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Dr. Tom

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Everything posted by Dr. Tom

  1. And if someone has no religion, what then? It's OK to foist the most popular on them? As well as the one which reads, "I am the Lord Your God. Thou shalt not have any other gods before me." You can't pick and choose which commandments to display, and you have to take the dogma with the common sense. Of course, I think if Judeo-Christian artifacts are going to be removed, then those of other religions need to suffer the same fate for the sake of consistency. We already have enough double standards without selectively choosing which religion not to display. Actually, the Supreme Court has ruled that they are religious in nature. The only reason "In God we trust" remains on our currency is because the Court decided that was a secular saying, not a religious one. I don't agree, but I also don't care that "In God we trust" is on the money in my wallet.
  2. Dr. Tom

    Owning Incandenza

    Zack, if you're referring to Stennick vs. Fake Fooster, you are indeed correct.
  3. Dr. Tom

    Inflation vs a 'Living Wage'

    I'm not an expert in economics, so I can't prove or disprove the correlation between the minimum wage and inflation. However, a sizable hike in the minimum wage would certainly cause a similar hike in unemployment. The national chains could soak up a lot of the cost, but mom-and-pop shops would have to let people go. Since a lot of minimum-wage jobs are found in inner cities, it would also wreck the unemplyment rates there, and that's not something we should be mucking around with.
  4. Dr. Tom

    Take 1 Part Patriot Act 2 + 1 part War On Drugs

    I've always been opposed to the Patriot Act, and this looks to be about 100 times worse. Hopefully, cooler (and smarter) heads will prevail and strike this down. Memo to Mr. Ashcroft: spying on your own people isn't going to help you catch terrorists. Memo 2 to Mr. Ashcroft: throwing pot peddlers in jail for 500 years isn't going to help you catch terrorists. Memo 3 to Mr. Ashcroft: you're a fundie fuckhead. And being a fundie fuckhead isn't going to help you catch terrorists.
  5. Dr. Tom

    Fucking Announcers

    What kind of an idiot would he have to be NOT to take the money? Is Alex Rodriguez a sellout, too? Basically, if someone offered me $119 million over seven years, with the conditions being that I have to shave, cut my hair, stuff carrots in my ears, and stand on my head thrice per day, my answer would be, "Where do I sign?"
  6. Dr. Tom

    The Redskins are worth $1 Billion..

    My prediction is that Spurrier is not the coach of the Redskins next season. He won't walk away from the absurd deal he got, but Snyder's willing to eat the money after another bad season, and I think that's what's going to happen. Interestingly, I absolutely despise the Redskins (mainly because Baltimore people, and the local media, used them as a crutch when the Colts left), but I like Spurrier. It's hard to root against him, but fuck that franchise. I hope they never have another winning season.
  7. Dr. Tom

    Put it in the book.

    If Warner is healthy and productive the whole year, then the Rams will indeed do well. Last year's aberration aside, Warner is a very consistent and accurate passer. The key to the whole thing, though, is Faulk. He needs to get 15-20 carries per game and catch a few balls out of the backfield. Basically, the Rams should try to use the clock to their advantage, even with their high-octane offense. Their defense is nothing special, and keeping it off the field as much as possible is to their benefit. Of course, Mike Martz is a fucking imbecile, so I don't expect him to realize that.
  8. Dr. Tom

    Bettis = El Benched

    Good call by the Steelers, I think. Bettis' best days are behind him, but he could still be a good short-yardage back. Zereoue is faster, and deceptively powerful given his smaller frame. As a Ravens fan, I'd rather see Bettis get the call, since we usually detour the Bus but seem to have problems with Zero.
  9. Dr. Tom

    NFL Pick 'em contests announcement...

    Get used to that. Bitches.
  10. Dr. Tom

    Israeli tank blows away cameraman

    Exactly, Vern. Law enforcement officials are taught to shoot at center mass because they have the greatest chance of hitting their target, even if they're not entirely accurate. Tyler, you can shoot someone in the leg, then see them blow you away when the fall down. It's not worth the risk. Any officer in that situation should shoot to kill.
  11. Dr. Tom

    Board problem

    This is a board bug which only affects liberals. ... Really, I have no idea. There's nothing abnormal about your account at all.
  12. Dr. Tom

    Israeli tank blows away cameraman

    Tyler: There's no chance to "be more careful." This was a war zone. A soldier, when presented with a potentially dangerous situation, has very little time to think about what else that situation might be. If he guesses wrong, not only is he dead, but several of his companymates are, as well. Police officers face similar situations a lot, and are likewise criticized by people who have no comprehension of what it's like to be in that scenario. If you're a cop and you're investigating something in a dark house, and you see what looks like someone pointing a gun at you, what do you do? And if it turns out to be a twelve year-old with a very realistic-looking water gun, that's truly a shame, but the officer's actions are not even remotely questionable, IMO. Ditto the actions of a soldier on a tank who sees what looks like someone pointing an RPG at him. He doesn't have time to think it might be a journalist with a big camera, because if that guess is wrong, the tank is scrap metal and several US soldiers are dead.
  13. Dr. Tom

