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Spicy McHaggis

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Everything posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. I certainly can give you evidence but you'll just say it's too basic or not concrete enough. Fetus is human: 1. The complete human DNA at the moment of conception. 2. The fact that humans only produce other humans. Fetus is living: 1. Cellular division that begins at conception. 2. Brain and heart function in the 1st trimester. Mike pretty much answered the rest. Legalized abortion legislates the opinion that a fetus isn't alive.
  2. Spicy McHaggis

    The One and Only When Do You Begin School Thread

    Dude, you've got four years to be the laziest human being alive. And I have seven, baby.
  3. Spicy McHaggis

    What should you do...

    On a totally unrelated note, I seriously picture Zack Morris sitting at a computer whenever I see Malibu post.
  4. Spicy McHaggis

    The One and Only When Do You Begin School Thread

    My 3rd year at SC starts on August 25th. I can't wait to see the scenery for another full semester.
  5. There is not enough for this even if US started an arms race of with China. If you don't get what we're trying to say, then SHUT THE FUCK UP. So far we have concluded: * An abortion ban isn't going to keep women from going and getting abortion done in a country where health care consists of a hammer and some pliers. * Women can get raped and pregnant with said rapist's baby. * Women can have birth complications that can kill the baby or the mother. * It's debatable about whether an early-term fetus is really a living being. * People tend to get concerned with the government tells them they can't do something with their own body. And yet we still have people who continue to just cover their ears and say "LALALALALALALALALALA NOT HEARING YOU DEADBABIES LOL2005!" These people are impossible to debate with as they refuse to acknowledge any basis in logic in your side. No matter what you say, they continue to just hammer the same shit over and over as though you never said anything. Congratulations. Be sure to wave and say hi when you drive down the street throwing papers around of disgusting pictures of ex-fetuses. We've also concluded: * Because an action will take place does not justify it's legality. * Abortions in cases of rape place culpability on the wrong party. * There are other medical procedures that will save the mother besides abortion. * There is no concrete evidence that says an early-term fetus isn't human. An early-term fetus is living. * People tend to get concerned when the government allows people to harm another being's body.
  6. Spicy McHaggis

    Anti gay marriage groups: Hey lawmakers

    Keep the term "marriage" for heterosexuals... with no state benefits. Have all couples file for civil unions, then the tax breaks, etc. can be given to all.
  7. Abortions in cases of rape and incest place culpability on the wrong party. Incest babies will be screwed up developmentally... And? What about those who are mentally retarded or have Downs Syndrome? Should they be killed also? Are you saying you might support the use of infanticide?
  8. Spicy McHaggis

    When are you going to die?

    Thursday, September 1, 2078 22 days from my 95th b-day.
  9. Spicy McHaggis

    Racism and the double standard

    I think this comes from insecurity that people may think your an "only-whites-allowed" racist. The thing that always bothers me is that people--like my mexican best friend who's president of 2 school org's, an ra, and has a 3.9; or my black friend, who's a top-40 collegiate RB interested in academics, with 2 parents--these guys are looked at as a minority within their race... when in fact there are tons of these kinds of people, just as there are tons of white idiots wasting their opportunities. Our goal should be a day when I can simply say Matt Milton without having to say his "color"... this is something I try to do all the time.
  10. Spicy McHaggis

    Waiting until marriage......

    No prob, Rip.
  11. Spicy McHaggis

    Waiting until marriage......

    Man... I said I can not literally interpret the Bible. I agree with you.
  12. Unless you think abortion is a violent, dehumanizing crime, which happens to be my view. The notion that something being a common occurance makes it permissible is ridiculous. The point is to deter women from killing the human living inside them. If they aren't deterred, then at least the abortion is more painful and more difficult. Euthanasia (sp) is a medical procedure too. That doesn't make it ok. Obviously, I'd prefer to ban all abortions... because you can remove the fallopian tube in ectopic pregnancies or induce labor in order to save the mother's life. But it is a tough sale.
  13. Spicy McHaggis

    Waiting until marriage......

    It's also part of his denomination. I, personally, just can't believe in predestination and literally intrepreting the Bible.
  14. Spicy McHaggis

    Heaven and Hell...

    Yes. And men should do the same for their wives.
  15. Oh you hair-splitting moron. To paraphrase JOTW: Although you personally may believe rape is horrible, and not like it, you cannot stop all women from being raped by putting your ethical/religious/etc beliefs on rapists.
  16. Good. This argument is always beyond me, btw. Why not legalize rape and murder for the same reasons?
  17. Spicy McHaggis

    Racism and the double standard

    Can I get upset that BET perpetuates stereotypes and completely misrepresents black people on the whole?
  18. Too easy. You believe in the sanctity of life and helping those in need, yet you believe strongly in social liberalism, which includes abortion. Please explain.
  19. Spicy McHaggis

    Heaven and Hell...

    Yes and no. Basic Catholic Biblical literature teaches that the Bible contains historical and scientific error but is free from religious error. Also, if you're going to believe in God... you should believe, as MM said, that the Bible was divinely inspired and that the Holy Spirit protects it's religious message from corruption.
  20. Spicy McHaggis

    Racism and the double standard

    Prepare to be told the bs that all other networks are white entertainment. Other ones that bother me: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People United Negro College Fund
  21. Spicy McHaggis

    Waiting until marriage......

    Agreed, but you are denying one part of nature. SP, I've always wondered why some Protestants are so strict on things like dating, sex, etc., yet contraception is so easily permissible. When purity is such a concern, why is this allowed?
  22. Spicy McHaggis

    Heaven and Hell...

    Not to mention the millions of people that died and continue to die for it. And where exactly do you place the ability to contemplate the existence of heaven and hell on your structure?
  23. Spicy McHaggis

    Heaven and Hell...

  24. Spicy McHaggis

    Waiting until marriage......

    Yes. Also, I find their sterile denial of human nature to be revolting. When you have sex, do you or your partner use contraceptives? Absolutely. I don't want any babies or blisters. Also, why did you ask that? I think he was going to make a point about how, since you use contraceptives during sex, you’re denying your own basic human nature, making you a hypocrite. Exactly. And Eric I'm not saying it has only one purpose. Just that the need to procreate is basic human nature, and use of contraceptives denies that.
  25. Spicy McHaggis

    Waiting until marriage......

    Yes. Also, I find their sterile denial of human nature to be revolting. When you have sex, do you or your partner use contraceptives?