Spicy McHaggis
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Everything posted by Spicy McHaggis
Man, Kobe is so unbelievably clutch. Not one, but TWO primetime, gotta-have-it, win-or-go-home clutch shots. He's the best player in the league, bar none. Unbelievable! I never thought the Lakers would have a playoff run like this. I just wanted a good effort against the Suns. This was awesome. What an amazing finish to the game, I'm still pumped. Smush, Walton, Kwame, Odom, Kobe... they're all playing at such a high level. Well, Game 5 should be interesting... it would be great if the Lakers can get the series wrapped up, but I won't say must win until Game 6. The series is not over, I can't stress that enough. The Suns are the Suns, and if the Lakers get too big headed it could cost them. But what a finish... great basketball plays, good defense, amazing clutch shots.
I'll take back what I said for the moment, and give Eric the benefit of the doubt that by "freedom" he meant "independent control of their own government". Hopefully, I'm wrong and if so I apologize. But, if he meant that certain groups of people just aren't ready for freedom, then there will be a problem.
I can't let something so blatantly racist go unnoticed. I don't understand how anyone could write something like that.
Absolutely. I'm not sure Kobe deserved the MVP this year, but he's definitely the best player in the league.
"...you're going to get civil war, especially when you spring freedom on them before they're ready." I can't let something so blatantly racist go unnoticed. I don't understand how anyone could write something like that.
Spring college football practices are starting...
Spicy McHaggis replied to therealworldschampion's topic in Sports
All of the information which portrays Reggie Bush and USC in a negative light has come from Michael Michaels and his attorney. Let me just say it, the guy is a nutcase. If I was Bush's attorney I would demand Michaels be subjected to a psychological evaluation. He thought he would parlay renting this house into being Reggie's agent. He got burned and now that his extortion didn't work, he's trying to drag everyone through the coals. And I don't care if I sound biased... I probably do. Let's hold off on the repercussions until an actual investigation finds actual wrongdoing. As for now, the Heisman will stay with its rightful owner. As for next season, I would say the Heisman is Brady Quinn's to win. He is absolutely the front runner. -
If we're going to cut the crap, then let's talk about why Kwame should not be suspended. Boris Diaw FLOPPED on that play, without a doubt in my mind. I got pissed off when Mike Breen said twice that Brown threw down Diaw... and I told the people I was watching with that the reason it bugged me was because I knew SportsCenter would go with that version of the story, and sure enough they did. Brown deserved the technical he got for standing over Boris, but the only reason he did it was because Boris fell over like a pussy. As for Walton, he had a chance after that disruption to completely DESTROY Nash when Nash was on his way in for a layup. But Walton held off. Luke's foul early on was flagrant, but it was flagrant because it was just a really hard foul, there was no intent to injure. Artest and Posey were trying to hurt the guys they fouled, whether they were frustrated or not. As for Kobe, I've been saying he's a team player throughout his entire career. And I've dealt with being called blind, and a Kobe fan boy, etc... and I'm not about to give up on the bragging rights. I've said all along that Kobe does what he thinks he needs to do for the benefit of the team. Has he been wrong sometimes? Absolutely. But he believed he was doing right by the team. Sometimes being a team player involves taking a lot of shots. Sometimes it involves passing. I think somebody else said that Kobe did a lot of scoring when the rest of the team was unfamiliar with the triangle. That's absolutely right. Lamar Odom had some downright horrible stretches during the season, and Kwame's longevity as a Laker was definitely in question. Kobe needed to score a lot of points to help keep the team afloat. If Odom and Brown had played the entire season the way they did at the end and during the playoffs so far, then Kobe would definitely not have won the scoring title, because he wouldn't have needed to. Kobe respects Jackson. He did everything Phil asked of him during the previous three championships... and he'll do it during this run, however far the Lakers get. I knew Kobe would get his teammates involved more, I just didn't know if they could live up to the task. I'll definitely admit I didn't think the Lakers would win with someone besides Kobe as the leading scorer... but that's because I didn't know if the supporting cast as well as Lamar Odom could be this good. The difference between the Suns and the Lakers is that the Suns haven't figured out how to beat the Lakers yet. I'm not saying that the Lakers have this series locked up, only that they have the formula for beating the Suns... it's just a matter of executing that formula. Phoenix has yet to show signs of their formula for the Lakers. Game 4 will be very telling.
That's right. His brother even signed the ordination papers... Eko is a technical priest. But I want to see if he actually went through the sacramental process, if he's a priest in his heart.
Two teens beat another one to near death...
Spicy McHaggis replied to Your Paragon of Virtue's topic in Current Events
"...there's no question that they were venting quite a bit of hatred in their hearts." The crime was horrible, and I hope those guys get the maximum sentence and the shit kicked out of them in jail, but the statement I quoted is a dangerous precedent. We can't have prosecutors telling people what they are thinking or feeling. And we can't be holding people culpable for thoughts. -
Invader3k, you hit it right on the head: we should bill the immigrants country of origin for all of the costs they incur in our country. Regardless of the kind of immigration policy we end up with (hell, it could even be open immigration), you guys are clinically insane if you don't think the borders should be fenced and guarded with some sort of military presence. Open land between Mexico and the US is a MAJOR security vulnerability.
