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Spicy McHaggis

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Everything posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. Spicy McHaggis


    Too many whiners. Moving on... I thought last night was pretty good. Like other posters, I think Jack correctly figured out that Juliet and her secret request were part of the plan, hopefully he knew from the start. Jack is still Jack, which I love. So, he did what he could and took matters into his own hands. Obviously, the Alex storyline shows that there IS a way off the alcatraz. Kate and Sawyer were witnesses to that conflict, so I'm sure rescuing Alex will be part of the plan once they find a safe place to hide. Then they can escape. I agree, Jacob is probably one of the Others that Eko killed... he might also be Eye Patch. The other line I loved was Jack saying, "and get me someone who can hold a damn clamp." Awesome.
  2. Spicy McHaggis


    There's a part of me that thinks that the Lostaways not sitting down and discussing all the crazy stuff that's happened IS a plot point. I think there's a reason they're not talking, but I'm not quite sure what it is... I do hope it is addressed. Although, I do agree some stuff doesn't need to be seen.
  3. Spicy McHaggis


    You're right Hawk, I didn't pay enough attention to the psychogical element.
  4. Spicy McHaggis

    Bored's College Football Pick 'Em - Week 11

    Bored, did you get my PM with my picks?
  5. Spicy McHaggis


    Compared to the rest of TV... decent Ep. Compared to itself... eh. I felt like some things were out of place. For instance, the cheerleader stuff would have been fine at the beginning of the season. But she's been a lot closer to people finding out than what we saw last night. I loved the stuff with the heroes working together to save someone. The way it organically came together was awesome... along with Hiro showing Micah the comic book from the future. One question I have is how Niki's alter ego got her name. That was kind of strange just to throw her name out there. What I understood from the Petrellis was that the congressman basically obtained the painting for some "just in case" leverage against Peter. I can see them setting up the congressman turning away from the good of his powers to the evil of his desires... obviously that will bring conflict between the brothers which will probably be manifested in a battle over the painting (not that I'm saying it will be physical). The stuff with Matt was great as usual... I think Greg Grunberg is an All-Star actor. As far as Claire's Dad goes, I'm trying to decide where he is on the Magneto/Professor X spectrum. I think he'll probably have good motives but shady practices. Last thing, about Petrelli's wife... I hate when people choose to be offended and then speak for a group, so I won't do that, I'll just give my opinion. That whole "I promise we can be a couple (wink wink, nudge nudge) again" was bullshit. First, her being paralyzed has no effect on her husband's sex life, at least physically. Regardless of disability, most people can have a "normal" sex life... some can't, but ALL people can have A sex life. You just have to think outside the box, pun intended. Now, I'm not paralyzed so I don't know what that's like, but I know firsthand that where there's a will there's a way (especially with something like this).
  6. Spicy McHaggis


    I completely agree. You know, the more I think about it, the more I feel I'm of the opinion that Juliet is the true leader. I'm still undecided as to whether or not she is "Him". But I think, of the people we've seen, she's in charge. There has been a lot of parallelism overall on LOST, so if you think about it... who initially handled Jack, the leader of the Lostaways? Juliet. This may also explain why Ben was content to let her die. Perhaps she is really the evil one.
  7. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    First, USC beat otherwise undefeated Arkansas at exactly the same time of year and Arkansas has a legit case to be ranked ahead of Texas. Second, that statement that you bolded was in reference to the Big East. Third, I've said countless times that Ohio State and Michigan are the best two teams in the country right now. Finally, they have not played subpar competition but their level of competition has been equal to USC's. Losing takes the Trojans out of the picture for now, but it will have to be re-examined at the end of the season.
  8. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    Thanks for apologizing, I appreciate it. I'll just agree to disagree.
  9. Spicy McHaggis

