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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    I remember the first two hour raw from a couple of years ago. It was from the Skydome in toronto. Since that day was originally supposed to air a taped raw WWF didn't bring all of their lighting. I remember everyone saying how cool the show looked. I just thought it looked dark and dirty so I watched Nitro that night.
  2. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    Why can't there be both kick ass wrestling and great production values. Yes I love great wrestling, but I would like to be able to see it clearly. Just because I want good production values doesn't mean I don't want great wrestling. I still don't understand how being able to see the ring clearly and how watching a production put on by true professionals takes away from the action in the ring. It did not take away from Owen/Bret in the cage.
  3. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    I got news for you if I go to hell I am taking everyone I can down with me. We can hell burn in misery for all eternity.
  4. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    What about Bret?
  5. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    So in what lighting is Steamboat/Flair? This will decide whether or not I buy the Flair dvd. So it will be wonderful if one of you will tell me in advance. I realize I will probably get flamed for not buying the Flair dvd just because of lighting. The thing is I already have the 1992 rumble, the HHH match and his match with sting on tape. If the matches take place in that crappy lighting, with the LD level camera work, it will mean I will be able to spend my money on something else. This may seem like the ramblings of an insane man, but to me the Nature Boy is all about the bright lights and the big city. It is just not the same without the music and nice entrances.
  6. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    It seems as if they have a bush league camera crew as well. The ring is not even lit that well. After seeing some AWA footage from the mid-80s that is what I expected. It is just too dark and dreary for my tastes. To each his own I suppose.
  7. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    I am not an idiot. I did not go in expecting WWE lighting. I just expected WWF 86 lighting, or at least something similar. When did they change over to decent lighting? I know in the early nineties they had decent lighting and a big ramp. Will the Flair/steamboat and Flair/funk matches from 89 have at least passable lighting.
  8. geniusMoment

    Underground TV on hiatus

    Damn maybe, just maybe, Keller was right.
  9. geniusMoment

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    I started watching wrestling in 1991, I was 8. At the time I watched the WWF so I never got a chance to see any of the NWA stuff. After comparing the WWF's lighting and production work in the mid 80's to NWA's a simple question comes to mind: What the fuck? I thought NWA was a major company. That company had worse production values than a third rate ECW rip off. The ring lighting and general feel was like that of an indy promotion. When did NWA/WCW actually make their promotion seem like it was funded properly? I don't need all types of pyro or fancy lighting, I realize much of it wasn't around back then, even in the WWF. But just some simple lighting grids would have been nice. I am probably in the minority here but to me the dark dreary feel really hurt the matches. For the flair dvd where the production values any better for his matches in 89 against funk and steamboat?
  10. geniusMoment


    If TNA is stupid enough to bring in Warrior I will piss my pants and wear them as a hat to class all day on Thursday. I guarantee it.
  11. geniusMoment

    AL Rookie of the Year

    Jody was clevelands rookie of the year not the AL's.
  12. geniusMoment

    Upcoming WWE storylines

    vince said he was abused by his mother in a playboy interview. In that same interview he also said he cheated on his wife until 1994. He said the sex was great but he didn't know how much it hurt her. He is quite possibly the biggest ass ever. Second only to Mike Awesome.
  13. geniusMoment

    Looking Ahead to the 2004 MLB Season

    Reds will go 161-1 this season. Losing only opening day against the cubs. I would seriously mark out if Bartman threw out the ceremonial first pitch on opening day. Ideas like that make me what I am.
  14. geniusMoment

    Looks Like MLW Is Dead

    Keller just said the company is probably gone unless they can find new funding. There are no more events scheduled. Thats what you get for investing in a six sided ring.
  15. geniusMoment

    Trade Me To Dallas

    I am considering starting another reds thread since I am back from my leave. Someone convince me to. It is my goal to post something in the reds thread everyday until the first game against the cubs.
  16. geniusMoment

    Trade Me To Dallas

    Trade him to the reds. We need a third baseman, Dillion took batting practice and looked pretty good. Also he could teach adam dunn how to fight and how to not be such a pussy.
  17. geniusMoment

    WWE Smackdown

    I would subscribe to raw if and only if pictures of trish's beaver were included in each magazine.
  18. geniusMoment

    Good question

    Why not? I have charisma and workrate. What else do you want? Its my time now, elevate the younger guys or be passed by.
  19. geniusMoment

    Good question

    Me. I deserve to be made a star by the Rock. Thats what everyone here wants, more me.
  20. Where would it have led. I have one word for you: BEAVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. geniusMoment

    If Angle had joined the WWF in 97

    Shamrock had the much better anklelock. He had the kick ass version where he sat down with one of his legs crossing over the back of his opponents knee. Angle does the gay standing version which everyone reverses.
  22. geniusMoment

    Soething bugged me about Coach vs. JR

    I actually really enjoyed Coach and Snow on Raw this week. They seemed to finally get into their groove. The idea of two heel announcers was refreshing. I thought it was hilarious when they called Rosey a big pile of shit. I am so sick of two babyface announcers, in King and JR.
  23. geniusMoment

    That old guy with the grey hair and glasses?

    Who was the guy with the balding blonde hair. He had a Hulk like hair style and always ran out with the suits to stop something bad.
  24. geniusMoment

    Eddie Guerrero get into a confrontation with a fan

    Eddie and the fan were both in the wrong in my opinion. Attacking the fan just for a beer is completely idiotic.
  25. geniusMoment

    Deja vu on Smackdown!...

    Austin was major over by Rumble 1997. He called Bret Shitman late 1996. I remember the night after the rumble when bret quit and austin cut this great promo on everybody. The crowd was eating it up.