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Everything posted by haVoc

  1. haVoc

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    Post Mania Power 25
  2. haVoc

    Harry Smith signs with WWE

    Awesome. Now, strip him of all his talent and family jeans and make him WWE'ize!
  3. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    The locker room doesn't suspend people. I suspect that as early as next friday, the story and truth will break. Some in the locker room have power. Hardy has heat with Taker and he's been buried and last I recall Taker wasn't management or on the writing team. Melina caught heat for being a "diva" and brought to "Wrestling Court" by Bradshaw and MNM since have been made a bigger joke and kept off WM. There's countless reports over the years of guys having heat with the boys and being buried. A few select like HBK get away with damn near murder.
  4. Someone explain to me how Carlito was the one who turned face on Raw. It didn't come across that way to me. When I saw it I thought, "Great, just what the world needs. The super Chris Masters face push." Carlito attacked Masters from behind for costing them the match accidently the night before. Isn't that a classic heel move?
  5. haVoc

    Steve Austin

    Who should the "WTF?" spot go to? We have Pete Rose and The Fridge in there. Who's next? Mr. T in there yet?
  6. So you hated the Hardyz, E&C, Rockers, Demoltion, MVC and countless other tag teams? They all pretty much fit the "indistinguishable partners" make-up. I should have been more clear. I meant todays WWE. Like any randon Jindrak look a like. By the way, with the exception of the Hardys, all those guys had big personalities.
  7. Another thing I can't stand is two guys who look alike and work the same. It's even worst when they're both bland and lack character and when I say "character" I don't mean gimmick. I mean personality.
  8. There's a reason Shelton's been so spotty lately. They're actually trying to get him over.
  9. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I hold faith they choose neither.
  10. There it is. The best tag teams were put together early in their careers. If you're already established then the two guys never truly feel like a real team.
  11. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I say tack on another 60 days.
  12. He doesn't need to drop the spear, he just needs a real finisher and that inverted DDT type thing he use to do isn't going to cut it. Problem is he's tall but not strong enough to pull off a power finisher and too tall and lanky to make a submission move look real. He needs to find something that will look believable and I'm sure this isn't new information to Edge.
  13. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    All nighters aren't that hard... when you throw in a little coke.
  14. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Also, just bump Rey/Orton for this "AWESOME" Wrestlemania rematch!
  15. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I was talking about the taping tonight.
  16. haVoc

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I'm gonna go with... Drinking 12 hours before the show.
  17. haVoc

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    It wouldn't make sense. (HBK/HHH getting back together)
  18. haVoc

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    Where the Hell does Edge go from here? He keeps getting dicked around. Though, to his credit, he's stays over as one of the top heels.
  19. haVoc

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    That's it, and I don't know why they even bothered announcing that match.
  20. Aw crap! I like an Alter Bridge song.
  21. Can someone please tell me who does Edge's theme song, what's the name of it and what album it's on? Thanks.
  22. haVoc

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    Some are looking into the DX thing more then they should. HBK did it because he went "old school" and Triple H did it to get some cheap heat last night.
  23. haVoc

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Anyone else hoping Bret had a change of heart and decided to stay for the HOF introductions tonight?
  24. Brock would've been moved to Raw at some point so Triple H could have that WM feud with him. Any guess' how that feud would have turned out?