in this case, the outlawing would not be because of a "danger," but because it's a concise way to head off what could very easily be a legal nightmare. Keep in mind I don't agree with the proposed amendment.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Bush promotes measure against gay marriage

    The problem with that is the "full faith and credit" clause in the Constitution. So let's say the citizens of Oregon vote on a statewide referendum to allow gay marriages. It's reasonable to presume that gay couples would then go there to be married, many of whom would not live in Oregon. The problem comes into play when those couples return to their home states. The full faith and credit clause says that a marriage recognized by one state must be recognized by all. What if one of those gay couples comes from a state whose citizens voted to reject gay marriages (as many states would, if polling data be accurate)? Are the citizens of that state just supposed to accept something they clearly said they didn't want? Whose rights take precendece here -- the people who got married or the millions who voted to not recognize that marriage? I don't support any amendment that bans gay marriage, since I don't really care what people do in their own homes, and I think anyone stupid enough to want to get married deserves to. But (as much as I despise judicial fiat, and as much as I love states' rights) I think there needs to be something done on a federal level to settle this issue. Otherwise, we're going to see plenty of situations like I outlined above.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Could the elections be delayed?

    CNN had an article about this, too, with the expected carping from a couple prominent Democrats. I think if a Democrat were in the White House now, they'd be saying how prudent the idea was, just in case something awful happens. While I don't think this is a political move, I think both sides are going to do their best to make it look like one.
  8. Dr. Tom

    W Ketchup

    The important people won't talk to you, though. They still have swelled heads over their product being named a vegetable the the Reagan administration.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Should Bush Drop Cheney?

    OMG BILL GATES PWNZ TEH NEWZ~!!!1!!1!!!! A poll run with the article asked if Bush should replace Cheney as his running mate. It was 51-41% in favor of "No."
  10. Dr. Tom

    CIA Slammed for Iraq intelligence

    Where do tards like you find out about this place? Really, I think we must be linked at crackpotsanonymous.com.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Any chance of control over own topics

    This could also be avoided by not hitting the "Add Reply" and related buttons more than once.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Need advice...

    If he's a big idiot bully and just fighting to make himself look tough, then he's probably just going to stand around and punch at you. Most bullies aren't sophisticated fighters. When he's standing there with his leg straight, kick him square in the knee, as hard as you can. You'll break his leg and tear up his knee, which hurts a LOT worse than getting kicked in the balls. And the fact that he'll be healing up from it for 2-3 months will give you the "street cred" you seem to lack.
  13. Dr. Tom

    How about that TNA mod?

    It did to a degree, but if people are slinging mud at you, you can't help but get dirty.
  14. It disgusts me how recent veterans get treated in this country. Vietnam was unpopular, but that was no excuse for Americans shitting all over their brothers and sisters who came home from there having done their time. The war in Iraq is no different. Be against the war and the President all you want, but show some love for the men and women who are doing the fighting.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    Currently, it appears kickers are getting zip for a PAT, and defenses are getting some positive integer for TDs. If you're going to set these to 1 and 6, that's great. By "negative point threshold," I mean the number of points allowed that start to earn a defensive team negative fantasy points. Since the league average for points scored is usually around 23, setting that number to 24 makes sense. An average defense gets you no reward or penalty, but once you're below average, the fantasy points should start coming off.
  16. Dr. Tom

    How about that TNA mod?

    It's not about "telling" anyone. I'm honest before I'm nice. Sometimes, my being honest will be the same thing as being nice. Other times, it won't. I just don't go out and try to be diplomatic and nice in everything I do. On the other end, I don't try to be mean and nasty, either. I deal with people honestly, and I expect the same in return.
  17. This is the best reference made in the CE folder in quite some time.
  18. Dr. Tom

    How about that TNA mod?

    If I cared about being nice... well, I'd probably be nice. I call things how I see them. If people can't deal with that, it falls under the umbrella of "not my problem." Shrug.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    I think that's accurate. But the popular black "leadership" (groups like the NAACP) will say that it's inaccurate because their agenda suffers unless someone else caused the problems.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    American embassies in foreign countries are considered American soil. I'm not certain about military bases, but it makes sense that they would be. Regardless, anyone born anywhere in the world to two Americans is an American citizen. However, if you're born in a London hospital to two American parents, you're going to end up a citizen of both the US and Great Britain. Dual citizenships are very taboo when it comes to things like security clearances because of the nature of the information a cleared person has access to. One person I know had to renounce his dual citizenship (Israel, one of our allies) to get his clearance. Another declined, and had to forfeit his job. The President would have a better clearance than anyone else, so the concern about allegiances to foreign governments is well-founded. The point is not to allow everyone to run, not even all American citizens to run. We live in a republic, not a pure democracy. To run for President, a person has to meet certain criteria, which were setup for the protection of this nation and its people. To loosen those criteria would be dangerous and potentially very stupid.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Well, isn't THIS a lovely story?

    That's awesome. Assholish moves like that are great, especially from politicians.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    Flik, the new points structure is much better. I'd add that kickers should get a point for PATs, since every league has that. Defensive touchdowns should be worth 6 points (they're listed as "+ points"). I also think the threshold for negative points on defense should be around 24, which is usually around the league average for points allowed.
  23. Dr. Tom

    W Ketchup

    What if someone uses catsup instead of ketchup?
  24. Dr. Tom

    Lets collectively rename the new

    My anagrams are still better than many of these suggestions.
  25. Dr. Tom

    How about that TNA mod?

    I'd also like to point out the "Report" button, which appears on every post. If you think someone is really being a problem, report them. Don't do this just because you disagree with them and want to say "OMG TROLL~!!!1!" to every post they make. If someone is being a problem, we'll handle it. If you just like to report people you disagree with, we'll handle you.