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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Parents and Husband battle for woman's life over

    He's not. But he's got the belief that life is sacred and only God can call his children back to him, or some such rubbish. Personally, I've been a fan of euthenasia for years, as well as assisted suicide. If someone who's terminal wants to end their suffering, why is it so wrong to let them? Why is it wrong to pull the plug on someone whose existence is maintained by machines? Why do these religious people and their "loving God" like to perpetuate human suffering just to prop up some musty piece of dogma?
  2. Dr. Tom

    Topics in Current Events

    Hell no. Which makes the fact that I had to that much sadder.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Banana Rapist goes to court....

    That's what I was planning to do, anyway. Now it has been done.
  4. Dr. Tom


    Hmmph. I figured my most excellent avatar would at least entitle me to a fucking cupcake around these parts. Unless all of you are gay, which would explain it.
  5. Dr. Tom


    Is it too late to get a cupcake?
  6. Dr. Tom

    100 Reasons Why Chave Rocks!

    45. Might have a shrine at WDI.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Jim Carrey is the new Steve Austin..err..

    The original series was basically a self-parody toward the end, so there's plenty of comic precedent there (most of it being unintentional, though). It's actually disappointing to see them go away from the serious spy story, since that's how the series started out. Its best episodes remain those in the serious spy vein.
  8. Dr. Tom

    TMQ Fired from ESPN.com

    TMQ was the best football column on the internet, period. It's a shame to see Easterbrook fired over such a remark, when it's obvious he wasn't trying to be an anti-Semite. Eisner is an oversensitive prick, though, who has expressly forbidden his employees from talking bad about him. Slate Magazine (slate.msn.com), where TMQ was published before moving to ESPN, has a lot more information on this story. I'm sure the column will land somewhere, sooner instead of later.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Banana Rapist goes to court....

    Some drunken jackass chopping his own pecker off is a "current event," but rot like that shouldn't be in this thread. CE is meant for discussion of important happenings and issues, not fluff. Fluff belongs in General Chat.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Banana Rapist goes to court....

    Boo, these things really ought to go in General Chat (or NHB, if appropriate). The Current Events forum is meant for discussion of more important happenings and issues. Things which are simply amusing while being barely relevant don't belong in here, and I'm actually getting rather tired of moving them.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Who wants to learn?

    It's all good, d00d. I'm well-versed in the ways of not sleeping, myself. Anyway, "Err" is a verb, as in, "To err is human." When you said, "The err that I made," you wanted "error" instead, which is the noun form based on the verb "err."
  12. Dr. Tom

    Where do you work?

    Department of the Army, Information Technology.
  13. Dr. Tom

    The Matrix explained?

    I don't think the Wachowskis were writing down to their audience. You don't need to know the meaning of every word the Architecht said. The point is conveyed by the simple fact he's using words like that in the haughty tone of voice he chose: he's a know-it-all machine jackass who believes he's perfect and is belittling Neo. "Show, don't tell" is an important maxim in storytelling, and the Wachowskis used it well there: they didn't tell us one thing about the Architecht, but rather let him show us all exactly what he was about.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Guns N Roses New Album

    Those are all good, but I liked "Buick Makane," especially the ending, when GnR went into a brief cover of Soundgarden's "Big Dumb Sex."
  15. Dr. Tom

    Kill Bill: volume 1

    Kill Bill Review on 411 Movies
  16. Dr. Tom

    The Matrix explained?

    Another couple points: I recognized Agent Smith as a virus when I first saw Reloaded. Then again, I deal with virii regularly, so the patterns of behavior are easy for me to spot. The Architecht talked like that (and I'm certain he said "assiduously" instead of "sedulosly," or whatever is attributed to him) because he was supposed to be a pompous ass. He kept harping about how perfect the original Matrix was, only ruined by imperfect humans who couldn't accept it. It's obvious to see in his character that he thought himself to be perfect, thus his dialog was peppered with fifty-cent words to show off his arrogance. It's not a knock on the Wachowski brothers' storytelling at all, unless you don't know much about how a story is supposed to be told.
  17. Dr. Tom

    The Matrix explained?

    Mathematically speaking, 0.99999... IS 1. It's the sum of an infinite arithmetic series. .99999... can be expressed as .9 + .09 + .009 + .0009, etc. The formula for the sum of an infinite arithmetic series is S= A1/1-r, where A1 (the 1 is subscript, which I can't represent here) is the first term in the sequence, and r is the rate of change. Thus, the equation becomes S= .9/(1-.1), since the rate of change is .1. Thus, it reduces to .9/.9, which, as well all know, is 1. Wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong. How the fuck is 000 supposed to be 1? 0 is 0, 1 is 1, 10 is 2, 11 is 3, 100 is 4, 101 is 5, 110 is 6, etc... This is basic binary counting. which is not "zero-based" like the article ignorantly claims. Binary is a base-2 number system, while the number system we use everyday is base-10. It's possible that the ideas presented are valid, but when the original article contains basic errors like that, it's quite difficult to take it seriously.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Week 7 kkk/braves contest results

    I think I just had the worst week ever. I am teh suq.
  19. Dr. Tom

    I rolled a truck yesterday

    Do you know any doctors? Get them to write something up about neck and back injuries. Things like whiplash and many accident-related back injuries don't show up on X-rays. It'd be pretty easy to put a workmen's comp claim in against your company at that point.
  20. Dr. Tom

    name correction

    That's what new meat moderators are for.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Week Seven Prediction Thread.

