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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    How come some are for...

    Precisely. There should be a limited duration for the appeals, though. An inmate shouldn't be able to drag the process out a dozen or more years. There's such a thing as giving the accused their rights, and there's also such a thing as making a mockery of the judicial system. It should be a simple process: if you are convicted of a capital crime and sentenced to die, then you have five years to make your appeals and plead your case. On that 1827th day, though, you should be taken from your cell and executed. No ifs, ands, buts, or anything else.
  2. Dr. Tom

    If you could, like on AIM, block people's posts

    It was a joke, but it seemed appropriate after you deliberately mirrored CWM's gaffe-post.
  3. Dr. Tom

    SUVs -- will it last?

    Gregg Easterbrook wrote a fantastic article on SUVs called "Axle of Evil." It appeared last year at TNR.com. You have to be a subscriber to read it, but you get 4 weeks for free and never have to pay anything, and I definitely recommend the article.
  4. Dr. Tom

    I am Simply in Awe

    He's definitely jumped the shark. And I think Rant was driving the speedboat.
  5. I could have SWORN it was up down up down... Huh. Oh well... with the wellsprings of knowledge and profundity running thru my head, it's inevitable that some of the information I deign to share with the unwashed masses will be slightly inaccurate. Still, you worthless lot are lucky to have me around. How was that, Spoon?
  6. Dr. Tom

    If you could, like on AIM, block people's posts

    All the liberal western European do-gooders who never have any idea what they're talking about. And Kotzenjunge.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I think a swift banning is in order if we wish to stop this sort of behaviour. Two key words in that rule you cited, Treble: useless material. The story Mike posted was and is a legitimate story in international news. You're barking up the wrong tree on this one.
  8. Dr. Tom

    How come some are for...

    Indeed it does. It seems to make sense that actually imprisoning someone for life would cost more, but that turns out not to be the case. Still, there are ways we could reduce the cost of the death penalty process, and the cost of one vs. the other isn't really the point.
  9. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Spare me. It devolved irrevocably into stupidity as soon as people spent pages and pages arguing about the same things. It's convenient how you ignored the fact that I addressed several people's legitimate concerns in an appropriate manner, and chose to focus only on my more caustic responses to the various mouthy jackasses in the thread. I would have thought an intelligent Englishman wouldn't be so intellectually dishonest and only paint with one side of the brush. But I guess I was wrong.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    Christ on a cracker. It's poking fun at people, based on years and years of recorded history, and an admitted stereotype that still has its basis in actual experiences. Are we that bloody PC that we can't make fun of cheese-eating surrender monkeys without someone raising a fuss about it?
  11. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    I'm not going to censor myself just because I have a blue flashing title beneath my screen name. I happen to like this board and my fellow staff members, and when I see them being unfairly shat upon, I'm going to jump into the fire and start shooting back. And I don't really care who likes it and who doesn't.
  12. Kotz, you ignorant slut. It's ^ V ^ V < > < > B A Start.
  13. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Fair enough. Suffice it to say that I recognize the fact that there have been problems in the folder for a while, and that I want to see it improve for the better enjoyment and benefit of the people who contribute to it.
  14. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    That was DrTom, but it's understandable. What's understandable? That I don't think any staff member should be burdened with a lot of "busy work?" THere's no way anyone should have to cut and paste someone's post and cite chapter and verse as to why something happened with it. The reasons should be self-evident, and the staff isn't interested in abusing their power.
  15. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Yes, I'm aware of tonight's developments in this saga, but I feel people's concerns should be addressed regardless. That, and I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. Anyway, I don't want to see people leave in droves for any reason. My point was that if people don't think the staff is doing a good job with the board, they should find a place they enjoy more, a place that makes them happier to post. The reality is that we can't stop people from leaving whatever their reason might be, but I'm not trying to encourage departures, and I said that in the original post.
  16. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Cry me a fucking river. You've been shitting on the ideas and the people behind them for three or more pages. And if replying to your clearly caustic tone in a similar fashion is "starting with you," then I guess I'm guilty as charged. Besides, Rome wasn't built in a day.
  17. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    The problem then becomes bureaucracy. All three of them would have to be online at the same time for that to be really workable. Otherwise, you're going to be leaving questionable threads open for hours while one or two people get online to add their vote to the mix. Moderators, including forum mods, should be able to act with autonomy. No one on the staff would have their positions now if we didn't think they could do the work.
  18. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    I'm not completely sure how sarcastic the statement was. But with the way things have been going in the WWE folder the past couple of days, I wouldn't be shocked. Just saying that I HOPE multiple quoting isn't one of the main problems in the WWE folder, and that there way more important issues to address. I thought the sarcasm was pretty obvious.
  19. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Me posting something early based on bad information in no way relates to the problems in the folder, most of which are caused by idiots being idiots. Not all. But the bad outweighs the good, and pretty much always has. Good threads almost always devolve into the Same Old Crap. As for you, I'm the one who nominated you to be a mod of the forum (a position I later found out you didn't want), and argued in favor of that choice, so it should be obvious I don't think you're an idiot, either. That's not going to be permanent.
  20. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    If you want to be chronically miserable, then go ahead. I refuse to star in your psychodrama. In the meantime, rational people will understand that things are still being worked out. What you see now will not be the final result. I know asking you to have patience is like asking the Pope to sacrifice a goat on a black altar, but make a little fucking effort, will you? Sure, except that I wasn't even talking to you.
  21. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    You just summed up your last two days' worth of posting in four lines. Please continue to use this kind of brevity.
  22. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Ok. We're not. At least not as our primary goal. The WWE folder has taken a drubbing from people on this board for a long time. I consigned it to other staff members because the sheer level of rampant idiocy prevented me from going in there. There's no reason anyone should feel their IQ drop when they enter a folder. Word spread to other boards, of course, and many of them jumped on the bandwagon, but the horse and cart originally left from within our own walls. Besides, since we don't exist in a vacuum and would presumably want to draw in new members, having a shitty reputation isn't exactly the way to accomplish that.
  23. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    Exactly. I'm glad other people get this. I've seen some multiple-quotes where the original post was about five characters wide because so many other quotes followed it. It's not hard just to click "Add Reply" if you're responding to the post above yours. You can even cut and paste the passage you're replying to and stick it in Quote tags. Maybe we should just delete any post that multi-quotes like that. Idiocy is what everyone wants us to get rid of, and you can't be much more idiotic than to blindly hit Quote everytime you want to make a reply.
  24. Dr. Tom

    The WWE Folder

    This is NIMBY syndrome. People: "We need more jails!" Government: "Ok. We'll build them here." People: "Noooooo! Not here! Not In My Back Yard! We need more jails! Just... not here." The parallel: Posters: "We need to do something about the WWE folder." Staff: "Ok. Here are some changes we think will improve everyone's experiences with the folder." Posters: "Noooo! We don't want those changes!" This is a work in progress, folks. We're going to look at things, listen to feedback, and iron out the kinks. But taking up three fucking pages about one worthless thread being closed IS a waste of everyone's time. I don't care if other people are too nice to say it; I'm not and I will. If you have a gripe or a question, feel free to mention it, but there's no need to spend hours and hours going round and round with a staff member who has better things to do than listen to you repeat yourself. If you want to see things happen, then staff members have to actually BE in the WWE folder, not wasting their time listening to people in love with their own words prattle on and on. It's simple: agree to disagree, and move on with life. Drama queens do not improve things.
  25. Dr. Tom

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    If I had an ERA of almost 10 for a shitty team like the Brewers, I might shoot somebody, too.