Well, I'm interested to see his path after his brother died... specifically, I want to see if he actually became a priest.
Man I was really impressed with the Lakes last night. Odom is really hitting his stride. I'm glad for Kobe too. I think if the Lakers keep playing the way they're playing, they'll take the series. It'll be hotly contested without a doubt, and they need to take both of the games at Staples, but they can do it.
Eric, wages are not based on what a person needs, they are based on the value of the job or skill that that person performs. If the amount of people skilled at laying brick is small enough, and bricklaying is a valued commodity, then the wage for that job will be higher. If a person's skill isn't that valued, then unfortunately they will have to get a second job.
SJ, I have a couple of questions for you. 1. What makes you think Ethan/Henry are not working with Zeke's crew? 2. I agree with you that the war has started, but other than their lives what do you think they're fighting over? I have some theories of my own, but I also wanted to see what you thought as well.
Has anyone figured out the timeline on the supply drop? I know that the map says every 6-8 months, but I thought maybe someone could trace back to Hurley's calculations and find out if the drop is early, on time, or maybe even late.
Man, I was dead wrong about Gale... damn, should have gone with my first instinct. A couple of points: 1. We never saw Gale punch in the numbers. All we have is his word, which is understandably suspect. He SAID he punched in the code and that everything else happened when he was in the vent. I swear I heard everything that was displayed the last time Locke let the count go to zero. Maybe Gale didn't do anything and this happened, maybe he was sent specifically to initiate this next phase of some psychological experiment... who knows? 2. The injury to Locke's leg seemed to hurt and affect him much more so than any other injury he has sustained on the island. Remember, he has suffered some pretty serious wounds before with absolutely no ill effects. This one hurt him a lot more and actually effected his ability to walk. Speculate away...
With regard to the pregnancy stuff, Jack did not mean there could be a false negative during the first week ON THE ISLAND, he meant there could be one during the first week of pregnancy. Also, remember that Sun waited until she started getting sick to get a pregnancy test, and in general morning sickness starts around the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. So, there's easily a timeline for this to occur on the island. Remember, Locke began walking immediately after the plane crash... so we could assume Jin was cured quickly as well. Now, I LOVED the stuff with Henry Gale and I'm currently of the mind that he is actually telling the truth and not one of the others. I was pretty confident in the fact that he could have just assumed the identity of someone flying the balloon. That was until the final scene... where it could be believed he was playing mind games with Jack and Locke, probably as an assignment from his superiors. However, when he began asking questions, the questions that we would find most appropriate, and the questions that NOBODY has asked, I came up with this theory... Henry Gale and his wife were actually flying the hot air balloon, and they actually crashed on the island. Here's the important part: I believe they were not the victims of the same circumstances that brought the Lostaways, the French chick and her crew, Eko's brother, to the island. Basically, there was no Bermuda triangle, electromagnetic type stuff going on. Henry Gale crashed on the island through "natural" circumstances. And that is why he is logical, that is why, finally, we have someone asking the questions that should have been asked a long time ago. You might ask why does he make those little devious comments, and I would say perhaps he's scared and thinks that playing this "Other" card might make him appear stronger and scare the Lostaways into releasing him. Or maybe he's just a brutally honest person and figures being honest is his best play. And it could just be that the scenes are shot in such a way as to keep us guessing.
Yes, I'm sure those Iraqis would prefer the wood chipper.
Exactly. It seems like most characters progressed during season one, I'm not sure who is progressing this season... perhaps Jin, maybe Michael, maybe Claire. This season, I see most characters regressing... Sawyer, Charlie, Locke, Sayid, maybe Jack. I'm not sure about Kate or Hurley... or the Tailies.
Can anyone confirm if Kiefer Sutherland does the voiceover in the new Intel ad?
I thought this was another great ep... I'm with those people that think there are two sets of others. The groups may be similar to the survivors in that one group has had it much tougher than the other. Mr. Friendly's group could mirror the Tailies and Ethan's group could mirror the Midplane. Ethan's clothes were much nicer than these others, and he actually had shoes... that's a big distinction. Jack's "build an army" comment had me pumped as well. I can't wait for the confrontation. The "Mr. Locke" being a clue that Walt gave the others their information is a great call by whoever made that, I didn't pick up on that when I saw the show. The Sun/Jin plot was pretty neat also... Jin's epiphany at the end was great. The Charlie and Hurley stuff was cool... I think having Charlie be involved with the comic relief stuff is a way for the writing to disarm us from Charlie's true intentions. During the preview for next week, Hurley's “have we met before?" came across as a cheesy pickup line, especially with Libby's reaction. I thought the Jack flashback was awesome. The failed surgery immediately put to bed any thoughts that Jack was some sort of magical miracle worker. It was interesting to see the high standard he set for his own fidelity in the marriage, and then he got totally screwed over. That's definitely affecting his relationship with Kate. I think Jack will pursue Ana Lucia for a while. She's got that fun, attractive quality whereas Kate is who Jack really loves but he's afraid of getting hurt.
