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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Windows 2000 Professional will not BOOT

    Errors like this are why I'm glad we're getting rid of Win2k at work soon. It might be possible to get the PC to boot by configuring the two CD drives as Master and Slave -- I always avoid using "cable select" -- but it's also likely that you're fux0red and will have to start over. For all its press, Win2k really is vulnerable to silly errors like this.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Explain THIS TO ME

    At this point, I think I have to. It's crossed well into the absurd, and has no redeeming value at all anymore. "Cliffhanger" or not, this story is now over.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Hardcore Discussion Mods

    Bugger. Bollocks.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Hardcore Discussion Mods

    Two things: 1. I don't think HD needs forum mods, and I think most of the staff would agree with me. 2. Forum mods can't ban anyone (only global mods and admins can), so your concerns about certain people abusing their power like that are unfounded. Besides, we'd never appoint a forum mod we thought would go all wacky on us.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Jumping the Gun, re: WWE Folder

    I also suffer from Premature Bannings, and am an unreformed Notorious Power Abuser. MUAHAHAHAHA~!
  6. Dr. Tom

    WMDs (and lack thereof) in Iraq

    I'm with Option 2 as well. Many countries were positive Saddam had WMD. Perhaps he still does (or did before he was deposed), but it would seem that it's not to the degree we first thought.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Child Criminals

    I can see making an exception for really young children, but even they should be put in some kind of juvenile home until they're 18. It's hard to decide on a cutoff age, but somewhere between 10-12 sounds right. At that point, you bloody well know the difference between right and wrong, and there are kids who fully understand it before 10. Juvenile detention centers, then a move to full prison later in life is what they should get.
  8. Eh, I didn't feel like elaborating at the time. I'm right, though.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Kill NHB?

    Define "out of hand." My point about flaming has *always* been that most of us are adults, and as an adult, if someone can't handle a stranger saying "fuk u ur gay and u suk," then they have some larger issues they need to address. Nowhere does anyone have the right not to be offended. That's not to say people should post for the sole purpose of offending others, but if someone gets their feelings bruised because a stranger called them a name, I really don't have any sympathy for them. To my knowledge, "ban-worthy flaming" consists of most forms of bigotry, and any comment deemed wholly tasteless. THe rules are fine there, IMO, since it's possible to "flame" someone without bringing things like racism into the picture. That's a good distinction, and I probably should have mentioned it. Flaming someone within a thread should be fine. Starting a thread for the express purpose of flaming someone should be considered trolling. (Keep in mind, kids, that these are all hypotheticals based on the removal of NHB/HD, which might not even happen.) Riiiiiiight... Methinks, too. "Flaming" is very overrated as an "offense," and I've thought that way since I've been posting on messageboards.
  10. Dr. Tom

    A New Era Begins

    This folder takes a lot of abuse, both on this board and others. We've gotten tired of that. We think we have a good website, and we want to make the forums as good for you the user community as we can. In order to do that, we're going to make some changes to this folder. First, we've appointed three forum moderators: Loss4Words, Goodear, and Canadian Chick. They have full power over all threads and posts in this folder, and are free to edit, pin, close, and delete at their discretion. They're also going to be issuing warnings for bad behavior, and those warnings will be investigated by global mods and admins. Listen to them as would any other staff member, because that rule applies to them, too. Second, we're going to post a set of rules specific to this folder. Everyone who posts in this folder will be responsible for reading them and adhering to them; ignorance will not be an excuse. The forum mods will be enforcing them, and they have the full support of the global mods and admins. Play nice, cooperate with them, and everybody wins. We're trying to drag this folder up by its bootstraps and make it respectable and content-rich. We don't want it to be a joke anymore; you deserve better than that. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.
  11. 1. We will have a daily news thread. Any of the backstage gossip, rumors and other news items that are released over the course of the day can be posted in this thread. Any comments on the news would also be made in this thread. The purpose of this is to avoid multiple threads discussing subjects such as Faarooq going to Pep Boys or Kevin Nash showing up backstage at Wrestlemania. Also, use some common sense when starting "OAO wrestler x sucks" threads and be prepared to back up your opinion. 2. The OAO RAW and Smackdown threads are still allowed, but they must be self-contained. Any overall show discussion can be made in another thread, but whenever possible, please limit the number of new threads discussing the same subject matter. 3. DO NOT start a thread for Smackdown spoilers until the spoilers are available. If you start a thread for spoilers and do not have them, the thread will be deleted and you will receive a warning by PM. If this is a regular occurence, the mods reserve the right to ban on a case-by-case basis. 4. If you make a double post, do not make another post apologizing for making a double post. 5. One-line posts, when relevant, on topic and not excessive are perfectly acceptable. We will be watching the boards carefully and if a poster is abusing this by never contributing anything of substance and only posting small tidbits that add nothing to the discussion, the poster will be warned by PM. 6. When copying and pasting a news story from another website, provide a source (i.e. credit WON, Torch, etc.) to the original article. Copying and pasting without crediting a source is actually an illegal practice. 7. Before asking a question, use the search engine at the top of the page to make sure the question has not previously been asked. If it has been asked, refer to that thread, and if not, feel free to start a new topic. If the demand is there, the mods will look into pinning a thread at the top of the page with answers to wrestling questions, resources and helpful links. 8. The mods will try to do all warnings through PMs whenever possible. We ask that you show the same courtesy. If you have any complaints about the way the folder is being run, please PM one of the mods or post your comments in the Feedback folder. 9. If you do not know how to use the search, quote or URL functions, please refer to the FAQ. If your questions are not answered there, please feel free to contact any mod. 10. The forum is only for WWE related material. All news or opinions involving former or non-WWE wrestlers (like Kevin Nash or Hulk Hogan) that have nothing to do with WWE specifically, belong in the General Wrestling folder. 11. Have fun! Help us make the WWE folder the best place for WWE discussion anywhere. If you have any suggestions to make the WWE folder a better place, the mods want to hear from you.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Child Criminals

