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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    donny d

    It's really boggles the mind why his girlfriend won't let him see his kid, and why he dropped out of high school doesn't it. I mean, he seems balanced, no anger problems at all.
  2. geniusMoment

    Hey JustPassinBy

    How do you feel about "the gays"?
  3. geniusMoment

    Fucking Wisconsin

    In 1994, it was a snowy day in Madison, Wisconsin when Shirley Manson joined the band Garbage, forever changing the music industry. And since I want to bang Shirley, Wisconsin is always okay be me.
  4. geniusMoment

    Hey JustPassinBy

    This board needs more diversity, and less bannings of minorities. A couple of months ago sillynigger, sillynegro and world'sgreatestgook were all banned within days of each other. How can we diversify ourselves when the mods go around banning all the minorities.
  5. geniusMoment

    Kennedy Declares...

    This doesn't deserve it's own thread. It barely deserves mention in the comments thread.
  6. geniusMoment

    Why the hell is it so hard to meet people...

    That's a given.
  7. geniusMoment

    Why the hell is it so hard to meet people...

    Just give it some time. Joke around with the people who sit next to you in some of your classes and see how they respond. Once you start talking with someone ask if they want to get lunch at one of the restaurants on campus or something. Just go from there. The biggest thing is making idle conversation with people who look like the type you will like.
  8. geniusMoment

    1st day of College...

    I have 102 credit hours, which means I get to schedule right away, giving me the luxury of not schooling it up on mon. and friday. But, only one class on Monday, and none of friday is very good for a first semester. If the Monday class is one you can skip liberally, you'll be rocking your nuts off as well. And, college is very easy, it really is. The key is knowing what classes you need to show up for, and what classes you can skip. I have a 3.9 GPA, and I don't really study too much, except for the LSAT. I've found college to be much easier than high school.
  9. geniusMoment

    1st day of College...

    Backpacks? The real cool collegites carry their books under their left or right arm. But, I schedule my classes so that I never have to carry more than two books at a time. My schedule rocks everyone else's nuts off. Tues/Thurs. 1 class from 10:50-12:05 Constitutional Law Tues night 1 class from 6-9 The Law of Mass Communications Wed. night 1 class from 6-9 The Judicial Process Then 3 credit hours for working on the school paper (ie doing nothing, the same as last semester) 4 day weekends every week, no job and unlimited possibilities. I have one year of college before law school, and I'm planning on enjoying it.
  10. geniusMoment

    A message from DRH 502

    DRH and Frogg are the reasons why condoms should be used. Even though, we do need roofers, and I guess we need drugged out "thugs" to hang on street corners. Just as long as they realize their respective places in this world.
  11. geniusMoment

    Kurt Angle released!

