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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Both my grandfathers (now deceased) were Captains in the US Army during WWII. My maternal grandfather was stateside the entire time, but my paternal grandfather was in Europe, fighting against the Axis powers in the front lines. My dad still has a lot of Nazi memorabilia that my grandfather captured during the War, including some really cool knives.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Best movie from 1994?

    "Leon" is the special edition version of the theatrical release of "The Professional." I'm pretty sure foreign audiences got the "Leon" version, which is available on DVD as "Leon: The Professional." I like it a little better than the American theatrical release, and that version is quite good in its own right.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Hasselhoff wants to be a Bond baddie.

    You mean the KITT with that ghastly Super Pursuit Mode and ludicrous panel braking system? Yes, I'm quite glad you didn't post a picture of that. Nothing shows "Knight Rider" in its creative decline quite like KITT with Super Pursuit Mode.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Hasselhoff wants to be a Bond baddie.

    Bah, that's KARR from the second episode he was in, where he clearly looked different from KITT. The point of "Trust Doesn't Rust," of course, was to illustrate that KITT and KARR were identical, expect in their programming. Yes, I've watched way too much "Knight Rider" in my days...
  5. Dr. Tom

    Israel kills the new new Hammas leader

    At this rate, it won't take them long to get to the top dog. Naturally, I'm going to say this was good and necessary.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Stupid Neighbors and Lawnmowers

    You should do both. Disassemble stuff, and then shit all over the important parts so it's harder for them to reassemble anything.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Warhammer 40k

    I used to play Chaos (Tzeentch), and still have all my models and rulebooks. This was before the latest round of rules changes, which made Thousand Sons worse. Painting the minis and all that is such a time commitment that I won't get back into the game. If anything, I'd like to sell off what I have. It's a fun game, though, I'll give it that.
  8. Dr. Tom

    It SHOULD be noted...

    If 5000 can't be proven, how do you expect to prove thrice that figure?
  9. Dr. Tom

    Possible free hotel stay

    This isn't a bloody spam competition. Don't turn it into one.
  10. Dr. Tom

    What is your dream job?

    1. Author 2. Poker player 3. Gambler in general
  11. Dr. Tom

    A question someone asked the other day

    That DID add another secret handshake.
  12. Dr. Tom


    I don't think you're the Anti-Christ... just more melodramatic than you need to be.
  13. Dr. Tom

    A question someone asked the other day

    The clearance process changed after September 11th, too. It used to take a lot less time to get a clearance, but no more. This ensures thorough investigations and makes sure the appropriate stones are turned.
  14. He'll make more money that way then by selling crappy books, so fair play to him.
  15. Eh. Good idea for a parody, but I think it ran out of steam pretty quickly, and you're running the Olympic Mile with something that's not really a big deal anyway. *1/2
  16. Dr. Tom


    Look, Banky's being a shit disturber again. What a surprise... Anyway, I can see points on both sides of this issue. This isn't something that's easy to resolve, though. We have to look at fair use vs. copyright infringement. For a quick fix, I'll say that still photographs will continue to be fine for now, but video and other multimedia clips will have to go, unless you're the copyright/intellectual property holder. This includes clips in your avatars and signatures. It's something of a compromise, and allows us to cover most of the bases. As for posting links to multimedia: I said it was OK for Deon to do it, so it should be OK for everyone to do it. If you're going to provide a link, though, it should be to a WEBSITE ONLY, NOT DIRECTLY TO A MULTIMEDIA CLIP. Moderators will continue to edit posts in violation of this. Retroactive apologies to those who have had posts edited when only links were present. We'll go with that for now, and I'll defer the Offical Long-Term Answer to Dames, since his is the keyster ultimately in the sling here.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Why only two terms for the President?

    Because we're electing a president, not a monarch. Do your two terms (presuming you win re-election), and then step aside for someone else. I'm also in favor of twelve-year limits on service for Representitives and Senators. Public service wasn't supposed to be your career, and we don't need anymore Ted Kennedys and Robert Byrds.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Just a poll about what kind of baseball you prefer

    That's pretty much exactly how I feel. I'd rather see two good pitchers go at it than see a couple of scrubs get fitted for neck braces because they had to tirn around and watch so many homers leave.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Board time way off

    "How come you were 90 minutes late for work today!?" "Well, sir, this wrestling messageboard I post on has its clock set wrong." "..." "Sir?" "You're fired." (BTW, the clock is spot-on here)
  20. Dr. Tom

    USA POW Beheaded

    So moral relativism is the answer, then? Tremendous.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Thread Pruning

    We're looking at the best option. That might be pruning threads. It might be creating an archive folder for old topics. Trying to make the board work faster for everyone is hardly stupid, though. It's good to see that efforts to improve things are received so positively... No, it's being done to try and make the board faster. There's another forum I admin at that has several times the number of members we have here. Everything is much faster there, from just using the board to moderation functions like moving and deleting threads. I don't know what mods connect at what speeds, and I really don't care: those who may still have 56k long ago learned how to make the board as fast as they can get their connection to support.
  22. Dr. Tom

    The "Featured Article" option

    I agree, to a point. Special-interest pieces should be pinned for a few days. After that, they can fall back into general rotation. For any TSM writers who may not have known: everything you write does not automatically get pinned. In fact, you shouldn't be using the pin feature. If you think your article should be pinned, PM, AIM, or email me or Dames and plead your case. We're both reasonable fellows.
  23. Dr. Tom


    I've just re-enabled registrations. They're setup slightly differently than before, but it'll be transparent to those signing up. There's one thing I expect from people here, though: Don't register any gimmick accounts. Enough of the bloody things were deleted to last a lifetime. Your regular account is enough. Any gimmick accounts we see will be deleted, and I'll turn registrations off again if you lot can't keep your bad attempts at humor in your pants. The staff will be watching for any PBP's who might make their way back in this way. I'd also like the regular members to be vigilant in this regard. Some of you are very good at spotting them (much better than I am, in fact), and we'd like to keep using your eagle eyes to make sure the people we don't want around stay gone.
  24. To clear a few things up: 1. Posters are not going to be banned simply because they swore at a staff member. We're all adults here (most of us, at least), and I think the staff members all have thicker skins than to be that petty. All parties involved should still try to resolve problems and differences of opinion as civilly as possible -- we don't want anyone's points getting lost in a shouting match. 2. If you make a habit out of disobeying the staff members, though, then you can very easily be banned for that. 3. Since the rules have been brought up, we're considering a streamlining of them, to make things easier for posters and staff alike. 4. If people don't come to the Site Feedback folder for issues with the site and boards, then that's their bloody problem. We shouldn't need to start threads all over the boards just so a few idiots can see them.
  25. Actually, I thought it was pretty funny, even if "ban" isn't quite as versatile a word as it needs to be there. ... and I don't look anything like R. Lee Ermy, but that's beside the point.