    If you're old enough to do the crime, you're old enough to do the time. That's fair for everyone, and any other system would be a double standard, and those are unconstitutional. As for the kids in school situation, expulsion basically forces them into a worthless life of crime. Expelling a kid should be a last resort, not a rote response. A student caught lighting one up should be made to attend drug education classes after school, with further incidents requiring rehab.
  13. Dr. Tom

    The HD Lounge

    So no one's having a cigar? Philistines.
  14. Dr. Tom

    A New Era Begins

    The folder sucking a lot of dick for so long?
  15. Dr. Tom

    Kill NHB?

    I'm in favor of getting rid of the folder. I'm also in favor of allowing "flaming" in every folder. If you're too much of a thin-skinned ninny to look past a stranger on the internet calling you names, then fuck you, and go cry in someone else's virtual coffee.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Grate deels on EBay

    I've picked up few things on the cheap because of people misspelling simple things. A fool and his merchandise are soon parted, for less money than they should have been.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Ask Incandenza

    ::butts in, with no pun intended:: Hell yes. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
  18. Dr. Tom

    My final post

    Zack, you can safely ignore 75% of what Zsasz says. This would fall into that 75%.
  19. Dr. Tom

    WMD....maybe never!?!

    Here's some more info for the Secret Service, since I'm sure they'll be reading this thread. Hunger4unger's IP address resolves to AOL, so it's dynamic. Curiously enough, the IP he registered with ( comes back to this: OrgName: RIPE Network Coordination Centre OrgID: RIPE Address: Singel 258 Address: 1016 AB City: Amsterdam OrgTechHandle: RIPE-NCC-ARIN OrgTechName: RIPE NCC Hostmaster OrgTechPhone: +31 20 535 4444 OrgTechEmail: [email protected] It looks to me like he's spoofing IP addresses, since I doubt an AOL IP would originate from Amsterdam. Of course, the wares commonly available in Amsterdam do help to explain his stupidity and poor judgment. The email address he registered with is: [email protected]. I have no idea if that's a real name or not, but I'm sure that's easy to figure out if you have the resources. This thread is going to be closed so that it doesn't get out of hand. So the rest of you know: threatening the life of the President is a CRIME, and will not be tolerated. If someone else doesn't report you, a staff member will, and your account will be suspended.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Here I am awake at 6am

    Don't forget your toilet paper.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Students disciplined for posting 100+ flyers

    Whatever happened to "black?" If you want to call people "African-American," then I think you need to recognize that there are white folks in Africa, too. Otherwise, you need a new term.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Mattdotcom vs. Sam Goody

    Office politics and bullshit exist everywhere. I deal with politics, favoritism, general BS, and conflicting agendas everyday.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Which candidate is for you...

    Kerry Score: 100% Lieberman Score: 97% Edwards Score: 89% Clark Score: 86% Dean Score: 81% Sharpton Score: 72% Bush Score: 70% Kucinich Score: 64% Now I realize the fact that I'm a social liberal is going to artificially inflate some Dems' scores, but cone on. SHARPTON over Bush? That's just ridiculous.