    This is from the Torch. I like the part about Angle's stripper wifey. Kurt Angle's career comes to screeching halt WWE and Angle "agree to part ways," WWE goes public with it COVER STORY By Wade Keller, editor Last Friday, WWE broke off ties with Kurt Angle and granted him an unconditional release. They immediately announced the decision on WWE.com. Angle instantly became a free agent, able to immediately sign with TNA, UFC, New Japan, Zero One, K-1, or NASCAR if he wanted. The string of events that led up to the severing of ties on Friday is a complex web of problems in Angle's life, both personal and professional, which manifested into a situation WWE wanted no part of. WWE has said that they would welcome him back - and they genuinely would - but only if he makes changes in his life and gets help for his abundance of problems. WWE's public comment on the situation initially was: "Due to personal issues, Kurt Angle has been granted an early release from his contract. WWE looks forward to establishing a new relationship with Kurt in the near future." The story then highlighted his great accomplishments in his WWE career. The next day, Angle granted WWE.com an interview. "My body is so beat up and run down, I can't even think straight," said Angle. "I need my body to reheal and rehab, I have done this for too long without a break. I haven't been able to really enjoy my life. I haven't seen my family, I've had problems with medication - I'm just fried physically and mentally." Angle's business manager David Hawk was quoted in the story, also. "Kurt's in a tremendous amount of pain," he said. "He's used prescription medication to deal with it. Kurt has come to the conclusion that unless he can get in the ring without the use of pain medication, then he doesn't need to be in there. He realizes he was just endangering himself and his opponents." Angle said he can't even think about returning until he heals up mentally and physically. "Vince says when I'm ready, if I'm ever ready, to come back and just sign on the dotted line," Angle said. "I'll tell you, if I do return, I'm going back to my roots, training on the mat like my amateur days. Longevity is the key." Vince McMahon commented on the situation on Monday. He said: "It's unfortunate that Kurt was released, and it's really unfortunate for the WWE fans who, for a while at least, won't see Angle in action. (Angle) is a consummate professional; obviously he's a great athlete, and he's the only Olympic Gold Medalist in WWE history. Not to have Kurt with us is really unfortunate all the way around... but circumstances were such that Kurt should have been, and was, granted his release... "Kurt has a history of being one of the greatest athletes that America has ever seen. It's no secret that even when Kurt won the Olympic Gold Medal, he did so with a broken neck. Kurt has been dealing with that pain, and the advancement of that pain, as well as other injuries. He had been dealing with that injury since he won the gold medal; he had been masking it in many ways just so he could go out and compete. Kurt only knows 100-percent; he is not one of those guys who can go out and compete at an 85-percent level. He just cannot do that; he's a thoroughbred. He has to go as fast, and as great, and as strong as he possibly can; that's the only way Kurt Angle knows. "WWE would certainly welcome Kurt back with open arms. I think Kurt has some issues he has to face, as we all do from time to time. We all have our demons, and as human beings, it is important for us to overcome them and become better human beings, athletes, and business people." Angle has a badly damaged neck. He has had numerous ring injuries over his seven year career in WWE. He has taken prescription pills to deal with the pain. For years, the number of pain pills he was taking was of great concern to his fellow wrestlers who knew him well, especially those close enough to him to call him during his off days, when he was often borderline incoherent from the effects of the pills he was taking. He also had a rep for hiding the severity of his addiction from Vince McMahon at live events. One former WWE wrestler who has battled pain pill addiction and gone through treatment tells PWTorch that tolerance builds up quickly and dramatically over time. He says that someone who has been using pills for several years can build up a tolerance to the point of taking literally up to 75-100 pills a day to get any desired effect. "That is not a safe habit or an easy habit to break free from," he says. Although the WWE Wellness Policy likely did detect sharply elevated levels of certain medication in Angle's system, and it did result in his suspension last month, his release may not be directly related to the Wellness Policy. Although it drew attention to an issue he had, releasing Angle breaks from WWE's track record of sending talents with drug addiction issues to treatment, saving lives in the process. There is some dispute among WWE sources over what