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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Mid-Season NFL Award Winners

    MVP: Steve McNair. He's the main cog in the Titans' offense, and considering that Eddie George is little more than a corpse at this point, McNair has a heavier burden than most QBs. He's an excellent scrambler and runner, has a strong arm, and his teammates would gladly take a bullet for him. ROY: Domanick Davis. It's easy to forget that Stacey Mack was supposed to be the Texans' RB. Coach of the Year: Bill Belichick (sp?). Yes, Parcells has done a smashing job in Dallas, but Belichick is winning with a negligible running game, a ton of injuries, and a tougher schedule. Dallas may yet falter as they start playing winning teams; the same will not be true of the Patriots. And that intentional safety against Denver was *genius*. Offensive Player of the Year: Tie, JAMAL~! and PRIEST~!. JAMAL~! leads the known universe in rushing, and is the reason the Ravens' offense is even on the radar. PRIEST~! is the most complete back in the league and a vital key to the Chiefs' unbeaten record thus far. Defensive Player of the Year: Ray Lewis. There is no better defensive player in the league. Heck, Chris Mortensen thinks Lewis is the best player in the NFL, period. He just might be. Special Teams Player of the Year: Dante Hall. Duh.
  2. Dr. Tom

    The Rules of Hardcore Discussion

    BTW, folks, if you want to give anyone shit for turning NHB into Hardcore Discussion, give it to me. Renaming the folder, posting the rules, and modifying the forum description for greater clarity were all my ideas. Don't bitch to Dames about it, even though he's the one who renamed and moved the folder; bitch to me.
  3. Dr. Tom

    The Rules of Hardcore Discussion

    Heavens no. BAN PLZ~!
  4. Dr. Tom

    Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

    Atheist all the way for me, as I expected.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Rob E Dangerously

    Please note which of the above gentlemen actually has a running game to support him. Tennessee is fourth in the league at longest yardage faced on third down. Despite that, they have one of the best offenses in the league because McNair is the man. There's no doubt in my mind he's the MVP, and I think the fellow in second place would have to be Stephen Davis.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Couple Transactions in the NFL

    Hell yes. Hello, Ozzie Newome? KEVIN JOHNSON IS A FREE AGENT. Go get 'im. Considering our best receiver not named Todd Heap is Travis Taylor, I think we really need the upgrade. I'd keep Sanders and Robinson for depth, though. I actually read an article that said Wright would start Sunday. I hope that to be true.
  7. Dr. Tom

    The Raven's season is over!

    At this point, I think I'd rather see Anthony Wright than Chris Redman. Redman played OK last year, but he was godawful on Sunday, and we don't need some scared chump playing QB, even if he's going to handoff 30 times a game. I certainly don't want any parts of Jeff George, since he's a headcase who hears footsteps, and age has probably taken something off his arm. O'Donnell would be OK. Boller's injury is a real shame. I'll admit I've been critical of the kid this year, but he made some NICE throws against the Rams, and, as usual, got no help from his receivers. Hopefully he's learned enough in this aborted rookie season to come into next year strong.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Who in the hell is Sandro?

  9. Dames, you'll be happy to know that the oft-emailed fact of people swallowing eight spiders per year in their sleep is a myth. The real figure is much, much higher. Kidding. The whole thing's a myth invented to show how useless some internet "facts" really are. Sleep tight!
  10. Dr. Tom


    Happy birthday, crazy diamond.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Bengals reciever guarantees win over the Chiefs

    The Bengals are playing good football of late, and the CHiefs had better not look past them. If they do, they'll be in for a rude awakening and their first loss. I don't think Vermeil will let his charges look past the Bengals, though. Cincy will put up a fight, but the Chiefs just have too many weapons.
  12. Dr. Tom

    NFL Network = Big Waste of Space

    I think he was talking about the NFL Sunday Ticket package, Tony. The NFL decided to continue offering it exclusively on DirecTV, and spuring the greater offer and much greater installed subscriber base of digital cable. I'd have it in a heartbeat if it were available here, but I'm not getting a crappy dish installed just to watch football.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Explain THIS TO ME