Man, what a great way to kickoff the new season! I have to admit... my jaw did drop for Palmer, but the setup for Michelle had me cringing until the explosion. Jack will easily be able to avoid being blamed for the assassinations, because Diane can corroborate his whereabouts. But, he has to save Derek first. God, that line WAS awesome.
Amazing episode... definitely one of my favorites... and I, too, have Eko just above Locke on my list of favorite characters. I was fortunate enough to be able to watch all 9 preceding episodes on Monday, and it brought out a few thoughts: -- There is a song that plays at the beginning of the orientation film, one or two times during it, and at the end. Anybody remember it? I haven't looked around online, but I'm wondering if there is some sort of subliminal message, if it could be played backwards, etc. -- Does anyone else think time stops when Michael communicates with Walt? Jack interrupting is something you could point to in order to say no. But, the first time the counter stopped at 57, I think. This time, they didn't show the counter... but the keyboard was disabled until after Walt wrote to Michael. Also, we don't know if Michael just turned off the monitor when Jack came in, or if the text somehow disappeared. Right now, I'm thinking either time stops or Michael is hallucinating. -- Mr. Eko is now my favorite character, without a doubt. The big observation I think I've made is that he is kind of like the midpoint between Jack and Locke. Eko is a born leader, like Jack, but he also has a better bedside manner as evidenced by how he handled Ana Lucia. He is spiritual and has a lot of faith... he told Bernard he would pray for Rose, but he also told Locke not to mistake coincidence for fate. It's very interesting to be able to place Jack, Eko, and Locke on a continuum. I also wonder where Sawyer will fit in, because I believe he will play a big role. As for the info coming out of the new ep... I loved Eko's back story as well. The way his character is set up will make for other great flashbacks, because we have one part of him that is a complete and total badass and another part that is a sort of redeemed leader figure. I'm wondering if, after his brother's death, Eko reformed and actually went through the process of becoming a priest and getting ordained in spirit. Then he could carry on his brother's work. I'm also guessing that the Other he killed was probably the first person he had killed since his turnaround (just as Sawyer was the first person Sayid had tortured). That's probably the reason for his 40 days of silence. With regard to Charlie... I agree with Mik that it is definitely unclear whether Charlie simply has a stash for later or if he already has been using. There may be no physical signs of use because Charlie has enough to avoid withdrawals. He told Claire he wasn't using, but obviously he lied to Eko about not knowing where the plane was. The stash actually tells us a lot more about Charlie than simply his relationship with drugs. He is a much, much better tracker than we've seen, or than he's let on. Remember, earlier this season Charlie followed around Locke because he wanted to find out about the hatch. Locke stops in the jungle, tells Charlie to come out, and comments that he can't believe Charlie didn't notice they were going in a circle. So now we know that Charlie has decent tracking abilities, but he's also sly enough to play dumb. Whoever connected him to the others might be on the right track. The monster... interesting that Eko could hear it, no? Do you guys agree he knew something was coming and that's why he sent Charlie up the tree? You could clearly hear some sort of sound preceding its arrival. And, when it first went up to Eko, I thought I could hear some animal roaring sounds. I remember early in the first season, Rose said something about the monster sound she heard being very familiar. Perhaps the monster reads everyone's minds to find out what scares them, and the sounds it makes as well as the tree shit is all just for show. Maybe the first line of defense is simply to scare people and make them run in the opposite direction. The ones that don't run... maybe the monster scans them and decides if they are threats. But what is the criteria? Is it fear versus no fear, being good versus being bad, etc.? I agree that it's curious how the monster physically does things... perhaps it's made up of nanobots that simply have the power to lift things. It's interesting that you guys all thought of mind reading first. Obviously, it fits in with my theory of finding out what scares the Lostaways. But I was also thinking of my theory that these people were watched throughout their lives and engineered to end up on the island. Perhaps, those images were loaded into the monster and it was checking some sort of database. All in all, great stuff.
Well... Without having read the last 25 pages or so of the thread, I'll give my assessment. It was truly an amazing game, and I'm compelled to say that even though my team came out on the losing end. Vince Young is an absolutely phenomenal player, and Texas earned that win. I posted on another board that I thought it was pointless to dissect officiating, coaches' calls, or individual player performances for the purpose of assigning blame. I personally agreed with the decision to go for it on fourth down, though not necessarily to run the play without Reggie Bush on the field. And did I tell you guys about Frostee Rucker and containment or what? But, I made sure to wear some Trojan gear the day after as a symbolic gesture that I would support my team in the wins and losses, unlike the bandwagon fans. Hopefully, Texas can host the bandwagoners for a season. Despite the loss, I think we Trojans owe Pete Carroll, Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush, and the rest a great deal of gratitude for an incredible run (that hopefully isn't over). I'm pretty much trying to forget the pain of losing and look forward to next season. My hat is off to Texas. The Longhorns did everything they needed to get the win. This year, they definitely deserved the national championship. Vince Young is an amazing athlete. Congrats to Texas.