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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    I was objective. A judgment call like that requires you to weigh the merits of one side against another. I did that without any bias toward either side, but my judgment was in favor of those who thought the thread had more than run its course and should have been closed.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    I never intended it to be a valid argument. It was answering a barb with a barb. Silly me, thinking things would've stopped soon after and not spiraled into this. Oh well. It's been a while since I fought off eight or so people at once, but it's still fun. Keep 'em coming, kids.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Probably because peace is boring. War = RATINGS
  4. Dr. Tom

    TSM's Best Year of the 2000's

    Your mom never complained.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    I don't need any help fighting my battles.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    See the reply I just posted to CWM. Those threads were not closed arbitrarily.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    I've given my reasons for closing all of those threads, many times now. Those reasons were justified. Find something else to complain about, eh?
  8. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Translation: I'm too lazy to conduct an argument properly. I deleted it because it shouldn't have been posted. Grotesque images and all that. Yes, what's grotesque is ultimately a judgment call, but all staff are empowered to use their judgment. Dames deletes pictures of spiders because he has arachnophobia and thinks the images grotesque, and no one bitches. But I turn your picture into a link (so people can still see it and your "joke" can still be made), and you pitch a bitch. Oh well. We try to make sure there's no nudity. Bikinis and the like are almost always fine. How upstanding of you, you're an oak. Yeah, all... what, six or eight of them? My, I'm jost overwhelmed here. And no one who's really a surprise to be included in that group yet, meaning they've (a) had a problem with me in the past or (b) are serial whiners. If this is your army, kid, I suggest you stay in the barracks where it's warm. And I've done that when... ? If that were true, I think Dames would have gotten rid of me a long time ago.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Hardly. I don't care if you believe it or not, but I wouldn't have done anything of the sort. No, I was quite sincere about talking things out with him, if he wishes to have such a conversation.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    In the past month, I'm aware of you closing three threads: -The Rawmvp thread -The Paris Hilton thread -The Anti French-Sentiment thread Three threads in less than a month. Two of which should not have been closed in the first place. I'm not even going to go into the amount of threads you may have locked in 2003. Perhaps this is why some get the idea if you being somewhat of a dictator on this board. Yes, because an entire month is indicative of everything I've done in the past two years...
  11. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    That's pretty accurate, yeah. I would invite you to take Jack's advice, but I'm sure you'll ignore it. I'd also invite you to leave the board if you're sincerely that upset about the way things are being done, but since you'd just be back in a week (like you were the other times you've "left"), I know it wouldn't do any good. Step 1: Stop being a whiny bitch. Step 2: Stop being a barn for other people who make the points before you do. Work on those for now, then we can get to the rest.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    I did. I was simply exploiting the name to make a point. Speaking of points, I also know that the Know-Nothings used to get in voting lines and, if they saw a ballot that wasn't filled out for them, used to hit people with icepicks to get them to change their vote.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    The people in the thread calling for it to be closed. Yes, there were people who thought it should have stayed open. But I looked at the thread and looked at both arguments, and decided that closing it was mercy-killing it, so I opted for that. Um... actually, that WAS it. Call it weak if you want, believe it or don't, but that was the reason. I just did; scroll up a bit.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Where do you have this idea that I go around closing so many threads? That's nice. The old "I've talked to a lot of people..." gets tacked onto an argument when you don't think your point stands up well enough on its own, and that's supposed to lend some kind of weight to the whole thing. It doesn't. Here's the thing: I do what is right. What is right is not always what is popular. People are going to disagree with me, and some may even dislike me. Neither bothers me. Cite an instance where I have used or bent a rule for the sole benefit of myself. And I did this... when, exactly? Come on, laddie, if you're going to make the argument, you're going to need more than empty rhetoric. Put words in people's mouths much? What I've said, several times now, in fact, is that staff members should get a few perqs that regular posters don't. I have never said staff members are above the rules. There is an obvious difference there. Now your rhetoric is sloppy, in addition to being empty. Meh. That's not a very precise analogy, but if it floats your boat, whatever. The thing is, for the most part, I DO let the players play. When have I closed a thread because person A was "flaming" person B? I care less about "flaming" than anyone here. When I close threads, it's typically because of trolling. I closed the Paris Hilton thread (since I know you're going to bring that up, given as you already have) because the argument between Ghettoman and me (and people picking up on it) had taken the thread woefully off course. If Ghettoman wishes to discuss things with me, he can PM me; if he wishes to flame me, he can make a post in HD. If people want to keep talking about Paris Hilton's sex tape, they'll get on with life and make a new thread. How do they not make their presence known? And what things do they do so stealthily? I might add that you're free to quit bitching anytime now, too. Right, thought so. Actually, I think people like you and CWM, who bitch and cry about small things and then carry them to farcical extremes when they don't get the answer they wanted, make the board less fun. But to each his own. Shrug.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    It's short for "perquisites," if I remember old English classes correctly. It can be spelled both ways, but as a Word Whore, I think it looks cooler with the Q, and opt for that one.
  16. Dr. Tom

    TSM's Best Year of the 2000's

    I think I can count on two hands the number of threads I've deleted and/or closed in the last year or more. When you eliminate silly trolling threads from the mix, it probably gets down to one hand. I see a lot of posts here I don't like, and a lot of threads I don't agree with. The fact remains that I close very, very few threads, and that should be pretty apparent to see.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    If I close the thread, I'm a dictator. If I respond to people, and the barbs they're directing at me, then I'm being unprofessional. C'est la vie. I guess I'll have to settle for being unprofessional, then.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Your opinion, and your poor sarcasm. Uh-oh, someone's panties are developing a twist. Some of them only give me hand jobs, I'll have you know. Besides, I think it's intrinsic to any board that staff members do more for it than regular posters do, simply because of the duties they perform. It's not a shot at anyone, just an observation. Yes, and a few of you still need to learn what that means. Because I feel that, regardless of the medium, people who help make sure something runs should get a few perqs. Rank has its privileges, as some have said, or at least it should. No, but I'll give you a thumbs-up for spelling it right.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    I would but I think you're currently running it Did you come up with that one all by yourself?
  20. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    No he doesn't. He's bitching because he wants something to bitch about, and you're clapping for him the whole way like a good little barn. Fine. I've already said: There is nothing wrong with staff members enjoying a few perqs.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Not at all There used to be a political party in America, called the Know-Nothings. Perhaps you should look into reviving that movement.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    He's been very active in the WWE folder, reading every thread, point out problems, posting about them, listening to feedback (which is usually people bitching about silly shit, much like this thread), and warning/suspending those who have deserved it. Loss has done more for this board in his time as a moderator than most of the complainers have done in their entire tenures here, and if he wants to modify his name, then fuck it... I say he's entitled.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Does it matter? Because he's a staff member, and he works hard at his duties. WTF is the point of this? It'd be like talking about rich people getting away with things and someone saying, "without people to buy his software, Bill Gates wouldn't have any money!" Are you going somewhere with this one? A lot of that "activity" he's "stirred up" hasn't been positive. The Brain stirred up a lot of activity, too. BTW, feel free to take Banky's cock out of your mouth anytime now. If not him, then someone else would have. Right place, right time = you're not special. People carping about pointless shit on an internet messageboard is far, far gheyer.
  24. Dr. Tom

    Yo Listen Up

    Here's a simple answer: Loss is a hardworking, sincere staff member. Why shouldn't he get a perq that regular posters don't get?
  25. Dr. Tom

    USB Hub

    Not all USB devices work well in USB hubs. Try plugging it directly into your other USB port.