    Battlestar Galactica

    "Give me your sidearm... ... shoot me right now. One of you, I don't care who, but one of you better just shoot me."
  10. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    That's about the deepest personal attack that could be made on the Sports Forum. It's the furthest thing from the truth, and I have done absolutely nothing to warrant that. I calmly state what I think, I back it up, and I don't jump down someone else's throat when they say something I don't like. No Big East team should be ranked any higher than Boise State, and Boise State is ranked exactly where they should be. While I think Cal, Notre Dame, and USC are better than Florida, Auburn, and Texas, The Gators, the Tigers, and the Longhorns would wipe the floor... I mean absolutely destroy any Big East team. Don't cite Georgia as an example from last year. They handed that game to West Virginia. The Big East teams are inferior, and it's obvious, plain as day, when you see how weak their defenses are. I didn't say USC was the third-best team, but they along with Cal and Notre Dame should be ranked ahead of anyone but Ohio State and Michigan. It's absolutely unbelievable how a seven-point victory over Illinois, an eight-point victory over Ball State, a six-point victory over Vanderbilt, and undefeated records against subpar competition are excused at this point in the season. Washington State and Washington are better competition than the aforementioned teams, Arizona State is equal competition... yet close calls against those teams are considered flaws in USC's résumé. Whereas close calls this past week are viewed as strategy, give me a break. I won't stand for that condescending bullshit. I don't think USC is the best team in the country, I think they have a long way to go to prove why they should be in the conversation, and I've never posted differently.
  11. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    USC, Cal, and Notre Dame should all be ahead of Louisville, Florida, Auburn, and Texas.
  12. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    The only thing remotely related to USC that I've posted to you is that I was encouraged by Booty's fourth quarter. My expectations are winning out in the Pac-10 and going to the Rose Bowl. Now, I think Michigan is BETTER than Ohio State... the Wolverines are going to win. Take a moment and let that sink in. If, and it's a gigantic if because I haven't seen anything to indicate it will be possible, but if the Trojans run the table and beat Oregon, Cal, Notre Dame, and UCLA, AND Auburn & Florida lose, then yes... USC should deserve to play Michigan in the national championship. Realistically speaking, they would also need Louisville, Rutgers, and Texas to lose as well. That sounds pretty unlikely, and the Trojans are the last thing you should be worried about. Notre Dame was not a crap OOC opponent, if you've paid any attention to this board you would know the Irish are my second favorite team (although the arrogance of many of their fans is starting to change that). The rest of Michigan's OOC schedule has been horrible. That being said, I still think they're the best team in the country. Now, Louisville/West Virginia. That was a very exciting game, I really enjoyed it. Whoever's reading this, please read that sentence at least five times. That was a very exciting game, I really enjoyed it. Ohio State/Michigan/almost any top 10 team would crush them. Their defenses were weak, and I mean softer than a down comforter. Since I think Michigan will be number one I'll start with them. Michigan would destroy Louisville, no question. They'd toss it to Manningham a few times for scores, shut down Louisville's offense completely, and run out the clock with Hart... game over. Rinse and repeat with Ginn and the Ohio State running game, even with their depleted defense. If you want my thoughts on the meaning of the Louisville/Rutgers game... go back to my previous posts, take out "West Virginia" and paste in "Rutgers". I will say that I'm picking Rutgers, though. I hope people don't get me wrong, I love watching these teams because they're very fun to watch... and I wouldn't have any problem whatsoever if they were all ranked where Boise State is ranked. The rise of Rutgers has been amazing. I just think it's premature and unwarranted to have these Big East teams in the national championship conversation.
  13. Spicy McHaggis


