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Everything posted by haVoc

  1. haVoc

    ECW Thread

    He respects him for his 'hardcore' legacy? They were partners last month? He was the only other face besides Boogeyman? Oh. So it's not that he's stupid he just had nobody else?
  2. haVoc

    ECW Thread

    Joey and Taz aren't as bad as Tenay and what's his face on TNA, but they sound so phony and like used car salesmen trying to put over this crap.
  3. haVoc

    ECW Thread

    Why would Punk pick Dreamer as Nitro's opponent?
  4. haVoc

    ECW Thread

    Nitro Vs Dreamer. This could/should be a Heat match.
  5. haVoc

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    It's nothing but a PR move if he "steps down." Are the Feds going to say "Well, McMahon isn't running the company any longer so lets forget everything!" Also, if I was dumb enough to have stocks in that company I'd be selling now.
  6. haVoc

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    So if Vince steps down.... it's supposed to change the past? Does Vince think if he steps down (lays low) WWE won't be investigated?
  7. haVoc

    ECW/Smackdown spoilers

    So is there going to be an ECW thread tonight or are we going to be forced to use this thread for both shows?
  8. haVoc

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    I'm sick of Cena, but not as much as I am of Lashley. I really can't stand him. I hate when he shows up on the TV screen. Cena may be over exposed and over protected, but he still pulls me into his matches. Lashley does nothing for me.
  9. Fragile X or not, Daniel was a slow kid. He was 7 and just graduated kindergarten. Depending on his date of birth, that puts him a year or two behind the average kid.
  10. With airport security being so tight how are these wrestlers traveling with all the drugs?
  11. haVoc

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    I remember Summerslam being reported as Triple H's PPV return. Matter of fact, August 13th, Raw is at MSG. The site of Triple H's last quad return.
  12. I have a hard time believing Benoit was doing ten months of steriods in 3 weeks. He probably was selling to others backstage.
  13. I don't believe any wrestlers at this point when they say they're "Straight" or "Clean."
  14. haVoc

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    Those Triple H desire video's should be popping up any week now.
  15. Yes. He was one of the names mentioned in the Florida investigation. He was named in a Sports Illustrated article.
  16. haVoc

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    I don't think it's real wise to bring Rey back right now let alone put him in a high profile match.
  17. haVoc

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    I'm thinking the Hardy's will face them and Edge will be in a triple threat match against Batista and someone else. That way they can claim Batista can never get a one on one rematch.
  18. haVoc

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    The Great American Bash is in 3 weeks. They lost a week so they really need to get into gear and start some feuds.
  19. haVoc

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I'm shocked. This means Vince really valued Piper. Piper was basically the Shawn Michaels of the 80s. He just flat out refused to job to anybody, no matter the circumstance. In the end, it probably did him more harm than good because after the initial Hogan feud he never got another chance at the top. Had he been more willing to give something back to the business, he might have gotten a token title run or another chance to work with Hogan. Piper and Hogan ripped off Turner and the fans with their God awful feud in WCW.
  20. haVoc

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    The recent word on Matt Hardy is that they were going to build him up as sort of an upper-card person where he beats all the mid-carders, but loses to all the main eventers. That really sounds like the stupidest plan in the world. So he'll be the upper card person that everyone knows will fail miserably when against real tough competition? So what the heck is the point of it? It's not even really a push then since all he will become is king of the losers. It's not like that isn't the norm in WWE. Piper, Mr. Perfect, Razor, Owen, Davey Boy, etc,. have all been used this way.
  21. haVoc

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Why is everything thinking we won't see Eugene on TV again? I read it here and in some other thread, why's that belief? He actually meant we'll never see Eugene's true talent on TV and some seem to think Eugene will be taken off TV due to Benoit's kid condition.
  22. I'm not sure if I believe everything Dave said. Where did he get this information from? If it's true, then it's time for the authorities to pay him a visit and find out since it sounds like someone might have known Benoit was planning this for a while. I'm looking at you Chavo.
  23. So do they think after three weeks everyone is going to forgot about this or is three weeks about enough time to prep/threaten the workers what to say.
  24. Yeah, how dare she speak out about getting her ass kicked by an abusive over sized man only to be talked down to by another guy who only wants his job back.
  25. First off, I've always thought Bill DeMott was an asshole. Second, Austin is still an asshole as well. Third, I can't blame Austin for changing his name. It gives him more protection over the rights to his character.