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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    Dude, it's one game, and I like the Astros, but I think another bat would really help your team.
  2. geniusMoment

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Fuck, this means more WWECW
  3. geniusMoment

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Damn, no one is watching this.
  4. geniusMoment

    ECW's return to the ECW Arena - Live Results

    How did Pioneer get clearance to use the alternate version of "Enter Sandman" on their dvd's then, as they took out all the music they could be sued for. So, there must be some type of loopehole that WWE is just too stupid to understand.
  5. geniusMoment


  6. geniusMoment


    It's probably hard to see with his faggy goggles on, or whatever the fuck he called them.
  7. geniusMoment

    Good lifting plan?

    because no one here works out or has had experience with this kind of topic in anyway... There is a big difference between getting advice from someone one on one, someone who will be better able to evaluate his form and develop a thought out plan and getting advice from a bunch of people over the internet who have never even seen him workout. Plus, a trainer would push him to do better and make sure he didn't slack off, something we can't do.
  8. geniusMoment

    Hey Hawk34.

    I never said I wasn't an asshole, just that he is a cocksucker.
  9. geniusMoment

    Hey Hawk34.

    He is quite the cocksucker. If you read the thread about leaving your date and the thread about Marvin's ineptitude in dating he comes off as some holier than thou prick.
  10. geniusMoment

    Good lifting plan?

    Why don't you get a trainer from your school's gym, working out with a trainer really will help more than any advice you get here.
  11. geniusMoment

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Here is something better you pervert. http://www.filecabi.net/video/wetkatey.html
  12. geniusMoment

    Good lifting plan?

    8 isn't considered low reps by most, it is right around average. 3-5 is a low rep set, that's what my personal trainer and my strength coach preach. My advice would be for you to get a personal trainer, they will make sure you do the excercises, and that you do them correctly. You need something tailored to you, and since you're naturally big it will be easier to transform your fat into muscle. It's hard, and sometimes impossible, for a little guy to get big without serious supplements or steriods. Also, I have a bowflex in my bedroom, this means I can workout whenever I want. It really is helpful.
  13. geniusMoment

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Neither of those are thongs, they're just the booty shorts that look like thongs at the bottom. Stacy used to wear the same things in WCW. But, this debate is stupid anyway as I would fire all the divas as women's wrestling blows.
  14. geniusMoment

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Where have you been? Since when have females been restricted in wearing thongs? Every girl who wears a skirt in WWE always has a thong showing, and very visibly. And really, those underwear that all the girls wear...the booty ones, might as well be thongs as they ride up their asses so much. Though the male asses weren't appreciated on this front. On Raw, the only male asses I pretty well want to see are Edge's and Nitro's. Actually, none of the females wear thongs anymore. They all wear those booty shorts that would be considered granny panties on my campus. And none of the girls wear thongs? This girl and this girl would beg to differ. No, neither wear thongs unless it's a house show or unless they know they won't be seen. They wear those booty shorts that look like a thong at the very bottom but aren't. The last diva to show an actual thong was Trish Stratus when she dressed as Mickie or when Torrie basically gives herself one, but even then the camera pans away. This is an actual edict from above, women aren't to wear thongs. Watch a bikini contest from 98 compared to one now, the difference is evident. Steph had the idea that women should be portrayed as beautiful divas, while Russo wanted them portrayed as dirty gutter sluts. Thats the difference.
  15. geniusMoment

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Where have you been? Since when have females been restricted in wearing thongs? Every girl who wears a skirt in WWE always has a thong showing, and very visibly. And really, those underwear that all the girls wear...the booty ones, might as well be thongs as they ride up their asses so much. Though the male asses weren't appreciated on this front. On Raw, the only male asses I pretty well want to see are Edge's and Nitro's. Actually, none of the females wear thongs anymore. They all wear those booty shorts that would be considered granny panties on my campus.
  16. geniusMoment

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    No, but you might want to start shopping in the mature section of your local video store. The gay mature section that is. The gay mature section featuring lots of male ass. Gay. Ass.
  17. geniusMoment

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Sabu should start wearing chaps, nice assless chaps. He'd fit in more on the gay porn show cleverly disguised as a wrestling event that is Raw. It's uncut, uncooked and uncensored.
  18. geniusMoment

    WWE News and Notes

    Meltz said a 5 hour supershow on 7/3, but I thought they were taping 7/4 at the ECW Arena?
  19. geniusMoment

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    Just so you guys know, the whole show is now posted on you tube in installments.
  20. geniusMoment

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    I'm not watching that shit again. Fuck, I can't believe I bought fucking tickets for the show at the ECW Arena on the 24th. I was going to drag my girl with me to show her ECW, now I'll probably just save the trip and give away the tickets. This blows.
  21. geniusMoment

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    That ECW show was beyond bad, something that words cannot describe. The production values, crowd, camera shots and wrestling were all WWE style. If one show can kill a promotion, this was it. We're talking Buff Bagwell/Booker T kind of stuff here. That was the worst wrestling show I have ever seen in terms of getting across what it needed to. Paul should quit if he cares about his legacy at all.
  22. geniusMoment

    African-Americans: The Rock Needs YOU!

    Maybe I should go in blackface, it will be hilarious.
  23. geniusMoment

    Ben Roth.

    What's really funny though, is that I don't even really like the Bengals or football, but everyone here has played their role effectively. Truthfully, I don't give a fuck if the Bengals lose every game this year, I'm too busy. You know, the corpses in the basement and all.
  24. geniusMoment

    Ben Roth.

    Dude, you're sad. Cincy had their chance. They blew it. Get over it. Get well, Ben. Actually, the Steelers injured Carson, that's the only reason they won, then Cowher mocked the Bengals at the post season parade. And I'm saddened to hear that Ben's injuries aren't more serious. Oh, I feel so fucking bad for him. Maybe I'll send the stupid fuck a get well card. this clearly was not a genius moment. i sorta feel sorry for you. to have such a loose grasp of reality must be taxing on those around you. you know, to honestly begrudge another human being (to the point of death) because of sports. i know this isn't entirely rare. but the people who do so are usually the ones who have 8 year old girls raped corpses hooked from the ceiling in their basement. How'd you know about the basement? I thought only me and one other person knew about that, and that person isn't talking ever again. Don't worry though, this isn't just Ben. I was also happy when I heard Sir Albert of St. Louis was hurt. You'd think someone who has played four years of high level college ball would be more understanding of athletes, but you're wrong.
  25. geniusMoment

    Ben Roth.

    Dude, you're sad. Cincy had their chance. They blew it. Get over it. Get well, Ben. Actually, the Steelers injured Carson, that's the only reason they won, then Cowher mocked the Bengals at the post season parade. And I'm saddened to hear that Ben's injuries aren't more serious. Oh, I feel so fucking bad for him. Maybe I'll send the stupid fuck a get well card.