Dr. Tom
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Everything posted by Dr. Tom
Truly the apocalypse is at hand.
You didn't read the rest of my post. Like I said, I think it's good that you're working toward the goal of changing. But you WERE whining for a spell there, at least IMO. Nothing personal. I thought about deleting the part you quoted before I posted my reply, simply because I didn't want you to react to the tone of just that part. Looks like I should have done it.
"What has six pages and goes 'lock'? ...Give up? It's you" Hey, that's seven pages now, bub. OMG EDIT PLZ~!!1!!111!!!!
How to tell when someone has no point left to make: 1. Silly personal attacks as the entirety of their post. 2. Silly pictures to feebly try and support their silly personal attacks. This has been a Public Service Announcement, brought to you by TSM. Happy posting.
Michael Corleone - Godfather III Spin it however you want, with whatever movie quotes you want to cite. You said you were done, and you came back in. You're a liar. Forward: I answered the constructive criticism by saying I thought it was OK if staff members enjoyed a couple perqs the general users didn't get. When it started to move beyond "constructive criticism," with you as one of the principal instigators, I began responding in kind. I'll make no apologies for firing back when I feel people are firing on me. Wee-wah. Grow up and get over yourself. I don't hate you, either. I don't hate anyone who posts here. It's just not worth the emotional energy hatred requires to hate a stranger on the internet, IMO. I've never said I'm better than anyone else in this thread. I've just been right the whole time. That's good, and I mean that. It's good that you're trying to work toward something like that. I've changed plenty of times in my 30 years. I'm sure I'm not finished.
Hmph, just because the PM system doesn't work? That's not very nice...
18 User(s) are reading this topic (3 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users) 14 Members: DrTom, NY Untouchable, Thumbtack, treble charged, FrozenBlockOfPiss, the pinjockey, ToddRoyal, Downhome, CanadianChick, TUS_02, HarleyQuinn, MrRant, EL BRUJ0, FrigidSoul (emphasis mine, snipped a few seconds ago) Liar.
Meh, I thought that was silly. That's a bad standard to cite.
When haven't we been? This IS HD, after all.
THe thing is, I'd answered them. Many times. That's feedback. This thread turned into something else, so HD seemed a more logical home for it.
And you know what? I still don't have a problem with you. It's fine that you disagree with things and speak up about it. But there's such a thing as giving it a rest, too. When you keep going on and on because you didn't like the answer you got, then yes, it looks like you're whining. Not everyone sees it, but that's all I've wanted since I started at this place. Fair enough.
TOM SMASH~! Awesome. I mark for the Hulk TV series.
I think you're a fucking idiot who lacks the basic reading comprehension skills necessary to be a functional member of society. I'm all broken up about what you wanted, slugger. Oooh, what a zinger! What's next, I should "get a life?" Perhaps "get laid?" I think you are coming up with these on your own, because if anyone else had helped you, they wouldn't sound like they're coming from a retarded middle-schooler. Oooh, there's the threats of physical violence! You've really outdone yourself this time, skippy. Aren't you a cripple or something? You'd have to ditch the wheelchair and the therapy first, gimpy. Don't tell me, lemme guess... I "suck at the internet" is next? Amateur. Yawn. You're really not very good at this, are you? Oh no. About eight people I've never met told me I suck over the internet. Oh, Rhett! Where shall I go and what shall I do!? That would be his prerogative if he disagreed that strongly with the way things have been run. Of course, I think he'd just go ahead and do it himself and not leave the decision up to cretins like you, but that's just me. Hey, maybe your reading comprehension skills are improving after all! You remembered that from a whole three paragrahs ago! If you keep trying, you'll probably get a gold star of your very own in the gradebook! Aren't you the same self-declared "baseball guru" who got called out on making unsubstantiated posts in the MLB Offseason topic? Aren't you the same fragile jackass who then, in a fit of sobbing and weeping, took his ball and went home? Aren't you the same coward who then came back under a new posting name? Tool. Shut the fuck up and let better people get in my face. And if you are a gimp in a wheelchair, get busy sucking my dick. PT can wait. I'm Rick James, bitch!
that's because my mom is a whore. Oh. Fair enough, then.
I love the word "fisticuffs." Just thought I'd point that out.
Sigh. Lord, you give them eyes, yet they do not see. This is HD, where one person can take a harmless jab like that at another, and shouldn't have to face the Spanish Inquisition (no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!) over it after the fact. Whenever you're tired of misinterpreting things and being wrong, you can stop.
It wasn't a valid point. If I'd meant "more posts," I would have said that.
Heh. I hadn't even considered that, actuall... Er... Of course! This was all part of my EVIL PLAN~! MUAHAHAHAHAHA~!
Christ, but you're a chronically miserable one. I hereby appoint you to be the President Emeritus of the TSM Serial Whiners Society. I moved it to HD because it's pretty much turned into a flaming thread, and thus belongs here. And no, I don't care if you agree with my decision.
Because the exchanges between Ghettoman and me had, IMO, become bigger than the thread. Anyone can start a new thread about it with a link to the first one; heck, I'll do it if no one else does. 5 or so posts between the two had become more than the hundred plus other posts on the matter *crosses off "ability to do math" from list of things nessecary to know for moderating* I knew some idiot would try to reduce what I said to the number of posts made about each topic. A winner is you! "Bigger" was clearly meant in terms of scope. Brush up on your reading comprehension, will you? Your lack of it is becoming tiresome. You bore me.
Yes, I know. We've established that. Try to keep up. Funny thing about that... Dames and I collaborated on the rules, so they're as much mine as they are his, by that standard.
It's now in HD, for those who may not have seen. I've been laughing for three pages now. This was a much more entertaining way to spend my Saturday afternoon than working with MS Access. After I moved it, though, no posts showed up in Site Feedback at first. That was freaky.
Eh. 5/10... I like the effort and the humor, but the fonts aren't close to matching up.
I'm actually not trying to talk down to anyone. I've always used things like that in my posts.
Because the exchanges between Ghettoman and me had, IMO, become bigger than the thread. Anyone can start a new thread about it with a link to the first one; heck, I'll do it if no one else does.