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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    Forget Boston, Chicago Has The Curse Instead

    Even if Bartman doesn't stick his hand out and deflect the ball, there's no guarantee Alou makes the catch. You just can't presume that's going to happen when he reaches into the crowd. Yes, Alou is a competent outfielder. But there were other hands in the immediate area; who's to say his glove doesn't hit one and jar the ball loose? There was also a railing right there; who's to say his glove doesn't hit the railing and knock the ball loose? You simply can't presume a catch is going to be made when a player reaches into the stands for the ball. THAT is why Bartman shouldn't be crucified for the Cubs' loss.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Boston VS NY

    From someone who doesn't really care about either team: - Pedro was obviously throwing at Garcia's head. He has a history of doing this, so it should be no surprise that he'd do it in a playoff game where he wasn't pitching well. - Clemens, who's also been known to throw at people, would have drilled Manny right in the noggin if he were trying to hit him. Manny was timid at the plate the entire at-bat (Harold Reynolds broke that down nicely), constantly looking for a ball to come flying at his head. One came somewhere near it, and he kirked. Never mind that the ball was borderline over the plate; Manny overreacted to a farcical degree. - I don't think Pedro really wanted to tangle with Zimmer, but when Zim came running at him, Pedro simply tossed him aside. He didn't do it hard, but considering Zim was running at him, and that his balance probably isn't what it was, it wouldn't take much force to send him to the ground. - Personally, seeing Zim spiral to the ground is the funniest thing I've seen in baseball since Tommy Lasorda's backflip at the 2002 All-Star game. - I agree with AoO that Nolan Ryan's headlock beatdown of Robin Ventura is a classic moment in the annals of the game.
  3. Dr. Tom

    E-Bay stories!

    I really need to get some Canadian Smirnoff Ice.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Who wants to learn?

    Incorrect. Bill Walsh points this out in his excellent book Lapsing Into a Comma. It's also supported on dictionary.com: "Mic" is certainly the popular usage, but popular usage is not always correct. In fact, it's frequently wrong.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Week 6 Pick Results for Braves/kkk contests

    Bah. I'd think you could float, considering you had to be on something when you picked the goddamn Jets. WHO PICKS THE GODDAMN JETS?
  6. Dr. Tom

    Should I just quit college?!

    Anyone who fails English 101 five times shout just eat a bullet. Don't quit school, quit LIFE.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Some drama.....

    I had a similar situation happen to me a few months ago. I was leaving a friend's house close to 1:00 in the morning, and driving up a major road (Rt. 1, for those curious), which would take me to the interstate. I always drive in the right lane on Rt. 1 out of habit, since people are *always* making left turns. Anyway, I pulled up to a stoplight where there was already a white Jeep Cherokee in the left lane. He started revving his engine like he wanted to race me, or thought I wanted to race him. The light turned green, and I went; while I wasn't trying to race him, I did get off to a faster start than he did. Then things got weird. He pulled up beside me, then started drifting over into my lane. I slowed down, at which point he went back into his own lane. Also at this point, I took note of the license plate and pulled my cell phone off my belt. He did the same thing again, so I backed off again, then shot past him when he drifted back into his own lane (the perk of 255 hp). I was very close to the interstate exit at this point, so I got onto it. The Jeep didn't follow, but if he had, I was dialing the police and reporting his tag number. The windows were tinted quite dark, so I never could tell how many people were in the Jeep.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Kill Bill: volume 1

    I thought it was tremendous. It was the kind of movie all those summer flicks wish they could have been, and I imagine it'll be the best movie to come out this year, until Return of the King. It got a 9/10 from me, in the forthcoming review you'll all be able to read on 411.
  9. Dr. Tom


    A happy anniversary of your birth to the man who ably stepped in the very large shoes I left when I gave up the SD gig.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Footage of Roy getting mauled found

    Listen up, folks. The Current Events forum is for discussion of relevant events and issues, on the regional, national, and international scales. It is not a place to post silly jokes, trite little animations, or links to T-shirt stores. Stuff like that belongs in General Chat or No Holds Barred, depending on the content.
  11. Dr. Tom

    EL BRUJ0's shitty thread

    I'll be happy to oblige you, then. People with the most farcically stupid ideas on politics imaginable, almost to the point I think they're being deliberately retarded 1. Cartman 2. Frank Zappa Mask There you go.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Fantasy F-Ball Question for 10/12

    Lelie is going against Pittsburgh, whose defense has an alarming tendency to give up points and big plays. I'd probably go with him for that reason.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Week SIX Prediction Thread.

    ::points the powers that be to the column, as usual::
  14. Dr. Tom

    Happy Birthday

    Hope the anniversary of your birth is a good one.
  15. Dr. Tom

    BigFoot remains found

    OMG THE FISH~! ::marks out::
  16. In the current Superman comic canon (i.e. since Byrne's "Man of Steel" reboot circa 1986), Lana and Clark were a couple in Smallville. The night before Clark left to see the world (eventually settling in Metropolis, of course), he revealed his secret to Lana. She was overwhelmed by it at first, and resented him for a while before coming to accept it all. I think the series is doing a good thing by keeping them apart as long as possible, but it's inevitable that, for the TV audience, they'll have to get together at some point.
  17. Dr. Tom

    BigFoot remains found

    Because both Yetis and Nessie are nothing but popular myths.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Taking on Commie College Professors

    There's truth to the fact that he posts on the No Ma'am board (well, presuming people still post there), as well as SNKT and probably WDI. There's absolutely no truth to the rumor that his douchebaggery has decreased, though. If anything, he's more intolerant, and intolerable, than ever.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Dr. Tom...

    She rewarded me for trouncing you so soundly in your own football league. Besides, you should see the pics I have of your mom...
  20. Dr. Tom

    Taking on Commie College Professors

    I remember discussing Buchanan with Rob... at least to the point that something could actually be discussed with that waste of sperm and egg. Like anything, though, he wouldn't concede any ground on Buchanan. It's gotten to the point where I've become so tired of his bigotry and stupidity on the other boards that I just ignore him entirely. Hell, I wouldn't put him out with a hatchet if he were on fire.
  21. Benoitrulz4life, take this to NHB if you wish to continue it. Your threats, whether facetious (note: word used correctly) or not, are welcome neither there nor here, so I'd dispense with them entirely if you wish to continue posting here. This will be your only warning.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Do You Wish To Write for TSM?

    What's this "for a while" shit? I still do the NFL Report each week, and while I am doing movies and DVDs for 411, it doesn't mean I'm never going to do another review for TSM.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Sherlock Holmes

    Good work, Zsasz. I just have one minor quibble. Sir Arthur's family name was not Doyle, but Conan Doyle. Thus, calling him "Doyle" is inaccurate, and he should be referred to as "Conan Doyle" when referring to him by surname. Other than that, bravo.
  24. I like how they're building for the long-term already, with "the deal." Yeah, they're going against the established Superman canon (and have been since the beginning), but the show is still solid and enjoyable. The one thing I didn't like about the season opener was when... Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Jonathan Kent got super-powers from Jor-El. That was almost as silly as when Clark's powers got passed to that boy in the first season. They're not "powers" governed by some external force; they're innate abilities and shouldn't be mucked with like they have been. End mini-rant. The second episode was better than the first, IMO, and paid off the story arcd from the first episode well. I get the feeling we'll see Morgan Edge again at some point, though I did like the scene at the pier with him, Lionel, and Clark. Add in the fact that Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack are both very easy on the eyes, and you get the fact that Smallville is one of the few shows I actually make it a point to watch every week.