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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. Dr. Tom

    NFL Predicitions Thread

    NFL Report: Week 1 (with NFC preview) AFC Preview So I don't have to type anything again.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Week One Prediction Thread

    Bal'mer RAVENS~!: 16 points Week 1 Schedule: New York Jets @ Washington Redskins - THURSDAY GAME New England Patriots @ Buffalo Bills Jacksonville Jaguars @ Carolina Panthers Denver Broncos @ Cincinnati Bengals Indianapolis Colts @ Cleveland Browns Arizona Cardinals @ Detroit Lions Minnesota Vikings @ Green Bay Packers San Diego Chargers @ Kansas City Chiefs Houston Texans @ Miami Dolphins St. Louis Rams @ New York Giants Baltimore Ravens @ Pittsburgh Steelers (damnit...) Atlanta Falcons @ Dallas Cowboys Chicago Bears @ San Francisco 49ers New Orleans Saints @ Seattle Seahawks Oakland Raiders @ Tennessee Titans Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Philadelphia Eagles - MONDAY GAME No locks for me, since it's the first week and all.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Woman Calls 911 on McDonalds

    It's not even understandable to call the police. They can't MAKE the store give up a few packs of dipping sauce, whether it's a posted policy or not. There was no false advertising (which requires the intent to defraud be proven) going on, so the police couldn't have done anything except roll their eyes. I've been told there was a charge for sauces at a few McDonald's before (I like hot mustard with my fries, damnit). But instead of calling the police, I've simply said, "Never mind," and eaten my food. I'm not going to pay for something I feel they should give out, but I''m not going to call 911 over it, either.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Racism in Current Events

    Just to clarify that: I'm not, and have never been, anti-Muslim. I absolutely despise terrorists, and their apologists and supporters, in all forms, so yes, I despise Al'Qaeda, most Palestinians, etc. Also, regardless whether I'm anti-Muslim or anti-anything, those views have nothing to do with me being a moderator on these boards. "Weren't befitting of a mod..." what does that even mean? Am I supposed to change my opinions because I have a flashing blue title beneath my name? Should I censor myself when I post just because I happen to be a moderator? Sorry, that's not going to happen. I might be a moderator, but I'm also a poster like everyone else, and as long as what I post is within the rules and guidelines, then there should be no problems with it. To the general issue, I think CE is fine the way it is, but I will offer one caveat. If anyone wants to post French jokes, or anything of similar nature, start the thread in NHB and save us all the trouble of doing this sorry dance again. The rest is all in the nature of spirited and sometimes heated discussions, which the regular posters of the folder have consistently shown they have no problems with. Carry on.
  5. Dr. Tom

    The Punisher...

    The Hulk was a very good movie until the last ten minutes. The story was moving along well, and I liked the fact they were emphasizing the psychological and dramatic elements of the character instead of doing two hours of "HULK SMASH~!" The ending brought it down a peg or two, but it's still solid. As someone who's a huge fan of Ennis' Punisher work, I think it's great they're basing a lot of the movie on his material. Maybe for the sequel, they can adapt something like "Welcome Back, Frank." SPACKER DAVE~!
  6. Dr. Tom

    The Head-to-Head Pick 'Em Contest update

    By five hours, no less. Slowpoke.
  7. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY fantasy football thread

    Considering the auto-draft gave me a team with ZERO QBs and ZERO Defenses, I think he's a stupid cocksucker. But to each his own.
  8. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY fantasy football thread

    Anyway, my team for the money league. We have to have 22 players on our roster, keeping 2 for no more than 3 years. I think we probably draft four too many players, but this is how the league software works, and no one seems flexible enough to want to change it. Anyway, here's my team: QB: Rich Gannon (kept, 2nd year) Joey Harrington Rodney Peete CHad Hutchinson RB: Shaun Alexander (kept, 3rd year) Troy Hambrick Old Man Emmitt LaMont Jordan (former TERP~!) Maurice Morris Dominic Rhodes WR: Joe Horn Amani "It's Not A" Toomer Jerry Rice Todd Pinkston Eddie Kennison Peter Warrick TE: Billy MIller Jerramy Stevens K: Adam Vinatieri Josh Brown D: NY Giants (sigh) Indy We start 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, and 1 D each week. I lost in the second round of the playoffs last year.
  9. Dr. Tom

