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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Was there a 1996 follow-up because that was an awesome read?
  2. Si82

    Recent Purchases

    Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic Monkeys Our Earthly Pleasures - Maxïmo Park Myths of the Near Future - Klaxons Send Away the Tigers - Manic Street Preachers
  3. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Linger" - The Cranberries
  4. Si82

    The Undertaker tears his bicep.

    Has she put some weight on?
  5. Si82

    People Who Shouldn't Post Anymore: May 2007

    It's encouraging to see a healthy portion of Razazteca hate.
  6. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "My Hero (Live)" - Foo Fighters
  7. Si82

    The Undertaker tears his bicep.

    I don't think it was long enough to be the worst.
  8. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Salvador" - Jamie T
  9. The conjures up quite an odd mental image.
  10. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Auf Achse" - Franz Ferdinand
  11. I didn't either. Especially after the fact that they already DID pay for his hip replacement surgery and that this kidney problem could have been brought on by years of steroid abuse. I personally feel it would have been a good act for the company to help out a guy how needed a kidney replacement. They obliviously have the money to keep guys like Kevin Nash on the payroll but can't stump up the cash for a guy with kidney trouble. What kind of message does that send out about TNA? Frankly TNA just come across as a really shitty company to work for. This latest incident with Austin Starr is just another in the long line of them were guys in TNA complain and are totally ignored. Meanwhile, Vince Russo continues to write utter garbage that the fans turn against and they try to deflect blame away from him. Perhaps TNA should be listening to the talent rather than ignoring it.
  12. Si82

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    I don't recall Steve Austin ever being in SMW.
  13. Si82

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I totally agree with this. For whatever reason the album doesn't seem to get a whole lot of love despite it being quite good. Shame really.
  14. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "There She Goes" - The La's
  15. Si82

    Recent purchases

    An Inconvenient Truth
  16. The poster for this year's Slammiversary: I quite like it.
  17. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Go Karts" - The Bees
  18. Si82

    Recent Purchases

    Hits - Pulp For Screening Purposes Only - Test Icicles Free The Bees - The Bees The Bravery - The Bravery
  19. Si82

    UFC 70: Nations Collide on SpikeTV

    Sweet Jesus. I mean, holy fuck.
  20. Si82

    WWE Hall of Fame Tournament

    Hulk Hogan Vincent J. McMahon
  21. Si82

    What are you watching?

    WWE Championship I Quit Match: John Cena vs. JBL - Judgment Day 2005 I watched this match for the second time today and it still ranks up as one of Cena's best matches. I didn't know if it would due to the gimmicky nature of the brawl. But the high spots and blood loss added up to a dramatic match. Not only that but the crowd loved Cena. It's kinda odd to look at now considering the hate the guy gets in some places. Good stuff.
  22. Si82

    WWE ends relationship with DSW

    Why do WWE need to cut costs? I thought they were turning a profit.
  23. Si82

    WWE Hall of Fame Tournament

    Hulk Hogan Bobby Heenan Pat Patterson Vince J. McMahon
  24. Si82

    OAO 4/12 Impact Thread

    I'm having flashbacks to Bash at the Beach '99 now. Damn you.