    I think that would be a strong signal of that, yes.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Who here is pierced

    I have one hole, in my left ear, currently filled with a diamond stud.
  15. Dr. Tom

    NFL Network = Big Waste of Space

    When the NFL Network brings the Sunday Ticket package to digital cable, I'll be interested. Until then, fuck the NFL and their stupid exclusive agreement with 10% of the fucking country.
  16. Dr. Tom

    One & Only Week Ten Football Thread

    No, Lewis' fumbles didn't help, but if Redman hadn't played like a piece of shit (and yes, he was definitely scared and confused), the game would have been different. Hell, I wanted Antony Wright to get in the game after Redman's second pick, which was perhaps the worst pass I've seen thrown all year.
  17. Dr. Tom

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Huh? He's a free agent. I was being facetious, obviously. But at least now that human cancer is off the Orioles' payroll. Hey, Albert Belle's a free agent.
  18. Dr. Tom

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    And let the bidding now begin on Albert Belle!
  19. Dr. Tom

    One & Only Week Ten Football Thread

    What a pathetic game. The Ravens' defense does a MARVELOUS job of reining in the Rams' offense, but the Ravens' O can't stop giving the fucking ball away. The Ravens had a ton of drives start in Rams' territory, and got almost nothing for them. This might have been the worst game I've ever seen. I haven't been a big fan of Boller this year, but his passes looked very sharp and crisp tonight. If he doesn't have to leave the game (and Chris Redman doesn't come in and FUCKING SUCK), I think the Ravens hang on and win.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Week Ten Prediction Thread.

    Week Ten Schedule Arizona at Pittsburgh Atlanta at N.Y. Giants Chicago at Detroit Cleveland at Kansas City Houston at Cincinnati Indianapolis at Jacksonville Miami at Tennessee (as much as I hate to... LOCK it) Seattle at Washington Tampa Bay at Carolina Minnesota at San Diego Buffalo at Dallas N.Y. Jets at Oakland Baltimore at St. Louis Philadelphia at Green Bay (Monday Night) RAVENS~!: 23 points
  21. Dr. Tom

    Reds Outfielder Dernell Stenson murdered

    I was thinking about that, but I believe one of the articles said the suspects were from out of town, Illinois, I think. In fact, here it is, from the ESPN article: Illinois to Arizona seems an awfully long way for a bunch of white chaps to drive just to kill a black fellow. I know this sounds bad, but if they wanted to kill a black man, they certainly didn't need to drive halfway across the country to find a victim.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Your local ballparks, arenas and football fields

    Oriole Park at Camden Yards: The first of the retro-themed ballparks, and probably still the best. There's not a bad seat in the house, Eutaw St. and the B&O Warehouse give the park a distinctive feel, and it's still a great stadium more than a decade after being built. A+ M&T Bank Stadium: A wonderful complement to Camden Yards. It doesn't have things like the warehouse going for it, but football doesn't need that kind of stuff anyway. Great sightlines, video, and PA, and like the baseball stadium, a terrific downtown location. A+ First Mariner Arena: Remodeled a decade or so ago, it now has so much glass on its exterior that I've taken to calling it the Glass Menagerie. Whoever approved the fixed stage should be stabbed in the face, since having it prevented Baltimore from getting an NHL team, and caused the Bullets to jump to DC. It's clearly a second-class citizen among arenas now, with the USAir Arena in Landover and the MCI Centre in DC. Not every seat is good, either, as the nosebleeds REALLY suck. D-
  23. Dr. Tom

    Man Hit by Car, Lodged in Windshield

    Maybe it's just me, but I chuckled at that.
  24. Dr. Tom


    All of which means precisely JACK SHIT when you're talking about numbers like 58,000 and 350. I would say "comparing numbers" there, but there's no comparison to be made, unless you're fond of running the Olympic Mile with misinformation.