    Magic: The Gathering fans

    BTW, the original PC game SUCKED a savage sausage. The new one that's coming out is supposed to be decent. There's also Magic Online, which is the official WOTC product, knows all the rules of the game, etc. For free play over the net, Apprentice is still the best, but you still have to know how to play the game. Magic Online can actually help you learn and improve, since it visually represents all the nuances that go into the turns.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Magic: The Gathering fans

    Actually, small-minded cretins who condemn things they're too simple to understand would be "gayest."
  11. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY fantasy football thread

    BTW, I wish I'd remembered the fucking draft was today. Fuck. At least I figured out how to add a QB and a team D. And SHAME on you chaps for leaving me the Giants' D, which gave up the third fewest points in the NFL last season.
  12. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY fantasy football thread

    Well, my RBs are strong, my receivers are OK, and my QBs are... are... I HAVE NO FUCKING QBS!! WTF!?! What stupid, hare-brained, inbred, retarded, mouth-breathing, inept, oafish motherfucker designed an autodraft that would give a body NO FUCKING QBs!??!
  13. Dr. Tom

    Two NFL injuries

    That was TOTALLY uncalled for, goddamnit. ... I mean, after all, it's not like Porter got STABBED.
  14. Dr. Tom

    Folder Champions

    My god man... it was the GAMECUBE controller! Cut the lad some slack! Maybe my perspective on Eric is different because I've seen his worldview change over time (for the better, IMO). Comparing the posts he made in his nascent days in CE to the ones he makes now is like night and day. But then again, I'm admittedly biased toward the pop culture folders, since the rest tend to be wastelands to varying degrees.
  15. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    And just as a general comment: just because you personally don't like a certain type of music does not make the performers untalented. I don't like Prince in the slightest, but to deny that the man is incredibly talented would be very stupid. I also despise almost all rap and hip-hop, but there are definitely some talented folks performing in those genres. It's just a shame a lot of them are dead.
  16. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    MILF = Mother I'd Like to Fuck It was poularized by American Pie, but I heard that term when I was in high school, so you know it's gotta be old...
  17. Dr. Tom

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    I was thinking the same thing, Ripper.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Don't look now...

    I imagine head-to-head records would be the first tiebreaker, so I guess they'd have to compile each team's record against the other seven.
  19. Dr. Tom

    Dr. Tom - Question About Ravens QB's

    Guess it's a good thing I didn't bet my paycheck after all... Besides, if Boller is named the starter, it'll just be one more knock against Brian Billick's supposed genius.
  20. Dr. Tom

    Egypt to Sue the Jews

    This is where we need Chris to come back and post some more of Mumia's I'm-innocent-and-fuck-all-y'all-if-you're-white prison writings. ... Ok, maybe not.
  21. Dr. Tom

    NCAA Greatest Games

    How do you get those ratings for your games? Does it display them automatically somewhere? I haven't been poking around in the special features too much, as I've just been playing my MARYLAND~! dynasty. Currently, I'm 3-1, with my sole loss to FSU, and ranked #10 in the country. Bruce Perry is a fucking HOUSE.
  22. Dr. Tom

    The one-and-only football contest thingy thread

    Remind me again why I used to like you... ?
  23. Dr. Tom

    Dr. Tom - Question About Ravens QB's

    Local news stations were reporting even before the game that Boller was going to get the job. He did look a lot better last night, and Redman certainly looked worse than the previous week. I think it would be a huge mistake to start Boller, though. There is NO way he would handle a defense like Pittsburgh's without the poise and defense-reading that only NFL experience can bring.
  24. Dr. Tom

    NFL Pick 'em contests announcement...

    Just my opinion, but I think it absolutely should. Isn't this contest ostensibly for posters of TSM? I know I'd be bent if I lost to someone who couldn't even post in the thread.