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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Anyone play poker?

    That's terrible. Ultimatebet.com is much better if you want to make some money, and you're good at poker.
  2. Dr. Tom


    Oooo, I have a butcher knife, too. Here, let me stab you with it.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Tru Calling

    Girls should always run slow, like they used to on Baywatch...
  4. Dr. Tom

    Loria pledges no fire sale

    I don't like the team, but one thing I'll give Jack Kent Cooke is that he paid for what's now called FedEx field himself. The state did some work on roads and infrastructure, but Cooke footed the cost of the stadium himself. I wish more owners would do things like that. My main problem with football stadiums is that they're almost universally funded by the public, but then you have to pay $5000 for the "right" to buy a ticket. Um... didn't my tax money help pay for this park? Why should I have to pay more just to be able to then spend entirely too much money on season tickets. In other countries, they call it extortion; in America, it's the "personal seat license."
  5. Dr. Tom

    Anyone play poker?

    I lost $40 last night, but I'm not going to take a break from it. I know I was betting right, but people were keeping lesser hands despite my raises, then catching their second pair/making their straight/making their flush on the river. I won $150 last week, so I was the guy who was able to do that the previous week. Not so last night.
  6. Dr. Tom

    People or things in sports that make you feel old

    Ditto to all of those. I remember going to see the *Baltimore* Colts play at Memorial Stadium. I remember going into the Orioles locker room in 1982, at age 8, and getting my program signed by people like Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken, Jim Palmer, and Earl Weaver. I remember the Orioles winning it all in 1983. I remember Len Bias' sudden death in 1986. I hear about players like Alex Rodriguez accomplishing everything under the sun, and then I realize they're all a couple years younger than I am.
  7. Dr. Tom

    From U.S.

    Iran's one of the better countries in that godforsaken area of the world. We should be reasonable with them, but certainly not do anything that's expressly counter to our own interests and security. And if we talk to them and they still refuse to hand over terrorists, we should bloody well go in and take them. Let's see if they want to negotiate then.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Dr. Tom's Avatar

    Good thing I used my discretion to determine that it wasn't suggestive.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Boo's OAO Wacky Story Thread

    I didn't grumble... I groused. BIG difference. Hmph.
  10. Dr. Tom

    ESPN's "Playmakers"

    Our one team is good enough that we don't have to. Pittsburgh, on the other hand... Back on topic: "Playmakers" eats deeply of the man-ass.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Familes sue over GTA-style shootings

    I love how people say that no value can be placed on human life, yet sham lawsuits like this are doing exactly that. New maxim: It's impossible to place a value on human life, unless there's somebody rich to sue.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Hate crime conviction in Georgia

    Actually, I went to college with a chap who was a gay, Black, Hispanic Jew who voted Republican. I told him if he were a cripple, he'd be a member of every minority...
  13. Dr. Tom

    Hate crime conviction in Georgia

    Actually, I went to college with a chap who was a gay, Black, Hispanic Jew who voted Republican. I told him if he were a cripple, he'd be a member of every minority...
  14. Dr. Tom

    Should we add new rules?

    How about... 12. Please add chlorine to the gene pool, because you've been pissing in it long enough. This post applies to "Plushy Al Logan," other posters of minimal value, and anyone who has been banned for general douchebaggery.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    Richard Karn hosts Family Feud now? Wow.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Ok so now I have DSL......

    Tools>Internet Options>Connections. You want to make sure you're setup to go thru a LAN and never dial a connection. If you install Windows and IE on a computer which already has a broadband connection, IE is smart enough to detect your settings on its own. If you're going from dialup to broadband, though, you might need to give it some help. General note: NEVER install the software your ISP gives you. It's usually some bastardized version of IE, along with Outlook Express. Comcast's was horrible (this was three years ago, so if they're still pushing their own software, I hope they've improved), so I uninstalled it immediately and just used IE for everything.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Can Anyone Beat My School

    We had a dress code, but of course, I went to a Catholic high school, and I'm pretty sure they all have similar dress codes (sportcoat, decent pants, dress shoes, etc). No one really objected to it, and there were certain times throughout the year we got to dress down, so it was all good. It was an all-guys school, too, so we missed out on lesbian orgies in the locker rooms (and no, there were no male orgies). We had a couple people kill themselves, some gay-bashing, and general douchebaggery from a few consistent assholes, but that's about it. After I left, the school chaplain got busted for molesting a student (which I have a hard time believing), and one of the English teachers got busted for having sex with a student (which I can believe; she put on an air of being easy and flirted with some of her students).
  18. Dr. Tom

    Cannibals to Victem's Family:

    Likewise. That's actually the first thing I thought of when I read the article.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Yankees Lose

    Considering that a 3.50 ERA is considersbly below the league average, what would you call it, then?
  20. Dr. Tom

    Grady Little to be fired.

    If a "nerd" gets you to the World Series, or even to the playoffs consistently, are you really going to complain?
  21. Dr. Tom

    Feds Arrest 300 Workers at 61 Wal-Marts

    He's probably another filthy illegal immigrant, too...
  22. Dr. Tom

    Topics in Current Events

    And the problem with that is... ? If the content is good, people interested in current events will post. For those interested in fluff and badinage, they now know where to go.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Priest gets life in prison

    Ok. Prove that these pedophile priests have psychological problems that compel them to do what they're doing. You also answered none of my questions. Is outdated dogma more important than the safety of a child? Does it really hurt anyone to find out if eliminating the celibacy laws will make a difference? Is blind defense of an archaic Church all you're capable of?
  24. Dr. Tom

    Hate crime conviction in Georgia

    Damn. Everything I wanted to say has been said. Oh well, to sum up: hate crime laws are ridiculous and obscene. Assault is already illegal. Murder is already illegal. Conspiracy to commit those crimes is already illegal. Going after someone because of what they were thinking is a terrible thing to do. And if I were the victim, I think I'd worry more about the punches, kicks, and weapons than I would about a few racial slurs. More traumatic indeed.
  25. Dr. Tom

    Do You Wish To Write for TSM?

    Then use PMs. Dames isn't going to let anyone do a recap without submitting a sample. BTW, if you use silly online conventions like "u," "ill" and "sok" in your recap, it'll be a short read.