the key issue was with Angle, but part of the timing of the situation was his contract coming due. Angle's contract, estimated to have a $1 million downside guarantee, is set to expire early next year. Negotiations for a renewal began recently. Angle and his agent may not have been happy with the terms of the renewal. Details are not confirmed, but informed sources believe that WWE may have asked Angle to check himself in for a 13-week detoxification and treatment program for his medical problems. Angle may not have been willing to take that step, and that could have created an impasse. Angle, who has a rep for being an incredibly nice person among his colleagues ("happy go lucky," says one wrestler), has also always been a touch moody. The mood swings have been said to be much worse lately, to the point that he was said to be driving people in ECW crazy. Angle also was concerned about his move to ECW. ECW is the "third brand," and considered a bit of a demotion in some people's eyes. It also could be perceived as an honor by Angle to be chosen to head up a new brand that McMahon is serious about turning into a significant revenue generator for the company. By being in ECW, though, it was unlikely that Angle would top his downside guarantee of $1 million. He wouldn't come close with his ECW house show, ECW TV, and two ECW PPV appearances. He would need to have consistent and significant placement on the tri-brand, big-name PPVs, including WrestleMania. Even so, in a best case scenario, as part of ECW he was probably looking at a pay cut from his peak years. Angle, though, wasn't said to be openly disgruntled about his role in ECW. It was more a situation where he seemed overeager to turn ECW into a big deal. Sources say he had too many ideas, almost to a manic degree. The biggest issue with Angle, which multiple sources believe was the key issue instigating most of his problems, was trouble back home in Pittsburgh. He has been through a rocky relationship with his wife, Karen. They officially separated a year ago, then got back together, then split again this year, and are now in the process of filing for divorce. People who know his wife, or know of her though being around Angle day after day, say she has been a handful, to put it nicely. She would obsessively track Angle's moves and, according to one close friend of Angle, "act so paranoid and possessive it would drive anyone to want to cheat." Meanwhile, lately, Angle has had to suffer the indignity of rumors in Pittsburgh, where he is a local celebrity, that his wife was cavorting around, partying publicly, and displaying men on her arm, in an alleged attempt to humiliate him or get back at him. Angle has had family pressure for years to support them financially to the point in some cases that it became an emotional drain to go home rather than a relief. "Going home should be a release for a wrestler with Angle's schedule," says one source. "For Kurt, it was a nightmare. He couldn't wait to get back on the road and away from the drama." But Angle is not just a husband, he is also a father. He and his wife have a daughter together who turns four in December. His wife is also pregnant at this time, due at the end of the year. Angle was said to be so emotionally taxed that WWE felt it was only a matter of time before he cracked, or worse. Investing a long-term contract in him at this point, given the direction of his life, seemed like a bad investment. But Angle may have been hesitant to fully deal with the issues he has, especially if it meant checking into a 13 week treatment center where he'd be cut off from the outside world, including most interaction with family and friends, during the final trimester of his wife's pregnancy. There is also a belief that Angle has been in denial over how bad everything is. His comments on WWE.com, though, were seen as a positive sign since he is admitting to having issues with his medication and a need to get his family life straightened out and mental health in order. Besides medication issues, contract issues, family issues, and health issues, Angle is also dealing with aging issues. He has been a standout athlete his entire life. Winning the gold medal in the Olympics in amateur wrestling is considered among the toughest achievements in all of individual sports. He excelled in wrestling in college, as a two-time NCAA Division I champion (1990 and 1992) and three-time NCAA Division I All-American at Clario University in Pennsylvania. He excelled in high school wrestling, also. Acknowledging that his body is slowing down, as he approaches his 38th birthday in December, is not a small thing for someone whose very identity has been tied to physical superiority and outstanding athletic achievements throughout his entire adult life. At this point, Angle's future is unknown and impossible to predict with any confidence. The greatest fear among those who know him best in WWE is that he'll try to prove Vince McMahon wrong by signing with another pro wrestling