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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    How about that TNA mod?

    I started a discussing among the staff about a TNA Folder mod, and I made the mistake of doing it without reading the thread in question. Well, I just read the thread in question, and my observation is this: many of you need to dig the sand out of your vaginas. As soon as Nelly's Bandaid said something that dared criticize TNA, he was called a troll and compared to Dave O'Neill. Nice way to greet someone with a different view, guys. People who said they were done with the thread kept piping in to take shots at him, and for all the talk of him "flaming" and "flame-baiting," NB was uniformly more civil than those arguing with him. He also explained his opinions, despite several people claiming he wasn't. I see no problems. If you guys just want a folder mod to filter out unpopular opinions (which is the logical conclusion I draw based on this thread), then you can go directly to hell.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Federal judge nominee believes women should be

    Actually, the George Foreman grill is teh 0wnz0rz. My roommate has one, and I think I use it about 20x more than he does now. As for shitheads like Hatch and Santorum, they're two of the best arguments in favor of Congressional term limits.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    Because the President has a sworn duty to the country, its Constitution, and its people. He cannot have even the appearance of divided loyalties. Because the President has access to a wealth of very sensitive information, the barest threat he could somehow use it to benefit his native country is too much of a threat. I imagine they're similar, but I honestly don't care. Sorry, I don't want spineless shitheads like Jacques Chirac and Kofi Annan polluting the White House. The election process would weed such a person out. Too many people would be skeptical, and you know the other party would just HAMMER such a candidate on something like this.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    It shouldn't exist at all. Coaches sometimes trot kickers out there at the end of the half to try a field goal there's really no chance of making. Get in there, Matt Stover, and kick that 55-yarder! No fantasy player should be penalized for this. Not everything that generates a positive stat needs a corresponding negative one. It'll be exceedingly stupid if two teams in this league have good weeks, and one wins 38-36 because of absurd points reductions. The only things that should lose you points: Sack (-2) Interception (-1) Fumble (-1) Points allowed (varies as points get higher) We also don't need to gain points for things like completions and attempts. QBs should gain points for rushing and passing yards, and TDs, and lose points for sacks and INTs. RBs should gain for rushing and receiving yards, and TDs, and lose for fumbles. Ditto WR and TE. Defenses should gain points for forced fumbles, sacks, INTs, and few points allowed, and lose points for allowing a lot of points. Kickers should gain points for FGs and PATs. They rarely play a big enough role in the overall fantasy football scheme to dock them points. Maybe -1 for a missed PAT, since those should be automatic, but past that, I think it's getting silly. Basically, any owner should be able to go to NFL.com and get a decent guess of his team's points for the week. No one should need a scientific calculator and slide rule to accomplish this.
  5. Dr. Tom

    2004 MLB All Stars announced

    Because the team didn't have enough Yankees on it already...
  6. Dr. Tom

    Lets collectively rename the new

    Some good anagrams of "New Redbaron": Beard Renown A New Nerd Orb Nerdborn Awe Dr. Bean Owner Brawn Redone Need Worn Bra Renowned Bra
  7. Dr. Tom

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    I joined the Yahoo league, with the usual team name. I think 16 teams might be a bit on the heavy side, though. Most leagues run 12 teams, and 14 teams like a good max to me. Since it's a keeper league (not sure how Yahoo handles this), you want depth, and depth suffers as you add more teams. Since I doubt I'll make the live draft, I'll have to work on some pre-rankings.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    No, the rule needs to stay, for reasons already cited.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Most Unfunny Mainstream Comedians

    Wanda Sykes Jamie Foxx And anyone who doesn't like Eddie Izzard must be a philistine. He pwns j00.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Conservative? Let Kerry Win!

    1. The policy is fine with me. 2. Shrug. 3. Shrug. 4. I have to agree wholeheartedly here. In fact, Ashcroft is one of the principal reasons I will not be voting to re-elect President Bush in November.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Ok, if they didn't put themselves there, who did? The Man?
  12. Dr. Tom

    Federal judge nominee believes women should be

    Many Christians -- especially fundies in the public eye and/or in politics -- do a fine job of that all by themselves.
  13. Dr. Tom

    All Scrubs Vs. All Snubs

    If this were an actual game, the Snubs would win this one going away. I gess we'd have to see the rest of their pitching staff to accurately tell, but there are plenty of pitchers having good years who aren't on the All-Star team, so it shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Cure for cancer/Cure for AIDS

    Two words: roofing shingle.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Cure for cancer/Cure for AIDS

    This man speaks the truth, kids. It might sound harsh, but the truth often hurts. Sure, some people do things that directly lead to cancer, but more often than not, it's something that just happens to them. Nonsmokers get lung cancer. People who don't spend that much time in the sun get skin cancer. Children get lieukemia. Yes, there are some victims of AIDS, but many cases happen because people are ignorant.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Best A.L. Manager of All Time

    Maybe I'm a homer, but I have to give it up for Earl.
  17. Dr. Tom

    2004 MLB All Stars announced

    Anyone who's not hitting .250 at the time selections would be announced shouldn't be able to make the team. It's absurd that Giambi can hit .239, miss a bunch of games while being hurt, and still make the team because of name recognition. I know he's still getting on base, but there are definitely more deserving candidates in the AL who are hitting above their weight. Snubs: AL - Melvin Mora. NL - Adrian Beltre, Lyle Overbay.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    Probably. I wasn't able to make the live draft, so I was at the mercy of the auto-drafting. I remember ranking players, for all the good it did me: I had no quarterbacks coming out of the draft. Thankfully, I was able to pick up a couple, but still, that auto-draft is fux0red if it doesn't even fill your required positions.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Anyone up for Fantasy Football?

    We indeed did this last year, and I think Marvin is the one who found it and was the commish. I'd do it again.
  20. Dr. Tom

    6 puppies killed with fireworks

    It is, to a point. IIRC, about 90% of serial killers and sociopaths abused animals when they were in their teens. It's not accurate to call animal abuse a "gateway" to becoming a serial killer, since I'm sure there are many people out there who get their kicks killing kittens, then never do anything like that to a person. Most people who kill and abuse animals do not become serial killers or sociopaths. However, it's accurate to say that most sociopaths started out by killing and abusing animals. While I can't get behind the "OMG KILL THEM~!" tone of many posts in this thread, I will say that these worthless wastes of sperm and egg should be jailed as long as they law allows, and fined as much as the law allows.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    That would be even more profoundly stupid than trading a good prospect for a washed-up never-was middle reliever. What kind of a team would make THAT deal? Oh, right...
  22. It got Clinton elected the first time. That, and Ross Perot being a grandstanding jackass.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Taking on Commie College Professors

    Bob Dole doesn't care that you served in Vietnam. Bob Dole served in a real war. You know it, I know it, and the American people know it. -=Bob Dole
  24. Dr. Tom

    Failure to account for Iraqi cash

    ::had previously bought all shares of Haliburton and sold them to Global Crossing:: ::laughs as Mike seethes at owning a piece of McAuliffe's baby::
  25. Dr. Tom

    Somebody has pictures of Marney....

    If she weren't a lesbian, you'd try to hit it. That's all I'll say.