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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. I'm an atheist. I don't give a shit how Christians feel about Islam. My attitude comes from the fact that there are countless people who would murder me and my countrymen simply because 1) we're not Moslems, and 2) we're Americans. Call me crazy, but I'd rather see people like that shot in the head before they have a chance to try and actually do something. Don't think Australia's off-limits, either. If one of your diplomats takes a piss on a sand dune and some fuckheaded Moslem extremist doesn't like it, then you'll be next.
  2. Dr. Tom

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    Even though the rat-bastard failed to vote for me, I'm going to vote for Ripper. BTW, I'm a big fan of the "British slang," too, and have used it here plently of times.
  3. Changing your name a lot? And... uh... not much else, really.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Purchases online?

    Someone on another board I post at pointed it out to me. I felt it would be a dashed good choice for an avatar. I have no idea who the girl depicted is, but I think it goes without saying that I'd hit it.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Do You Wish To Write for TSM?

    I remember when "Crucifixio Jones" and I used to alternate on doing the Velocity recaps. We tried to make the whole recap thing interesting, since it was a B-show with few viewers, and probably equally few readers of a recap. To anyone who's applying for these positions: your submissions go to Dames, but you have to pass my muster, too. Try to be entertaining, don't copy anyone's style, don't write like a simian, and we should get along marvelously.
  6. Dr. Tom

    Week 5 Prediction Thread -- Braves/kkk

    3. You guarentee 3, my friend. Woo-hoo! Three readers! Pump the fist!
  7. Dr. Tom

    A New Forum

    Bah, why go with EZBoard? Ikonboard is so much better.
  8. Dr. Tom


    Actually, having "Voodoo Child" as your ring tone would be pretty freaking cool. I leave my phone on vibrate, though, since I'll never otherwise know if it's ringing in the car when I'm blaring my stereo.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Purchases online?

    I buy things online frequently and I've never once had a problem. As has been suggested, buy from the larger, more reputable sites, always make sure the server you're using is secure, never allow the purchasing site to remember your credit card details, and keep an eye on your statements.
  10. Dr. Tom

    The One and Only Rundown Thread

    <cheap plug> For those who haven't read it yet... My reviewing debut at 411, The Rundown. </cheap plug>
  11. Dr. Tom

    Week 5 Prediction Thread -- Braves/kkk

    I hope the powers that be have gotten into the habit of using my picks from the NFL column for this contest. It doesn't allow me to do any Locks, but if I haven't submitted an actual reply in the thread(s), then my column picks should just be used for the contests. Besides, I guarantee myself 2 readers that way.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

    Because he made a good story. So did Tom Brady. So did Trent Dilfer. And before them, so did Doug Williams, but he was probably a better story considering the racial landscape (and missteps) of American sports at the time. And the next Doug Williams will also be a very good story, which is why the media wants to tell that story.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Have two job interviews Tuesday

    Heh. I interviewed for Comcast twice. Once was back in 1997, and once was last year. I thought I was interviewing for a different position last year, but it turned out to be the same one as in 1997. And the really depressing thing was that they hadn't changed the starting salary. The recruiter tried to mention the savings from the free cable and internet, but I still just chuckled and shook my head. Anyway, I got asked that question during my first series of interviews with Comcast, in '97. Them: If you could be any animal, what animal would you be? Me: (thinking, and repressing the strong desire to roll my eyes) A tiger. Them: Why? Me: Because then I could maul people who ask me questions as stupid and insulting as that one. No, I didn't get hired then...
  14. Dr. Tom

    15 xbOX GAMES

    World Series Baseball 2k3 > High Heat 2004 Of course, it's better now to just wait for next year's releases, but if you can find WSB2k3 on sale or used, snag it. It's the best console baseball game I've ever played.
  15. Dr. Tom

    The Leak --- EXPLAINED

    Careful, bub. She could disembowel you with that broom.
  16. Don't forget his turn as Teddy KGB in Rounders. Wonderfully over the top.
  17. Dr. Tom

    Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

    Yes, it's called Giantfuckingegoitis. Billick thinks he's a savant because he designed an offense that threw jump-balls to Randy Moss ten times a game. Yippee. Don't get me wrong; I think he's a good coach, but he's just not the offensive mind he was made out to be.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Fantasy Football

    I'd go with McNabb. He'll be playing on tilt with something to prove, and I think it'll lead to a very good day. Besides, you also get the benefit of his rushing yards. Fiedler's never struck me as a very good QB, though I guess he posts decent fantasy numbers. He has the better RB, though, so the game will probably be closer there. The Eagles are banged up on D, meaning they might have to play catch-up, which will give McNabb more chances to put up numbers.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Bonds, Sosa, the record

    He also spent the last few years of his career swinging off his ass to get the record. Aaron still finished with a .305 career average, but the decline becomes noticeable once he's in sight of the HR record.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

    He was 11-1, actually. He lost his first game under center, then won out the rest of the way. Dilfer was actually a better QB than people gave him credit for. Sure, he had the stifling Ravens 2000 defense on the same sideline, but a lot of people, and reporters, acted like the Ravens won *in spite of* Dilfer, not because of him, and that's just not true. The Ravens had the same defense when Tony Banks was the starter, but their record wasn't nearly so good, and Banks led the team to 4/5 of its record-setting TD drought. Dilfer was better simply because he made fewer mistakes. He'd throw the ball away when he had to, instead of trying to force it into coverage. He'd take a sack instead of making a stupid throw and trying to be a hero. Interestingly, it was either that offseason or the next one that Dilfer went to the QB Skills challenge and wiped the floor with everyone. He had a strong and accurate arm, and never really got any press for it. Dilfer knew his role in the offense, though: turn around and hand off to JAMAL~! 25 times a game, make a few throws, and don't give the game away. He played that role to perfection. Dilfer could have made a lot more throws than he did, it's just that the Ravens never asked him to. I still think it's the low mark in the team's history when they sent their Super Bowl-winning QB packing and brought in Grbac The Giant Shithead, all because Brian Billick wanted to try and live up to his reputation as an offensive genius.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

  22. Dr. Tom

    Question about sports and salaries

    The last I read, MLB players get paid every other week. That was several years ago, though, and may very well have changed in the interim. I imagine direct deposit is pretty much required, given the amount of money being handed out, but players with especially high salaries might have their pay go directly toward other investments.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Bruce Willis puts bounty on Saddam Hussein

    Bruce Willis is a pretty bad singer, that's true (unless he's markedly improved in the 7-8 years since I last heard him). However, it's also completely unimportant. He flew halfway around the world -- probably at his own expense, since the USO was never mentioned in the article -- to entertain American troops. THAT is why they were cheering: for his sincerity and efforts in going there and doing what he did. I didn't think it was that hard to comprehend.
  24. Dr. Tom

    Student may wear Bush 'terrorist' shirt

    More accurately, it says in the Constitution that Congress shall make no law inhibiting the freedom of speech. School districts throughout the country are thus free to enact their own policies in the name of bettering the educational process. Not to pick on you or anything, but it really surprises me how many people are clueless about how the First Amendment really works.
  25. Dr. Tom

    A little surprised I haven't seen this here...

    Hmph, you don't need to be so bloody defensive about it...