  14. Spicy McHaggis


    Damn, Lost is still the best show on TV. Good, logical Ep that I really enjoyed. The monster: We've seen it physically manipulate someone before... remember Locke from the end of season one? Obviously, Yemi on the island was a manifestation of the monster. The other posters had it right, the monster told Eko to keep pushing the button. He stopped, the hatch was destroyed. The monster gave him a chance to repent and he didn't take it, so the monster killed him. Eko's arc was amazingly well done and I really enjoyed it. It was cool how they showed that Locke learned from him when he said, "don't mistake coincidence for fate." They covered the fact of why people were accompanying Locke and Sayid. Remember, Hurley commented to Locke that Jack would have gone to the Pearl himself and taken care of things alone, but Locke told him he wasn't Jack. There are many ways to lead. I, too, believe that Juliet and Ben are "playing" Jack, although I don't know if that's the right word. We've seen that the others are a group of extremes. Perhaps Ben figures he'll die without treatment anyway so he might as well use the experience as a method for testing/teaching Jack. I believe Juliet is in cahoots with Ben, obviously. I'm guessing they'll pit Ben's seemingly dangerous character against Jack's oath as a doctor... his benevolence. I don't think I buy Ben's change of faith, yet. Remember, he told Locke that God couldn't see the island any better than the rest of the world could. Of course, that was before the failsafe was activated. The Second Season was so obviously important to the overall story that I still can't figure how people can find it pointless. There is NO wasted time or story on Lost. I hope this thread doesn't become too IWC for me. Great episode... can't wait till next week.
  15. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    What a defeatist attitude... you're ASSUMING your team is going to lose?? Christ almighty, I never said Michigan was going to lose. I said the loser should not get a chance to play in the national championship. I guess that's a Wolverine for you... assume you're going to lose and start coming up with preemptive excuses (you sound like a politician). First of all, I think Michigan is better than Ohio State. Michigan's schedule has been much more solid (even with their crap OOC opponents). And yes, time of year DOES matter. Ohio State beat the #2 team in the country on the road. Guess what? Texas is NOT "#2 team in the country" material. I'm not saying Michigan should have lost early, I'm saying they shouldn't lose AT ALL. I'm also not saying there isn't a precedent. I'm saying the Ohio State/Michigan game is DIRECTLY followed by the national championship for those two teams. The loser of the game will prove they don't belong there. Let's say Michigan beats Ohio State. Well, if Ohio State wins the BCS rematch, how are they really champs? All it would prove is that both teams are even.
  16. Spicy McHaggis

    This week in the NBA

    King, are you as excited as I am for this season? Let the Kobe-hating begin! Bynum is looking great, I'm sure he's been learning a lot. It's going to be sick when the Lakers get Kwame & Kobe back. And I REALLY hope Lamar Odom can keep it up... if he has a great season, it could be lights out for the rest of the league.
  17. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    I surrender to your superior logic.
  18. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    You guys are fucking insane. The toughest teams on their schedules have equally weak schedule strength ratings, therefore a win against one of those teams doesn't validate ANYTHING.
  19. Spicy McHaggis


  20. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    You've got to be kidding me Iggy... Rutgers schedule strength is in the tank, too. I don't know how many times I have to say this, beating an undefeated team doesn't mean anything if that undefeated team didn't beat anybody meaningful. I've got numbers to back me up: A&H Rutgers: 50 Louisville: 55 West Virginia: 86 Colley Matrix Rutgers: 76 Louisville: 85 West Virginia: 99 Kenneth Massey Rutgers: 77 Louisville: 61 West Virginia: 80 Jeff Sagarin Rutgers: 97 Louisville: 70 West Virginia: 89 Outside of Texas, not one team in the top 10 on average has a schedule strength rating north of 30. I'm not grumpy about Oregon State, in fact I'm encouraged after what I saw in the fourth quarter, especially out of Booty. I don't want an Ohio State/Michigan rematch. The loser of that game will have had their chance and should not get another shot in what is effectively the very next game. It should be another one loss team, anybody other than Texas, rather than an undefeated team from a conference that is no better then conference USA, or the Mac.
  21. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    Both of their strength of schedule ratings should be horribly weak. They should not even be considered in the conversation for the national championship. Neither team has beaten anyone impressive, nor will their weak schedules be validated with a victory Thursday.
  22. Spicy McHaggis

    This Week in College Football 10/31 - 11/5

    Well, West Virginia/Louisville should be a fast-paced, exciting game. Meaningless, but exciting nonetheless. I should say I hope the voters will treat it as meaningless.
  23. Spicy McHaggis

    4,000 dead Americans

  24. Spicy McHaggis


    Perhaps Sylar was the alter ego of Claire's dad and somehow they became physically separated.