    Since I didn't have time to write a column this week... Ravens: 24 points Week Seven Schedule Baltimore at Cincinnati Dallas at Detroit Denver at Minnesota (LOCK) Green Bay at St. Louis New England at Miami New Orleans at Atlanta Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants San Diego at Cleveland Tennessee at Carolina N.Y. Jets at Houston Chicago at Seattle Tampa Bay at San Francisco Washington at Buffalo Kansas City at Oakland (Monday Night)
  22. Dr. Tom

    U.N. Passes Resolution To Support U.S. in Iraq

    What's awesome about this is that they never said that those labs could be used to create VX, either! That was a complete PRESUMPTION by Tom about the findings, not something Kay had said! What? Are you being deliberately thick? My post is in reponse to this post of yours: My point was that I don't remember making deadly chemical and biological agents when I was in high school, so maybe something a little more important was found. I figured that would be easy to see, but you're obviously too busy patting yourself on the back for getting one over on me. Here's a hint: you didn't. You're just being a cretin.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Single = Bad

    The important lesson to be learned from this? It's legal to light your wife on fire, as long as you wait seven years and one day.
  24. Dr. Tom

    One of those Personal Questionaires

    Now this is more manageable. I can even do it at work. THE BULLSHIT QUIZ *WHO IS?* What poster do you remind yourself of? No one. I'm inimitable, motherfucker. What poster is your best friend poster? Marney. The only other person from this board I've met is the late Crucifixio Jones. The poster you admire the most? N/A. I don't look up to people. The funniest poster you know? Ripper. For unintentional humor, cynicalprofit. The sweetest poster you know? Hmm... I don't go around looking for sweetness in people, so that's hard to answer. I'll go with stardust. The sexiest poster you know? Tiffani Malibu. The cutest poster you know? N/A The smartest poster you know? Marney. A lot of people who post reguarly in CE are quite intelligent. The nicest poster you know? Who cares? The stupidest poster you know? cynicalprofit. The scariest poster you know? cynicalprofit, for seriously advocating the raping of infants in Africa. The sneakiest poster you know? Whichever troll came back the most times. The poster who knows you the best? Marney. The biggest pervert poster you know? Game. The weirdest poster you know? The former IDRM seems a good choice. *FAVORITES* Favorite book?: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Favorite Board game?: Scrabble. Favorite Music group(s)?: Metallica, Black Sabbath (Ozzy versions only), Queen, Led Zeppelin, and Soundgarden. Favorite Song(s)?: Currently Show Me How to Live, by Audioslave. Favorite Music Video?: Any non-rap video with a lot of scantily-clad hotties in it. Favorite Food?: Shrimp creole Favorite Radio station?: 98 Rock, 99.1 WHFS Favorite Magazine?: Playboy Favorite Smell?: Expensive perfumes. Favorite Color?: Black. Favorite Foods?: This question brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. Favorite Ice cream flavor?: Mint chocolate chip Favorite Alcoholic Drink?: Southern Comfort Favorite Movie(s)?: Tombstone, The Hunt for Red October, Scent of a Woman, Pulp Fiction, LOTR, Dirty Harry, Kill Bill Favorite Quote from a movie?: "I know what you're thinking: did he fire six shots, or only five? And you know, in all this excitement, I've kind of lost track myself. But considering this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: do I feel lucky? Well do you, punk?" Harry Callahan, Dirty Harry Favorite Sport to play/to watch?: Football Favorite TV Show?: I watch very little TV, so I'll say Smallville Favorite Cartoon?: Cowboy Bebop Favorite Cartoon Character?: Goofy Favorite Hangout?: The poker table in my apartment Favorite Restaurant?: Ruth's Chris Steak House Favorite Holiday?: Xmas Favorite Nonalcoholic drink?: Green tea Favorite Candy?: Peanut M&M's Favorite Fruit?: White seedless grapes Favorite Flower?: I'm completely indifferent to flowers. Favorite Season?: Fall Favorite Animal?: Tiger Favorite Place to be kissed?: In bed. Favorite subject in school? English
  25. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    Reopened and pinned, with a OAO designation. It's the World Series, so it deserves its own standalone thread.