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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom


    It'd be hard to prove, anyway. You'd have to verify thousands of stories with outside sources, and that's more research than anyone should put into something that's not a doctoral thesis. Personally, I think Jayson Blair trumps Drudge BECAUSE the Times is a longstanding print medium that's interested in preserving an honest reputation, while Drudge has the internet stigma working against him.
  2. Dr. Tom

    George W. Bush's lost year in Alabama

    Perhaps, but the meaning appears to be self-evident, no? Anyway, we all know Bush did his share of drinking in his younger days. Whoopee.
  3. Dr. Tom

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Christ, Rant, you must miss Pat Gillick more with each passing day...
  4. Dr. Tom

    kkk Bowl I -- Fazzle v. Gert T.

    I was just thinking that would be a splendid idea. BTW, jolly good job with the league, Colonel.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Best Avatar ever!

    All of you are pretenders to my throne.
  6. Dr. Tom

    The KM Conspiracy

    I'd be willing to be concerned about her hips for her...
  7. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I think Tom does a good job with the folder (even though he's wrong in his above post). I doubt you'll find someone more neutral than him. Sure, the folder COULD be better, but you could pretty much say that about any of the others on the board. Thanks. I try to be neutral and let both sides have their say and shout 'til their voices are scratchy. Even the "heated" threads tend to get calm pretty quick, so I've never seen the big issue with "flaming" in CE. I've also never thought the folder needed a forum mod, and that remains my opinion.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Learn World History from Rob Johnstone!!

    I'd forgotten how awesome this thread was.
  9. Dr. Tom

    The KM Conspiracy

    #1 album > Kylie's album
  10. Dr. Tom

    The KM Conspiracy

    And a #3 record doesn't have "massive sales numbers?" It's the bloody #3 record, for heaven's sake. It has to be moving in significant numbers to be that high on the list.
  11. Dr. Tom

    The KM Conspiracy

  12. Dr. Tom

    The KM Conspiracy

    I guess I'm trying to figure out how having the #3 record in the country, as opposed to the #1 record, really damages an artist's career.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    If you want people to take you seriously, yes. An opinion alone is worthless. You can think anything you want, but unless you're able to defend your position, no one will give two pins what you say, really.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    Question: How exactly would you "knock me" on my ass? You don't even know me. Seems kind of illogical and immature. Besides, if you can't take someone making fun of YOUR culture (which does have its flaws) perhaps you shouldn't make fun of other cultures. Quite frankly, I'm tired of caring about what anyone thinks. I'm past that. Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, you're hopeless. Are you capable of grapsing sarcasm and humor AT ALL? It's pretty obvious he was taking a gentle shot at his own cultural stereotypes in the reply -- namely the one that says that all Irismen are drunks who like to fight. As for what Dames thinks of CE, he's the one who posted the disclaimer we had. If it's gone AWOL after the board upgrade, I can always put it back.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Starting fresh

    Welcome to the thankless job of being a moderator, Loss.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    Other people from Australia post in CE and share their views. The only people who have problems are the folks who, regardless of their opinions, simply spout rhetoric with no ability to back it up. Sure, if everything you post can be summed up as "OMG AMERICA IZ TEH DEVIL~!!1!!!!11!!" then you'll BUTT heads with more than a few folks (and have at least one cretin on your side), but that's about it.
  17. Fantastic movie, BTW, for those who haven't seen it. It was the best movie not named "Return of the King" to come out last year, and I don't think ROTK beat it by much at all.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Happy Birthday Dr. Tom

    That's Norwood Thomas Poindexter IV, Esq. to you, bub.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    This sick trend continues. Grow up a bit, eh?
  20. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I could live with that. It might be Quebec, but I'd still be a king. MUAHAHAHAHA~!
  21. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I could get by in Quebec. Those damn near-Frenchies would mouth off to me, and I'd retort with, "Va ta faire foutre!" Not only would that puzzle them by describing a biologically impossible action, it would impress them with my superior knowledge of French curse words, and they would then leave me alone.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Happy Birthday Dr. Tom

    Thanks, everyone. It was a pretty sedate day, as I took the day off from work and bummed around the house. I'm not sure what the weekend holds, but I'd actually prefer not to do much of anything, since I dislike being the center of attention that one inevitably has to be at some "milestone" birthday outing.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Happy Birthday Dr. Tom

    Quiet, you. Quit hijacking my thread with your lesbian lap-dance fantasies.
  24. OMG JAY IZ TEH CHILD MOLESTOR~!!1!!!11!!!1!! Seriously, though, good stuff as always. This would be a trip down memory lane for me, too.
  25. Dr. Tom

    Story from Russia

    It's also a legitimate international news story, not the "useless material" the anti-trolling rule calls for.