group or an MMA group. There will offers from MMA groups who would love their top star to have a win over an Olympic gold medalist on their resume and enjoy the windfall of business that would come from a high-profile main event PPV match, such as Angle vs. UFC's Middleweight Champion Chuck Lidell or Angle vs. Pride Middlweight Champion Wanderlei Silva, who would be in his weight category. Numbness in his hand, a direct result of neck problems, is a sign that he could be one big bump away from paralysis, which makes the prospects of him even passing a physical to be involved in an MMA fight questionable. TNA would love to feature him, but there's little to entice Angle to sign with TNA other than spite, since there are no compelling opponents in TNA for Angle other than Samoa Joe, but politics have held Joe down from a meaningful top spot to make that match the draw it could be. TNA also doesn't have the money to compete with other offers, nor the exposure and prestige to not seem like a step down for Angle. However, Angle has enough confidence in himself that he might think he could be a huge factor in creating legitimate competition for WWE by being part of TNA. Angle could also take the time off he needs, get the help he needs, and return to WWE as a wrestler sometime next year. Although his body is in rough shape, especially his neck, there is belief within WWE that if he worked a virtually bump-free style, he could wrestle several more years. If anyone could pull off a virtually bump-free style, it's Angle, although he's shown no propensity to scale back his style to protect his fragile body. Angle could also return to WWE for a non-wrestling role, such as being a color commentator, a road agent, a trainer, or an on-air manager. He could work for himself, such as writing a tell-all book about his life and his WWE experiences or open independent amateur or pro wrestling training centers or become a motivational speaker touring the country. WWE.com published comments from several Angle colleagues regarding his departure. Said Paul Heyman: "This is the best thing for both parties.?Kurt has spent his entire life driven to be the best at what he does. Kurt's body, however, could no longer preform to the level that he envisioned for himself. (Kurt) was prepared to drive himself into an early grave simply to live with himself striving to be?No. 1.?This is a recipe for catastrophe, and taking time off to get his mind and body in sync is the only way to deal with these issues." Said Dean Malenko: "People have to worry about their life first, and Kurt needs to get his head straight and get himself happy." Said Chavo Guerrero: "He's a machine; there has to be something else going on."?? Said Ken Kennedy: "I'm shocked, but I'm happy Kurt's doing what's right.?He's been in a lot of pain, and hopefully this decision saved his life.?It sucks because Kurt is good for this company.?He's the most intense wrestler I have ever seen." Said Rey Mysterio: "I was shocked. I just couldn't believe it. I go back a long way with Kurt, and this has really affected me. I hope he can get his issues straightened out.?We all have issues with this lifestyle because it's not easy.?I hope he keeps plugging away because I'd love to see him in the ring again someday." If his colleagues who said they were shocked really were shocked, they either weren't paying attention to obvious signals or Angle hid his stress when he was around them. Angle, though, was level-headed upon entering WWE. In his WWE.com interview, McMahon stressed that Angle has medical issues related, among other things, to a broken neck he suffered in the Olympics. In other words, it wasn't a problem that started in WWE. By releasing him, it's also a problem that won't end - well or otherwise - in WWE. One source who was close to Angle when he first arrived in WWE says he definitely was not using prescription pain pills when he fist entered WWE. If Angle does get treatment and gets his personal life in order, he almost certainly will be welcome back. In the mean time, though, he's on his own. On the "McMahon" DVD, Angle (prophetically?) says: "Everybody says Vince is a nice guy he'll do anything for you. Yeah, he will, but if you don't give that in return, he'll spit you out and step on you and leave you there." If Angle is upset with being released, he may let it be known in the media. He could follow the path of Brock Lesnar and badmouth WWE while seeking employment elsewhere. But given how positive he has been about Vince McMahon and how passionate he's been toward WWE during his stint with the company, it's more likely he'll attempt to do what it takes to get back in. The word most often used when describing Angle is "competitive." Usually "ultra-" is thrown in front of the word. It may take a while for Angle to accept that his options are more limited than before, but given his personality, odds are strong he will find a way to compete in some other way as fiercely as he always has.
  12. geniusMoment