    Idi Amin

    So you didn't invite me to your coronation ceremony? Bastard.
  14. Dr. Tom


    1. This is a public messageboard, and you can't keep anyone out of your threads. 2. If you take the course of action you mentioned ("flame, flame, and flame some more"), you will be banned. Have a nice fucking day yourself.
  15. Dr. Tom

    Power outages reported in Northeast

    I can see terrorists doing something like this. My point wasn't that they could make the northeast dark; it was that, if they can learn about the other major power grids, they could make most of the country dark. After September 11th, New Yorkers seem quite able to deal with adversity. Other parts of the country haven't see their hides toughened as much. If 80% of the country were dark, there would be a lot of problems, not the least of which is that communications would be effectively cut off.
  16. Dr. Tom

    Idi Amin

    Nah, I don't really give two pins about Idi Amin.
  17. We should make one thing very clear: no one wants to have an abortion. Pregnant women don't wake up and say, "Hmm, the sun's out, it's a nice day... I think I'll go have an abortion!" Abortion is a very difficult choice, and it's not made any easier by the peaceful, non-judgmental Christians who block entrances to the clinics, harass people coming in and out of them, and call the women (girls, in some cases) whores and killers... It's a last resort for a desperate person, not the result of a coin flip or a post-breakfast whim. And the right to have an abortion needs to be guaranteed by the government to make sure the procedure is safe. I would never encourage someone to have an abortion (and I don't think anyone should be encouraged toward that decision), but if the option is to be used, it should be used safely.
  18. Dr. Tom

    Idi Amin

    To properly quote Eddie Izzard, that's "mass-murdering fuckhead." As many important historians have said, of course.
  19. I can only say that, when I was in France eleven years ago, the people were no less (or more) pleasant than most Americans I see all the time. Maybe I had an easier time because I could speak the language with some degree of competency, but I didn't experience much rudeness. And as for the not bathing stereotype, all the French girls I met in the discotheque were quite clean, and they were clean all over.
  20. Dr. Tom

    The AFC Preview Article

    AFC Preview Article So, agree with me? Disagree with what I wrote? Voice it all here.
  21. Dr. Tom

    Can the government wipe out mu comp. if I have

    Yes. And it will cause your monitor to explode, showering your face, neck, and upper torso with broken glass. This will probably blind you, and could kill you if a flying glass shard takes out your jugular. Your mouse will also melt in your hand, destroying your tissue in a pool of molten plastic. Your keyboard will then unplug itself and strangle you with its cord, if you're not dead already.
  22. Dr. Tom

    Suicide Blast Disrupts Calm

    Israel should kill Arafat and all of his worthless associates and cronies, then kill every terrorist they can find. Then they should bring a peace proposal to whatever's passing for leadership among the Palestinians at that point. There would be little choice but to sign.
  23. Dr. Tom

    Power outages reported in Northeast

    My concern now is that terrorists know how one power grid affects the country. It probably wouldn't be hard for them to learn about the other power grids. They probably couldn't just fly planes into buildings this time, but if they can make 75% of the country dark, imagine the chaos that would result. We are a country dependent on power, and the easiest way to cripple us is to take that away.
  24. Dr. Tom

    French fear up to 3,000 killed in heatwave

    Ok, I think this has been beaten into the ground enough. If any of you still want to get anything off your chests, do it in NHB.
  25. Dr. Tom

    Pete Rose signed agreement to come back?

    Sure, the chance is there, but I think it's quite remote. Giamatti never struck me as an unfair man. I think he knew the importance of his office and treated it with the proper respect. Besides, if the proceedings were unfair, Rose could have claimed he signed the contract under duress. And while he may not be the sharpest tack in the wall, his lawyer(s) should certainly be able to give him this kind of advice. Two wrongs don't make a right. Besides, if the contract was breached, why didn't Rose's lawyers jump on this when it happened? Is Eucker in the Hall? He must have gotten in as a broadcaster. I don't know if they'd kick him out, since he'd already been enshrined, which Rose wasn't, but it would certainly prevent him from getting in if he weren't. There is a difference, though, between being a manager and a broadcaster. Broadcasters are often employed by the cable companies, though many are employed directly by the teams. Yeah, yeah. While I might be an atheist, I know a lot more about the Christian faiths (Catholicism in particular) than people who claim to practice it. What about the fans (like me), who don't want him in the same zip code as the HOF? Don't we count? Or does a simple poll carry the day?