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Everything posted by haVoc

  1. Would like to know where NYR is being sold since I've been to FYI, Best Buy, Wal-Marts and K-Marts in the last 2 weekends now.
  2. haVoc

    Will we see another year long title reign?

    Edge, like so many, needs to get the Hell away from Triple H. I hope Edge gets traded to Smackdown at the next draft/trade (which should be coming soon) and he'll win the title at Summerslam against Rey.
  3. haVoc

    SD Match Listing

    How many viewers you think this show lost already when people turned it on and saw Mark Henry?
  4. haVoc

    SD Match Listing

    So. Anyone else trying to watch this crap?
  5. haVoc

    WWE Greatest Managers DVD details

    Shouldn't the management skills improve for it to be called an evolution?
  6. haVoc

    OAO 3/6 RAW th

    Second week in a row I feel a sleep 5 minutes into the show. I'm glad WWE.com puts up video's so I could see fat Steph. Speaking of that issue, did they say on TV Triple H was the father?
  7. This is from a recent show in New Zealand.
  8. haVoc

    Early Raw Preview

    Can see where this is going. Triple H and Cena win their matches this week so Vince will make them team up next Monday and they'll win the tag belts before heading into Saturday Nights Main Event.
  9. haVoc

    Janetty Released?

    "Take the drug test." "No." "World Wrestling Entertainment has broken all professional ties with Marty Jannetty."
  10. I'd find Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight and punch her right in the cock sucker.
  11. haVoc

    WWE news and notes

    Third time's a charm?
  12. haVoc

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    They're both going to come out of this feud looking like crap. Triple H wins, far from shocking and Cena gets buried along the way. Cena wins, crowds still shit on him and hopefully Triple H has no where to go but down the card. Either way, I'm going to be happy. I'm still pissed over the treatment Edge got. Those two and WWE burrying themselves is fine by me.
  13. Before the over sea tour is the best time to kick start these policies. Everytime they go over sea's someone does something stupid. Eugene was the most recent of the long line of fuck ups.
  14. haVoc

    School Fights...

    See, that's how you knew someone really wanted to fight at my school. There was a Boys Club across the street and behind the Boys Club was rail road tracks so no one could see unless a big crowd showed up. Which it usually did for a good potential fight. The police station was only a block away, but by time they would get there the fight was going for a while or already over. Plus, everyone would take off down the tracks and trails to get away.
  15. This shouldn't be hard to pass.
  16. See, Vince's ass does draw.
  17. God won't let HBK shove his face into another mans ass.....anymore.
  18. I can't wait for the day when a wrestler admits they do things to piss off the Internet. A lot of guys get accused of it, but none (as far as I can remember) have ever admitted it. "Yeah, I burried X-Wrestler and Y-Wrestler because they were 'net favorites and I hate the internet."
  19. Speaking of Kane, him and Big Show still tag champs?
  20. I'm fine with Bischoff. I really don't want Dusty to be the GM... Unless they take a chance and make him a heel GM. At least then it would be something different for his character.
  21. What type of apartment complex are we talking? There's a big difference between a $350 studio and $1800+ loft.
  22. That's their down side. They get paid by every house show, TV and PPV card they wrestle on. If they're lucky they have shirts and other merchandise they get a cut of. I believe the women also get a nice pay day for the magazines they sell as well. They blow their money like anyone else. A lot of times it's their own fault.
  23. I guess she has a thing for bad actors.
  24. haVoc

    RAW Superstars caught in overseas turmoil

    Boring. I was expecting a plane ride from Hell story. Can't even get a naked Ric Flair story these days.