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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Precisely, and that's the problem. They could have done something about the problem. They could have turned the molestor-priests over to the proper authorities and had them arrested and tried for their crimes. They could have excommunicated them in the process. Instead, a few forms were filled out, and children in a different district now get to hear Father Johnny Badtoucher say, "Come sit on my lap, little Timmy." What was really accomplished? Moving a problem around doesn't solve it. These no-good fuckups should have been tarred and feathered, and instead they got slapped on the wrist. Rubbish. You can't just look at the good and ignore the bad. Does the Church do a lot of good around the world? Yes, and that's not in question. They've also done a lot of damage and ruined a lot of lives, and no one seems terribly interested in doing anything consequential about it.
  2. Dr. Tom

    -iB- is coming to kill me...

    Good or bad, it's still attention, if that's what you crave...
  3. Dr. Tom

    Britney Spears Gets Peed On

    I was just going to point that out.
  4. Dr. Tom


    Basically, Sass and I bandied about some names about until we found a couple folks we agreed on. We'd been wanting to overhaul the staff for a while now, actually. He (Sass, that is) took care of lining up the forum mods, all of whom were added last night.
  5. It might not be condoned, but the Catholic Church didn't do much about the problem, either. Priests guilty of child molestation, regardless of their rank, should be jailed for the rest of their lives. The Church itself should be pushing for this to happen. Instead, they adopted a limp-wristed "three tykes and you're out" policy, and just transferred several repeat offenders to different districts. Catholics who have a conscience should express their disapproval by leaving the church. Otherwise, tacit approval is still approval.
  6. Dr. Tom


    It's not often someone argues for their own banning... Who am I not to agree? Edit: HA! I think I beat you to it, Kahran. r0x0rz
  7. Dr. Tom

    For those of you who eat at...

    Lobster tail is indeed quite good. I can't say I've ever had it at a Japanese steakhouse, but in general, it's good, and usually sells for more than $11.
  8. Dr. Tom

    State of the Site Address

    It doesn't matter. It's false.
  9. Jesse: Very good review. The content was rock-solid. The only thing I'd suggest is using bold or underlining to make titles and headers stand out more.
  10. We're inquiring about better servers and hosting plans, but since the site and its hardware still get billed to Dames, that's one decision I can't make in his absence.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Former Cardnial Pat Tillman killed in combat

    Christ, the man died. Can we keep political squabbling out of this? RIP
  12. Dr. Tom

    Louisiana May Ban Low-Slung Pants

    I've long thought there should be a law against plumber's crack. But against hotties in thongs and low-slung jeans? No way, no how.
  13. Obviously, it's "fun" to do stupid shit that people specifically tell you not to do... My advice is to be less "fun," Zsasz.
  14. Dr. Tom

    I don't get this

    It's not that we can't do it... well, some of us. It's that time is an issue for those of us who can, so it's good to have someone who has both the time and the know-how. Lately, I seem to have only the latter.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Clarett's Appeal Denied

    Good. I loathe Clarrett. Maybe if his stupid ass had stayed in school, he wouldn't be having all these problems right now. But nooooo, one good year means he thinks he's a prima donna who can flout the rules. Well, fuck him.
  16. Dr. Tom

    The TSM Deadpool

    Awesome. I'm a huge gloater and shit-talker during any kind of game.
  17. Dr. Tom

    I don't get this

    Delete the new account, then. There's no reason for someone who already has an account to register a new one, just because they now can. People who have trouble cooperating with this will be dealt with.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Regarding Name Changes

    Patience, grasshopper.
  19. Dr. Tom


    Hey, you got registrations back. Now we'll see if new blood is the panacea some make it out to be, I guess.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Any more site columns

    Actually, Teke, I'm the one bringing in the new blood. When Spree went into his semi-retirement, I recruited Alex to do the DVD reports, now called the DVD Discharge, and I think he's done a smashing job. I also brought our baseball guru Alkeiper into the fold as a writer. My regret is that I don't have the time to write as much as I used to. That seems to be the case with some others, too. So, to sum up: I'm awesome.
  21. Dr. Tom

    This Week In Baseball

    It's not like he peed on one of the statues. ... though I would have found that REALLY funny. Wrong, but funny.
  22. I would've guessed brown hair, myself, worn long with no regard for pulling it back.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Regarding Name Changes

    Should I consider that a request?
  24. Dr. Tom

    ANOTHER Barry Bonds thread

    I like Bonds, but I don't like ESPN riding his jock all the time. He's definitely the best ballplayer I've seen in my lifetime, and a lead-pipe cinch to walk into the Hall of Fame on the first ballot, even if his career ended tomorrow. As for steroids, I'm not going to judge him without the facts. I couldn't care less that Bonds is surly with the media. Most reporters are tards who ask the same stupid questions over and over... I wouldn't bother trying to be nice to them, either.
  25. Dr. Tom

    Angels give extension to Garret Anderson

    I don't like the deal either, Al. I think Anderson is one of those players who's more productive than his meager OBP would indicate, but still. Paying $12 million a year for four years, for a guy who's already 32? That sounds like a bad deal to me. I guess it's nice for them that their entire outfield is signed long-term now, but as much as I think Anderson is very good player, I still think this was a bad deal.