    Pictures I Like

    Best thread on the board
  13. geniusMoment

    Any weed smokers here???

    No, some people can function and use drugs just fine. But, when someone has a serious drug addiction smoking pot is a horrible choice, as it puts you in situations where a relapse is more likely. And, I think you're more intelligent than the two posters I was talking about, I don't think you would do anything in front of your kid, if you had one. I have no doubts they would, because they're weak. And frogg, if you talk like you write good luck getting a job anywhere but on a street corner.
  14. geniusMoment

    Any weed smokers here???

    I'm talking to Frogg here: Let's see, you're some fucking druggie loser, while I'm about ready to start Brandeis Law School. You're telling a father it's okay to do all sorts of drugs, that all major studies say negatively impacts a child's life, and I'm the moron. The problem is you're weak and pathetic, you should be willing to sacrifice everything for your kid. I don't have a kid, but when I have one I'll never be drunk in front of him/her, much less do what you're talking about. I've heard about your fucked up life, and you're so stupid that you don't realize that your actions only keep you in that life, and in turn keep your future generations in said life. I've never seen either of my parents drunk, I've never hit a girl or been arrested, and I've never done drugs. The problem with DRH is that he is a classic example of a chronic drug abuser, he's stopped but still writes about past drug experiences with a fond tone, this just screams a fall back, and, in turn, makes it reasonable for his girlfriend to not let him see his kid. It's just a matter of when, not if, he screws up again. The problem is you put yourself in horrible situations, and do horrible things, and then complain about consequences. You are responsible for your future, even if you have a fucked up family. And yet you continue down the same path of destruction, soon you'll be engulfed in the sickening filth enveloping your soul. You want to know what real badass is, real badass is going to school and work ever fucking day to make yourself better. Not giving in to pressure, the thug life and drugs. Real badass is giving up everything for your kids, teaching them to be happy and healthy. People say they love their kids more than anything all the time, but their actions speak otherwise. I find it humorous that I'm called an idiot, when in the same post you mention meth. And DRH, if you really want to be clean go to an addiction speciaist, and guess what, they'll tell you that you NEED to get off weed. Weed isn't always a gateway drug, and some can do it and be fine, but with your past problems the chances of falling back greatly increase with your use. But, maybe you know better than people who deal with these issues every fucking day. If you think I'm an asshole, fine, but be a man and get yourself totally clean, and get an education. Sacrifice for your kid, and don't listen to most of the people in this thread. By the way, I think drugs should be legalized, as studies show that usage wouldn't dramatically increase, and crime would go done. But, for people with past addiction problems smoking pot is a horrible idea, as you are putting yourself back into similar situations. By the way, neither of you are close to being clean, you've just replaced one drug with another. You both need rehab, and real medical help. Or just continue living in your shit lives while I'm called an asshole.
  15. geniusMoment

    Any weed smokers here???

    No wonder your life is so fucked up, and you actually deserve it. Next time you look in the mirror realize your girlfriend is right for not wanting to see you. I'm just glad a piece of shit like you wasn't my dad. Do the world a favor and put a shotgun in your mouth.
  16. geniusMoment

    I Called My Ex-GF A Cunt

    A few years ago me and my girlfriend were at a bar in Cincy called "Japs on Mainstreet". The Braves were in town, and some of the players were there (the bar is a hotbed for sports personalities). Anyway, Chipper Jones was sitting at a table when my girlfriend and I walked up to an elevated bar. Chipper grabbed her hand as she passed, but she pulled her hand away, and he called her a "cunt whore." We both thought it was hilarious.
  17. geniusMoment

    Mel Gibson Arrested

    What if you hate Jews and Arabs, who do you side with then?
  18. geniusMoment

    I dominate Forums Stuff

    Dude, I typed in bold pink during the AIM chat last night. Seriously, ask CWM or Slayer. You really are a second-rate me. He does beat you in the best thread on the board, and the only real reason to come here..................................the pictures I like thread.
  19. geniusMoment

    Mel Gibson Arrested

    You know who is to blame for all this? THE FUCKING JEWS. I swear someone should just round all the fuckers up and put them in camps. Wait, oh yeah, lol.
  20. geniusMoment

    TWiB 7/24 - 7/30

    I love that fat little Mexican, and Im not afraid to say it. Praise Eddie Guardado.
  21. geniusMoment

    The Talk Radio Thread

    Bill Cunningham on the Big One.
  22. geniusMoment

    Happy Birthday to

    Just when I thought this board couldn't get any gayer people go and do this.
  23. geniusMoment

    TWiB 7/24 - 7/30

    Adam Dunn is 7-7 with 2 walks in his last 9 at-bats. The best thing to ever happen to him was trading away his party boyfriend.
  24. geniusMoment

    Any weed smokers here???

    I fucked a girl from Foster, Kentucky once. She was quite the pot smoker. It's funny because I've never even smoked a cig, much less lighted one up. She had great redneck poon though, I've got to give her that.
  25. geniusMoment

    Hey, Choken One.

    That's different. I'm sure there's many people from the Cincinnati area who likes all the local teams and NASCAR. I tend to think Hawk was someone before... he seemed to know too much here when he started. And the post count. That's the first time I've ever seen you make a post with a grammar error, and two none the less.