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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Babydoll-A perfect 10

    Yes you can. I am only 20 now so remember this date 20 years from now. By the way I have nothing against people liking someone younger. Its just that she seemed to pick the exact group of guys that a 16 just coming into puberty likes. You can't tell me that she doesn't remind you a little bit of a white trash trailor park type. I would find it very sad if I saw a 40-year-od woman screaming for Jeff Hardy when he came out
  2. geniusMoment

    Question about old RAW's...

    They ran one at the Manhattan Center in 1997 where ECW invaded and ken shamrock debuted as the next big thing. It was highlighted by an Undertaker/NOD main event. Most of the crew was on an overseas tour but it was still great. The crowd was chanting Bischoff is gay and Nitro sucks for seemingly the entire show. They stopped running their weekly in 93
  3. geniusMoment

    Babydoll-A perfect 10

    Anyone over 40 who's interests include Jeff Hardy, The Hardy Boys, and Edge is white trash. Judging by the picture she looks like the classic hair dresser type.
  4. geniusMoment

    Question about old RAW's...

    Yes the entire place is a complex of halls.
  5. geniusMoment

    Question about old RAW's...

    No, the Manhattan Center and Hammerstein Ballroom are 2 totally different places. The Hammerstein is actually a legendary concert hall, hosting many famous rock bands legendary performances
  6. geniusMoment

    Crash Holly passes away

    Jake Roberts will out last everyone on the earth. You can look through his eyes and see there is nothing inside. No soul, no heart.
  7. geniusMoment

    Reds Outfielder Dernell Stenson murdered

    He had a pretty sweet swing. I thought with a little more experience he could have been a good fourth outfielder. I guess this means more Taylor.
  8. geniusMoment

    Survivor Series will be great!

    Also what is your favorite type of ice cream?
  9. geniusMoment

    Survivor Series will be great!

    RRR what about people who would order the ppv but are just too cheap?
  10. geniusMoment

    Chris and Trish sitting in a tree...

    How could you forget me?
  11. geniusMoment

    Its Official:

    I wonder how Flair would do as the color commentator? I bet he wouldn't even take the position. I think he still likes wrestling.
  12. It really pisses me off that we don't get explosion in Cincy. It seems like this is an area TNA would market to, as when they start doing house shows this would be an easy market to travel to. A swing through Lexington, Cincy and Dayton would mean little travel for the company.
  13. geniusMoment

    New WWE DVD's

    The lighting is tremendous for that Undertaker/Kwang match.
  14. geniusMoment

    Its Official:

    Its been a long time since I watched smackdown. Do they let the crippler show the deadman how to do a powerbomb proper? Chris is the master of the powerbomb, especially when Eddy is taking it.
  15. geniusMoment

    WWE Superstars comment on Hawk

    Thats funny because before he died everyone used to rip on hawk for being an ass, hard to deal with and into drugs. I understand he changed his ways but was it not just a couple of months ago the entire locker room got so pissed off at him that it cost the roadies a chance to get back. His bad attitude and dealings with McMahon forced the roadies out of the WWF in the early 90s and his problems were made light of when he came back in the late 90s. It reminds me of that Newsradio episode where the guy died in the copying machine. Dave kept on saying nice things about the guy even though he did not know him. At the end it turns out the guy was in the klan. This portrays hawk as a saint. Give me a fucking break. Just because someone dies doesn't mean you can only say nice things about him, if he was a dick he was a dick.
  16. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    The production did not have to be WWF quality. I wanted at least AWA quality. I still liked the dvd. Maybe part of the reason I did not like much of the NWA stuff was because, with the exception of Tully-Magnum, most of the matches were not very good. Perhaps if I saw a great match the lighting would not matter as much.
  17. geniusMoment

    Steroid news

    Whats so bad about steriods? Its their bodies, I personally do not give a fuck.
  18. geniusMoment

    Question about old RAW's...

    I loved the atmosphere of the early raws in 1993. The manhattan center was a great setting for the show. I still believe a late night show, like at 1:00 a.m., from the manhattan center would be awesome. The intimate setting would add to the show.
  19. geniusMoment

    Should Kurt Angle change his music?

    Angle has the bret hart disease. After his wrestlemania match against HBK the business began changing. When hart came back the old tried and true babyface formula just did not work anymore. He began to get frustrated with the company and the fans and it exposed parts of his personality which were not very pretty. His real life whiney, cocky and holier than thou personality lent itself well to being a good heel. However, if he went back to being a face he would be the same boring white bread babyface. Fans would become disinterested again. Same thing with Angle, he is too much of an 80s face.
  20. geniusMoment

    Should Kurt Angle change his music?

    I agree Angle should go back to being a heel. His natural charisma works best when he is the oblivious heel.
  21. geniusMoment

    Any big league sports stars from your hometown?

    Ken Griffey Jr. Pete Rose Barry Larkin David Justice and tons more as Cincy is a baseball hotbed
  22. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    Everyone keeps saying they were focused on the in ring product like if they would focus some energy toward production the in ring stuff would suffer.
  23. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    Do you understand that my point is that it can still be about the wrestling with good production. It doesn't cost much more for a few lighting grids for Starrcade. How come no one can answer my question. Why does good production mean bad wrestling. Good production did not take away from Bret/Owen. Just because you have good production it does not mean you cannot focus on the in ring product. I do not want this to get into a pissing contest. As I said earlier to each his own. I was just giving my opinion, which some of you cannot seem to understand or except. GOOD PRODUCTION DOES NOT EQUAL BAD WRESTLING.
  24. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    Are you blind? It is like watching a third rate ECW production team.
  25. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    For those interested I hear Super Pissed Smark obvisiously doesn't understand english. As I clearly stated I like great wrestling, I just like seeing it clearly. No one can answer my question of why just because you have good production values does the wrestling have to suffer.